Philip And France Flashcards
When did Philip’s attention turn to France?
Towards the end of his reign
When did the war between France and Spain begin?
Before Philip’s reign
Where did Spain have indecisive victories over France?
- St Quentin
- Gravelines
Why was Philip ready to make peace at the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in 1559
Financial difficulties
What cemented the peace between France and Spain from the 1559 Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis?
The marriage of Philip and Elizabeth of Valois, daughter of King Henry II of France
When did peace between the two countries begin?
What made Philip increasingly anxious?
The growing number of Protestants in France
When did the French wars of religion begin?
Who was involved in the French wars of religion?
The Catholic Guise family against their political rivals, the mainly Protestant Bourbon family
Who did Philip support during the wars of religion?
Naturally inclined to support the Catholic cause, a feeling reinforced by fears that if France became Protestant, it would present a serious danger to the Spanish Empire (Spain and Netherlands)
Effects of the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis
- no one dynasty was left in ascendancy
- french power was gradually eclipsed by Spain as France edged towards civil war in the early 1560s
What sparked a monarchical crisis in France?
The death of King Henry II
Who succeeded King Henry II?
Francis II and Charles IX - 2 young and inexperience kings. This paralysed French government
Who did Francis II become dominated by?
Due to his marriage to Mary Queen of Scots, he came to be dominated by the Guise family, to whom she was related.
What was the outcome of Francis II’s domination by the Guise family?
-consternation among other distinguished noble families, most notably the princes of the blood.
What was the conspiracy of Amboise?
It represented a Calvinist attempt to take possession of the king in order to ‘save’ him from the manipulation of the Guises. It ended in failure and served only to exacerbate the political situation.
When did Francis II die?
December 1560
Impact of Francis II’s death
Arguably prevented an escalation in the crisis
Effect of Francis’ death
Re-established greater balance between the noble factions at court and on the king’s council.
The regent was left to deal with the problem of the growing influence of Calvinism, particularly among the nobility.
Who was king after Francis II’s death in 1560?
The young and inexperience Charles IX, who hadn’t yet reached his majority in 1560.
What was the Colloquy of Poissy in 1561?
An attempt at reconciliation
What was the catalyst for civil war?
The Catholic massacre of Calvinists at Vassy. The civil war it unleashed would plague French government for decades. For those reasons, Spanish pre-eminence owed much to the French monarchy’s weaknesses.
Reasons why Philip remained attention to French affairs
- The Habsburg-Valois rivalry was in the memory of both kingdoms.
- French domestic unrest was convenient for Spain but posed dangers of frontier security with borders in the North and South.
- The rise of Calvinism in the South of France threatened border security.
- Dutch Calvinism interconnection in France posed a serious threat. The Calvinist Admiral Coligny grew in importance at the French court and raised the possibility of a joint French Catholic and Calvinist attack on the Spanish Netherlands. His assassination in 1572 put an end to this plan.
Fears of Philip and his councillors
-If the french kingdom was united under a Protestant king, it would be a threat to the Spanish Netherlands.