PHARM Osteoporosis - Week 11 Flashcards
Describe process involved in maintaining bone homeostasis.
In the maintenance of bone homeostasis, cytokines stimulates osteoblasts to express RANKL -> binds to RANK receptors on osteoclast progenitor cells in free form or membrane-bound on osteoblasts -> osteoclast bone resorption.
NB: Osteoblasts also synthesise & secrete OPG = osteoprotegerin – acts to protect bone from breakdown, by competitively binding to RANKL (in place of RANK).
Risk factors for osteoporosis
- Increase PTH
- Increased RANKL
- Decreased OPG
- Decreased oestrogen
- Decreased calcium/Vit D
- Decreased TSH
- Previous minimal trauma fractures
- Oral corticosteroid use
- RA – due to medications, mentioned below
- High alcohol intake
- Current smoking Hx
- FHx of low trauma fractures (esp of spine/hip)
- Early menopause
Medications incl: glucocorticoids, thyroid hormones, heparin, some anti-epileptic drugs, gonatoropin-releasing hormone agonist/analogues, aromatase inhibitors, thiazolidinediones.