Cerebrum Inner Flashcards
BS of posterior limb of internal capsule
Striate branches of Middle cerebral artery
Charcots artery
BS of anterior limb and genu of internal capsule
Striate branches of anterior cerebral artery
Recurrent artery of Huebner
BS of sublentiform part of internal capsule
Central branches of anterior choroidal artery
BS of retrolentiform and sublentiform of internal capsule
Posterolateral Central branches of posterior cerebral artery
Anterior limb motor
Anterior limb sensory
Anterior thalamic radiation to frontal lobe cortex
Genu motor
Corticonuclear for head and neck
Genu sensory
Superior thalamic radiation to sensory cortex
Posterior limb motor
Corticospinal for upper limb, trunk, lower limb
Posterior limb sensory
Superior thalamic radiation
Retrolentiform motor
Parieto and occipitopontine
Retrolentiform sensory
Posterior thalamic radiation
Sublentiform motor
Parieto and occipitopontine
Sublentiform sensory
Inferior thalamic radiation
Damage of recurrent artery of Huebner
Paralysis of face, upper limb cohtralaterally
Damage of anterior choroideal
Visual, auditory loss