climate change Flashcards
it is long-term heating of Earth’s surface has been observed since the pre-industrial period due to human activities, which increases heat-trapping greenhouse gas levels in Earth’s atmosphere.
global warming
what causes global warming
greenhouse gases
it is a natural phenomenon
greenhouse effect
what is the difference between global warming and climate change
Global warming refers specifically to the overall rising average temperature of the Earth’s surface, including the atmosphere and oceans
Climate change is a broader term that encompasses not just the rising temperatures caused by global warming, but also the various effects and impacts resulting from those higher temperatures
- melting of glaciers
- sea level rise due to melting ice
- shifts in climate patterns
In summary, global warming is about rising temperatures, while climate change refers to all the associated consequences and impacts on the world’s climate systems caused by that warming.
why are greenhouse gases important
to keep our planet at a suitable temp for life
what happens if there is no natural greenhouse effect
the heat emitted by the Earth would simply pass outwards from the Earth’s surface into space and the Earth would have an average temperature of about -20 degree Celsius
what human activities increases the emission of greenhouse gasses - resulting in global warming
clearing forest
burning fossil fuels
releasing industrial gas
true or false:
in the past century, the average temp has risen by 1 degree celcius but it does not have an impact
false - this might not sound like very much but this increase has had a huge impact on our planet
true or false:
the rate of the increase in temperature is increasing. this means that in the next 100 years, the average temperature is likely to increase by more than one degree Celsius
define greenhouse effect
the process through which heat is trapped near Earth’s surface by greenhouse gasses
these gasses reduce the amt of heat of heat escaping from the earth into the atmosphere
the more gasses there are, the more the earth heats up
how do greenhouse gases work
greenhouse work by trapping heat from the sun
the glass panels of the greenhouse let in light but keep heat from escaping
how does the greenhouse effect occur
sun’s energy reaches the earth in the form of light rays
some of this incoming solar energy is reflected back into space, while some is absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere and surface
absorbed energy is then radiated back from earth’s surface as heat
greenhse gas (CO2, methane, nitrous oxide) traps and absorb some of this outgg heat radiation
trapped heat warms earth surface and lower atmosphere = greenhse effect and global warming
The more greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere, primarily from human activities like burning fossil fuels, the more heat gets trapped, causing average global temperatures to rise over time.
what are the greenhouse gases
nitrous oxide
it is the primary greenhouse gas
carbon dioxide comprise ___ percent of all greenhse gas
for the past 60 years, the rise in the level of carbon dioxide has been alarming enough to cause …
severe setbacks in ecosystem
true or false:
CO2 is now 1/3 more than before the industrial revolution
where do CO2 gasses come from
human respiration
burning of fossil fuel to generate electricity
burning of forest
methane accounts how many percent of the greenhouse effect
12-20 percent
how long do methane remain in the atmosphere
10-12 years
what are some human activities that increases the amt of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere
fuel combustion
wastewater management
industrial process
in 2021, nitrous oxide accounts for how many percent
6 percent of all US greenhouse gas emission from human activities
how is ozone created at ground level in urban environments
reaction of urban pollution and sunlight
it is a photochemical smog
it becomes a powerful urban pollutant with negative health effects
it is a harmful gas that depletes the ozone layer and cause a greenhouse effect
sources of chlorofluorocarbon
aerosol sprays (air freshener, paint, car cosmetics)
coolants in fridge and aircons
cleaning solvent (detergent, clorox)
each CFC molecule can trap is equivalent to how many CO2 molecule
100 000
why does CFC were phased out via the Montreal Protocol
due to their part in ozone depletion
it can remain in the atmosphere for a long time
CFC chlorofluorocarbon
the warming trend is expected to bbring
flooding in low lying coastal areas as the polar ice caps melt and raise sea levels
what is the outcome of the expected negative impact of the greenhouse effect on human life has been assessed by some scientists
to be second to global nuclear war
While the specific mechanisms of destruction differ, both climate change and nuclear war have the potential to cause widespread devastation, environmental catastrophes, and significant loss of human life on a global scale.
Identifiable change in the climate of Earth that lasts for an extended period of time (decades or longer)
global climate change
Scientists agree that the Earth’s rising temperatures are fueling longer and hotter heat waves, more frequent droughts, heavier rainfall, and more powerful hurricanes.
extreme weather
what happens when the heat waves, droughts and floods associated with climate change
more frequent, more intense, communities suffer and death toll rises
scientist believe that climate change could lead to how many deaths if we r unable to reduce our emissions
lead to deaths of more than 250 000 people around the globe every year
force 100 million people into poverty by 2030
Heat stress and other heat related health problems are caused directly by very warm temperatures and high humidity.
