PHYS Gut Secretions I - Week 4 Flashcards
Acidity of salivary, stomach, pancreas, bile, SI & LI secretions.
7-8. 1-3.5, 8, 8, 8.
Saliva composition
- H2O (97-99.5%)
- Na, K, Ca, Mg, PO4, HCO3, Cl
- Salivary amylase
- Mucin
- Immunoglobulins
Functions of saliva
- Lubrication
- Digestion
- Protection
- Control of H2O intake
- Speech
- Absorption (e.g., of nitrates in certain medications)
- Taste sensation
Salivary glands classifications & locations.
Saliva is secreted from salivary/buccal glands @ mucosa (epithelial lining of mouth) = intrinsic salivary glands.
Saliva is also secreted from the sublingual/parotid & submandibular glands @ mucosa = extrinsic salivary glands.
Salivation process
Stimulus -> Olfactory/gustatory/visual/auditory cortex (higher centres) -> excite salivatory nucleus of the medulla -> activation of salivary glands -> salivation.
Factors which inhibit salivation include:
Sleeping, stress
Factors which increase salivation include:
Nausea, increased acidity of the oral cavity, hunger/approach of food.
What is xerostomia?
Dry mouth.
Xerostomia treatment
M receptor agonist.
What is ptyalism?
Excessive saliva production.
Ptyalism treatment.
M receptor antagonist.
What is deglutition?
Process of bolus passing from mouth to stomach.
3 phases of swallowing
- Buccal phase (voluntary ) – skeletal muscles of tongue contract -> push bolus to top of pharynx -> bolus activates touch-sensitive/mechanoreceptors @ pharynx wall.
- Pharyngeal phase (involuntary) – uvula rises & closes off nasal passages and epiglottis lowers & closes off trachea -> upper oesophagus relaxes -> oesophageal peristalsis.
- Oesophageal phase (involuntary) – gastroesophageal/lower oesophageal sphincter relaxes -> bolus enters stomach.
What part of the brain controls the buccal phase?
Cerebral cortex.
What parts of the brain/nerves control the pharyngeal & oesophageal phases?
Swallowing centre @ medulla -> efferent outputs (via vagal nerve)
Both parasympathetic nerves (innervating the smooth muscle @ lower oesophagus & gastroesophageal sphincters) and somatic motor nerves (innervating the skeletal muscle @ pharynx, upper oesophageal sphincter) travel via vagus nerve.