philippine environmental laws Flashcards
philippine environmental laws are the collection of ____, ____, ____ and ____ that governs how human interact with their environment
common laws
philippine environmental law aims to ____ and ____ clean air that meets the _____ guidelines values for criteria pollutants throughout the philippines while minimizing the possible associated impacts to the economy
achieve and maintain
national air quality
philippine environmental laws covers
air quality
water quality
waste management and remediation of contaminated land
contaminant clean up
pesticides and hazardous
chemical safety
hunting and fishing
management of public lands and natural resources
clean air act of 1999
R.A. no 8749
when was the total phaseout of leaded gasoline
31 jan 2001
examples of air sampling
source sampling
motor emission test
continuous ambient air quality monitoring station
the AQMS is under ____ of the ____
air quality management section
EQMD: environmental quality management division
EMB: environmental management bureau-central office
what is the main task of air quality management section AQMS
implement and enforce the R.A no 8749
what is the philippine rank in air quality
philippines cleanest city -
philippines most polluted city -
philippines cleanest city - balanga, central luzon
philippines most polluted city - taguig, national capital region
tR.A no 9211 is an act regulating the ___, ___, ___, ___, ____ of tobacco products and for other purposes
R.A no 9211 is to protect the populace from ____ and protect the right to ____ and instill ____ among them
hazardous products
health conscioussness
R.A no 9211 promote general welfare to safeguard the interests of the _____ and _____ in the tobacco industry
other stakeholders
R.A no 9211 institute a balanced policy whereby the use, sale and the advertisements of tobacco products shall be regulated in order to _______
promote a healthy environment
R.A. no 6969 prohibits the entry and transit of ____ and ____ and their ____ into the philippine ______ for whatsoever purpose
nuclear waste
territorial limits
R.A no 6969
ensures proper ____, ____, ____, ____ and ____ of solid waste through the ____ and _____ of best eco-waste products.
toxic, hazardous and waste control act of 1990
R.A no 6969
Tobacco Regulation act of 2003
R.A. no. 9211
Clean Water act of 2004
R.A no. 9275
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
R.A. no. 9003
R.A. no 9003 sets the minimum requirements to ensure systematic ___ and ___ of wastes and the proper protection of the health of the ____
garbage collectors
how does R.A. no 9003 provides a comprehensive and integrated strategy to to prevent and minimize pollution
through a multi-sectoral and participatory approach involving all stakeholders (the goal is to incorporate diverse viewpoints and priorities into decision-making and strategy development)
aims to protect the country’s water bodies from pollution from land-based sources
R.A no 9003 - Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000
R.A no. 9275
____, ____ or ____ material of any kind directly or indirectly into water bodies or along the margin of any surface water
causing to be deposited
it is the water quality standards, general effluent standards, designated water quality management area
R.A no. 9275 - Clean Water Act of 2004
these are concentrations of pollutants expressed in terms of parts per million for wastewater discharged through outfall pipes from publicy owned sewage treatment plants or industrial plants
general effluent standard
R.A no 9147 conserve and protect the wildlife species and their habitats to ___ and ____
promote ecological balance
enhance biological diversity
an act of providing for the establishment and management of national integrated protected areas system, defining its scope and coverage as well as for other purposes
R.A no. 9147 - Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act
for biodiversity conservation
R.A no. 9147 - Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act
Wildlife Resources Conversation and Protection Act
R.A no. 9147
National Integrated Protected Area System of 1992
R.A no. 7586
encompass ecologically rich and unique areas and biologically important public lands that are habitats of rare and threatened species of plants and animals, biogeographic zones and related ecosystems, whether terrestrial, wetland or marine, all of which will be designated as “protected areas”
R.A no 7586 - National Integrated Protected Area System of 1922
what are some protected areas in the philippines
▪ Lamao Forest Reserve in Bataan
▪ Mariquina Reserve in Rizal
▪ Angat River Reserve in Bulacan
▪ Caliraya Falls Reserve in Laguna
▪ La Carlota Reserve in Negros
▪ San Ramon Reserve in Zamboanga
▪ Magalang Reserve in Pampanga
▪ Hacienda San Antonio in Isabela
examples of categories of protected areas
o Strict Nature Reserve
o Natural Park
o Natural Monument
o Wildlife Sanctuary
o Protected Landscapes and Seascapes
o Resource Reserve
o Natural Biotic Areas
o Other categories established by law, conventions, or international agreements which the Philippine Government is a signatory.
The Indigenous People’s Right Act of 1997
R.A no 8371
RA. no. 8371 recognize and promote all the rights of the ____ and ____
ICCs - Indigenous Cultural Communities
IPs - Indigenous People
an act to recognize, protect, and promote the rights of indigenous cultural communities/indigenous people, creating a national commission on indigenous people,
establishing implementing mechanisms, appropriating
funds therefore, and for other purposes.
R.A no. 8371 - Indigenous People’s Right Act of 1997
National Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2008
R.A no. 9512
promotion of environmental awareness through environmental education which shall ecompass:
o environmental concepts and principles
o environmental laws;
o the state of international and local environment;
o local environmental best practices;
o the threats of environmental degradation and its impact on human well-being;
o the responsibility of the citizenry to the
environment; and
o the value of conservation, protection, and rehabilitation of natural resources and the environment
the anti-dumping act of 1999
R.A no. 8752
provides protection to a domestic industry which is being injured or is likely to be injured by the dumping of products imported into or sold in the Philippines
R.A no 8752
environmental law works to protect ___, ___, ___, and ___
what happens if the environmental law are neglected
punishments like:
community service
what happens if there is no environmental laws
the gov wld not be able to punish those who treat the environment poorly
it is a government document that outlines the impact of a proposed project on its surrounding environment
EIS - environmental impact system
the environmental impact assessment system is to facilitate the attainment and maintenance of rational and orderly balance between ____ and ____
socio-economic development
environmental protection
assesses the potential impact of actions “significantly affecting the quality of the human environment”
EIS - environmental impact assessment system