Ear Flashcards
NS to upper 2/3 of lateral pinna
NS to lower 1/3 of lateral pinna
Great auricular
NS of upper 2/3 of medial pinna
Lesser occipital
NS to lower 1/3 of medial pinna
Great auricular
NS to root of auricle
Auricular branch of vagus
BS to auricle
Posterior auricular
Superficial temporal
Lymphatic drainage of auricle
BS of external acoustic meatus
Outer - superficial temporal, posterior auricular
Inner - deep auricular branch of maxillary
NS of external acoustic meatus
Ant. - auriculotemporal
Post. - auricular branch of vagus
BS of tympanic membrane
O- deep auricular of maxillary
I- anterior tympanic branch of maxillary
Posterior tympanic of stylomastoid of posterior auricular
Venous drainage of tympanic membrane
O- external jugular vein
I- transverse sinus
Lymphatic drainage of tympanic membrane
NS of tympanic membrane
O- auriculotemporal + auricular branch of vagus
I- tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal
Roof of middle ear
Tegmen tympani
Floor of middle ear
Temporal bone
Anterior wall of middle ear
- Canal for tensor tympani
- Opening of auditory tube
- Posterior wall of carotid canal perforated by A).superior and inferior sympathetic caroticotympanic nerves and B).tympanic branch of internal carotid artery
- Bony part between canals is continued as processus cochleariformis which reaches upper part of malleus
Posterior wall of middle ear
- Opening of aditus through which epitympanic recess connects with mastoid antrum
- Fossa incudis
- Pyramidal projection has a passage for tendon of stapedius
- Posterior canaliculus for chorda tympani nerve
Lateral wall of middle ear
- Tympanic membrane
- Squamous temporal bone
- Petrotympanic fissure lodges anterior process of malleus and transmits tympanic branch of maxillary artery
- Anterior canaliculus for chorda tympani
Medial wall of middle ear
- Promontory - bulge by first turn of cochlea grooved by tympanic plexus
- Round window
- Oval window
- Prominence of facial canal
- Prominence of lateral semicircular canal
Contents of middle ear
- Ear ossicles
- Joints b/w ear ossicles
- Tensor tympani and stapedius
- Vessels
- Chorda tympani and tympanic plexus
- Head in epitympanic recess, articulates with body of incus
- Neck- against pars flaccida related to chorda tympani
- Anterior process - to petrotympanic fissure by anterior ligament
- Lateral process
- Handle attached to tympanic membrane
- Large body - articulates with head of malleus
2. Long process - articulates with head of stapes
- Small head - articulates with incus
- Narrow neck - provides insertion to stapedius
- Two limbs/crura - attached to footplate
- Footplate - oval, fits into oval window
Joints of middle ear
- Incudomalleolar joint - saddle joint
2. Incudostapedial joint - ball and socket
Tensor tympani
- lies in bony canal above auditory tube
- muscle arises from walls of canal
- tendon reaches medial wall of middle ear,
- bends around processus cochleariformis.
- inserts into handle of malleus
- supplied by mandibular nerve
- lies in bony canal related to posterior wall of middle ear.
- this canal is continuous with canal for facial nerve
- canal opens into summit of pyramid
- supplied by facial nerve
Arterial supply of middle ear
- Anterior tympanic branch of maxillary A.
- Posterior tympanic branch of posterior auricular A.
- Petrosal and superior tympanic branch of middle meningeal A.
- Ascending pharyngeal A.
- Tympanic branches of internal carotid A.
Venous drainage of middle ear
Superior petrosal sinus
Pterygoid venous plexus
Lymphatic drainage of middle ear
Nerve supply of middle ear
- Tympanic branch of glossopharyngeal nerve
2. Superior and inferior caroticotympanic nerves