Pheromones - SAQ Flashcards
A chemical messenger that is sent from one animal which has an effect on a different animal
How do pheromones resemble to hormones?
Chemical messengers
Secreted by glands
How are pheromones different to hormones?
They are not released into the bloodstream, but are secreted to act outside the body
A communication between individuals of the same species
Examples of animals using pheromones
Butterflies, prawns and mammals such as mice and monkeys
Why are we not sure whether humans have pheromones?
The detection of pheromones in mammals usually relies on the vomeronasal sensory organ (VNO)
This is a collection of neurons deep in the nose that transmits signals via the accessory olfactory bulb to the hypothalamus in the brain.
So far, neither the VNO or the accessory olfactory bulb has been shown to exist in humans, though both exist in the foetus up to about 18 weeks.
Why did Wedekind study MHC?
As there is a possibility that it is linked to smell and therefore a pheromone
What does MHC stand for?
Major Histocompatibility Complex
What is MHC?
A group of genes that play an important role in the immune system
Every individual has quite a unique MHC footprint
MHC genes make molecules that enable the immune system to recognise pathogens
The more diverse the MHC genes of the parents the stronger the immune system of the offspring
Why might MHC be advantageous to have pheromones?
MHC genes are expressed co-dominantly – that is, that we inherit the MHC alleles from both of our parents and they are expressed equally.
It would be beneficial, therefore, to have evolved systems of recognizing individuals with different MHC genes and preferentially selecting them to breed with to maximize immune responses.
What study is used for pheromones?
When was Wedekind study?
Aim of Wedekind (1995)
To determine whether one’s MHC would affect mate choice.
Sample of Wedekind (1995)
49 female and 44 male students from the University of Bern, Switzerland
What information was taken from the participants?
Each participant was “typed” for their MHC, and a wide variance of MHC was included in the sample.
It was noted if the women were taking oral contraceptives.
The students probably did not know each other as they were from different courses
What were the men asked to do?
The men were asked to wear a T-shirt for two nights and to keep the T-shirt in an open plastic bag during the day.
They were given perfume-free detergent to wash clothes and bedclothes and perfume-free soap for showering.
They were asked not to use any deodorants or perfumes, to refrain from smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol, to avoid all spicy foods and to not engage in any sexual activity.