human health
(heat exhaustion, heat stroke)
what may alter the world’s habitat of plants and animals
climate change
can create conditions that are inhospitable for many plants and animals, forcing them to adapt, migrate, or face the risk of extinction if they cannot adjust to the altered habitats
briefly explain the ecological system of the world’s habitats for plants and animals
most past climate changes occurred slowly, allowing plants and animals to adapt to the environment or move someplace else
plants and animals may not be able to react quickly enough to survive if future climate changes occur as rapidly as scientist predict
it leads to an increase in the evaporation of water
global warming
briefly explain climatic change
with more water vapour, more rainfall is expected
but it is not evenly distributed
- dry areas: severe drought conditions, water shortage and heat waves occur
- wet areas: flood and avalanches (landslides)
while climate change is increasing the overall amount of water vapor in the atmosphere, the distribution of moisture is becoming more uneven. This results in severe droughts and water shortages in some areas, while other regions face an increased risk of flooding, avalanches, and landslides due to excessive rainfall or melting of snow and ice
other problem in climatic change
destroy food crops such as rice, wheat and corn
affect animals making them migrate
encourage growth of weeds and pests = dengue fever and chlorea
what are the climate change causes
- natural process
tectonic plate movement
changes in the sun - energy outpiut of the sun is not constant
shift in earth’s orbit - human activities
any activities that releases greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere
a molecule made up of three oxygen atoms
an area in the stratosphere where ozone is highly concentrated
ozone layer
2nd layer of Earth’s atmosphere
region whr concentration of the zone gas is much higher than other regions
what does ozone layer absorbs
harmful ultraviolet light from the sun before it reached the earth’s surface
good ozone is naturally in the _____ layer of the atmosphere (___ miles up)
10-30 miles up
why is UV harmful to organisms
it can damage the genetic material living cells
skin cancer, eye damage
good zone depletion allows ____ to reach the surface of the earth
ultraviolet radiation
what acts like a sunscreen for the earth’s inhabitants -by how
the ozone in the stratosphere
by shielding the earth’s surface from most of the sun’s UV light
bad ozone is created by chemical reactions between ____, ____ and ____
nitrogen oxides
volatile organic compounds
sunlight (vehicle exhaust, gas vapour, solvents)
when did the CFC discovered that it might be damaging the ozone layer
during the 1970s
difference between good and bad ozone in simplest term
In simple terms, ozone high up in the stratosphere is good because it blocks dangerous UV rays.
But ozone at ground level in the troposphere is bad because it’s a pollutant that can be toxic to breathe and degrade air quality for humans and the environment.
explain why CFC is chemically stable at earth’s surface
they do not combine with other chemicals or break down into other subs
briefly explain when the CFC molecules breaks apart
at high in the stratosphere where the UV radiation is absorbed
one CFC molecule break apart, parts of the CFC molecules destroy protective ozone
over a period of 10-20 years, CFC molecules released at earth’s surface make their way into the stratosphere
what are the effect of ozone thinning on humans
● UV light damages DNA.
● Exposure to UV light makes the body more susceptible to skin cancer and may cause other damaging effects to the human body.
what are the damaging effect ofuv light to
marine life:
land plants:
increase incidence of skin cancer
premature aging of skin
increased incidence of cataracts
weakened immune response
death of eggs
genetic mutations among survivors
reduction of population
marine life:
death of phytoplanktonin surface water
disruption of food chain
reduction in the no. of phototsynthesizers
land plants:
interference with photosynthesis
reduced crop yields
it is a global problem
climate change
to reduce greenhouse effect, working internationally to influence governments to reduce ____, ____, and ____
reduce greenhouse gas emissions
conserve vital forests
help developing countries cope with climate change
briefly explain how to reduce greenhouse effect
by the gov:
by the people:
by the gov:
o Stabilization of population growth.
o Reduction of air pollution from industries (internal agreement).
o Reduction of desertification and protection of the
rainforest against the clearance (national programs).
o Finding alternative fuel.
by the people:
o Reduce the use of fossil fuel.
o Stop the clearance of the forest.
o Plant trees/conduct massive reforestation.
o Follow the recommendations to reduce the
emission of greenhouse gasses.
o Change lifestyle habits.
▪ Bike, bus, and walk.
▪ Creating mass awareness.
▪ Buy products that don’t use as much
▪ Buy recyclable products instead of
non-recyclable ones.
o Saving electricity
o Living in an environmentally friendly life
briefly explain the international efforts to reduce the greenhouse effect: kyoto protocol
biggest effort
adapted in 1997, went into effect in 2005
end of 2009, 187 countries has signed and ratified the agreement
under the protocol, 37 industrialized countries and the European union hv committed to reduce their greenhse gas emission
briefly explain the international efforts to reduce the greenhouse effect: paris agreement
agreement w the framework of the UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
aim: reduce emission of greenhse gas
improve upon and replace the kyoto protocol - an earlier international treaty designed to curb the release of greenhse gasses
what has been achieved globally since 1986
a significant reduction in the consumption of ozone-depleting substances - UNEP Montreal Protocol
how large is the largest historical extent of the ozone hole - when was it occurred.
28.4 million km per squared - sept 2000
this area is equivalent to almost 7 times the territory of the EU
the Antarctic ozone hole reached it maximum area of ___
24.5 million km per square
sept 2022
true or false:
if the montreal protocol is fully implemented, the ozone layer is projected to recover completely
in jan 2023, what is published its latest assessment report
UN-backed scientific panel
- it confirms that 99 percent of ozone depleting gasses have been phased out
UNEP suggest that antarctic ozone layer will recover to ____, with recover in the rest of the world between ____
1980 levels by around 2066
2040 and 2045
environmental crisis will affect
economic costs:
air pollution = respiratory probs
water pollution = poison our food source
destruction of forest = loss of biodiversity
floods = property loss
pollution = destroy streets and beaches
soil erosion = desertification, loss of farmlands
economic costs:
loss in terms of monetary values, industry and business
money needs to be spent to restore the original resources
what is the diff btwn greenhouse gas and greenhouse effect
Greenhouse gases are the specific gases that trap heat.
The greenhouse effect is the natural process of trapping heat by these gases, which is essential for life but is being amplified by human activities.