Phase 1 Block 5 Flashcards
Block 5 Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare
What is Chemical Warfare?
Employment of chemical agents that are intended for use in military operations to kill, seriously injure, or incapacitate personnel due to their physiological effect
How many types of Chemical Agents are there?
There are 4 types of chemical agents
What are the different types of Chemical Agents?
Nerve Agents
Blister Agents
Blood Agents
Choking Agents
What is a Nerve Agent?
A Nerve Agent is a liquid casualty agent that disrupts nerve impulses to the body while damaging body functions
Sarin (GB), Tabun (GA), SOMAN (GD), and VX
What are Blister Agents?
Blister Agents are either liquid or solid casualty agents that cause inflammation, blisters, and general destruction of tissues that often results in temporary blindness and/or death
Distilled Mustard (HD), Lewisite (L), Phosgene Oxime (CX), Levinstein Mustard (HL)
What are Blood Agents?
Blood Agents are gaseous casualty agents that attack enzymes carrying oxygen in the blood stream causing rapid breathing or choking due to lack of oxygen
Hydrogen Cyanide (AC), Cyanogen Chloride (CK), Arsine (SA)
What are Choking Agents?
Choking Agents are gaseous or liquid agents with initial symptoms that include tears, dry throat, nausea, vomiting, headache; can cause lungs to fill with fluid making victim feel as though they are drowning, breathing can become rapid/shallow
Phosgene (CG) and Diphosgene
What does m9 Chemical Agent Detector Paper do?
Detects presence of liquid chemical agents by turning red/reddish color
Does not detect Chemical Agent vapors
What is an Atropine/2-PAM-Chloride auto injector used for?
Used as specific therapy for Nerve Agent casualties
Issued for intramuscular injection, self-aid/first aid
What is Biological Warfare?
Use of agents to cause disease, sickness, or death to reduce the effectiveness of opposing combatant forces
What is the basic division of Biological Agents?
How many types of Nuclear Explosions are there?
There are 5 different types of Nuclear Explosions
What are the different types of Nuclear Explosions?
High altitude air burst Air burst Surface burst Shallow underwater burst Deep underwater burst
What is a High altitude burst and what are the effects?
A high altitude burst occurs at altitudes in excess of 100,000 ft, and results in ionosphere disruptions and EMP
What is an Air Burst and what are the effects?
An Air Burst is when the fireball does not reach the surface. The vacuum created by the explosion collects debris caused by the severe blast damage resulting in radiation fallout
What is a Surface Burst and what are the effects?
A Surface Burst has the worst fallout due to the fireball and blast wave, however, it causes large waves and water contamination
What is a Shallow Underwater Burst and what are the effects?
A Shallow Underwater Burst has a small fireball/blast wave however it causes large waves and water contamination
What is a Deep Underwater Burst and what are the effects?
A Deep Underwater Burst is similar to a Shallow Underwater Burst but with less visual effects and yields greater water contamination
Shipboard Shielding Stations are categorized as what?
Ready or Deep-Shelter Stations
What does MOPP stand for?
MOPP stands for Mission Oriented Protective Posture
In which posture do you carry your mask?
MOPP Level 2
What is MOPP Level 3?
GQ, install filters, don over-boots
What are Ready-Shelter Stations?
Just inside the weather envelope, access to deep shelter, provides minimum shielding from nuclear radiation and allow crew to remain close to battle stations
What are Deep-Shelter Stations?
Low in the ship and near the centerline. provide maximum shielding from nuclear radiation often requiring personnel to be far removed from Battle Stations