Pharynx Flashcards
BS of hard palate
- Greater palatine branch of maxillary A
Drain into pterygoid venous plexus
NS of hard palate
Greater palatine and nasopalatine branches of pterygopalatine ganglion
Lymphatics of hard palate
Upper cervical lymph nodes
Retropharyngeal lymph nodes
Passavant’s ridge
- Upper fibres of palatopharyngeus pass deep to mucous membrane to form sphincter internal to sup. constrictor
- Raises a ridge called passavants ridge
- When soft palate is elevated, it comes into contact with this ridge
BS of soft palate
- Greater palatine branch of maxillary A
- Ascending palatine branch of facial A
- Palatine branch of ascending pharyngeal A
Pterygoid and tonsillar venous plexus
Lymphatics of soft palate
Upper deep cervical
Boundaries of pharynx
A: Nasal, oral cavity, larynx P: Prevertebral fascia S: Base of skull, body of sphenoid I: continues with oesophagus Sides: 1. Medial pterygoid plate 2. Mandible 3. Tongue 4. Hyoid bone 5. Thyroid, cricoid cartilage 6. Styloid process 7. Carotids
Location of palatine tonsil
tonsillar sinus b/w palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches
Medial surface of palatine tonsil
- stratified squamous epithelium
- 12-15 crypts
- large crypts called intratonsillar clefts
Lateral surface of palatine tonsil
- extension of pharyngobasilar fascia forms hemicapsule
- pierced by tonsillar A
Bed of tonsil
In to out
- Pharyngobasilar fascia
- Superior constrictor
- Palatopharyngeus
- Buccopharyngeal fascia
- Styloglossus
- Glossopharyngeal N
BS of palatine tonsil
- Tonsillar branch of facial A
- Ascending palatine branch of facial
- Dorsal lingual A
- Ascending pharyngeal branch
- Greater palatine A
Lymphatics of palatine tonsil
Jugulodigastric node
Nerve supply of palatine tonsil
Lesser palatine
Layers of pharyngeal wall
In to out
- Mucosa
- Submucosa
- Pharyngobasilar fascia - thick in part b/w sup. constrictor and skull
- Muscular - 6 muscles
- Pharygeal plexus of nerves and veins
- Buccopharyngeal fascia
Origin of superior constrictor
- Pterygoid hamulus
- Pterygomandibular raphae
- Mandible
- Side of tongue
Origin of middle constrictor
- Stylohyoid ligament
2. Lesser and greater cornu of hyoid
Origin of inferior constrictor
Cricopharyngeus - cricoid
Thyropharyngeus - Oblique line and inferior cornu of thyroid cartilage
Nerve supply of pharynx
1 Pharyngeal branches of vagus, glossopharyngeal and superior cervical sympathetic ganglion
- Motor - Cranial accessory N
- Sensory - Glossopharyngeal N
- Taste - Internal laryngeal N
BS of pharynx
- Ascending pharyngeal A
- Ascending palatine
- Tonsillar
- Dorsal lingual branch
- Greater palatine, pterygoid, pharyngeal
Lymphatic drainage of pharynx
Deep cervical
Relations of bony part of eustachian tube
S: Canal for tensor tympani
M: Carotid canal
L: Chorda tympani, auriculotemporal N
Relations of cartilagenous part of auditory tube
Ant-lat: Tensor veli palatini, Otic ganglion, Chorda tympani, Middle meningeal A
Post-med: Petrous temporal, tensor veli palatini
BS of auditory tube
- Ascending pharyngeaL
- Middle meningeal
- Artery of pterygoid canal
Pharyngeal and pterygoid venous plexus
Nerve supply of auditory tube
- Maxillary N
- Mandibular N
- Glossopharyngeal N