Anterior Triangle Flashcards
Submental triangle boundaries
Each side: anterior belly of digastric
Base: hyoid
Apex: chin
Submental triangle floor
Mylohyoid muscles
Submental triangle contents
- Submental lymph nodes
- Small submental veins join to form anterior jugular vein
Digastric boundaries
Anter-inf: anterior belly of digastric
Post-inf: posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid
Base: base of mandible
Digastric roof
Superficial fascia: platysma, cervical branch of facial N., Ascending branch of transverse cutaneous N of neck.
Submandibular salivary gland
Digastric floor
Middle constrictor of pharynx
Digastric anterior part contents
Submandibular salivary gland Submandibular lymph nodes Facial vein Submental artery Mylohyoid nerve & vessels Hypoglossal nerve
Digastric posterior contents
External carotid artery
Deep: Styloglossus Stylopharyngeus Glossopharyngeal nerve Pharyngeal branch of vagus Styloid process
Internal carotid
Internal jugular
Vagus nerve
Carotid boundaries
Anter-sup: posterior belly of digastric & stylohyoid
Anter-inf: superior belly of omohyoid
Post: SCM
Carotid roof
Superficial fascia: platysma, cervical branch of facial nerve, transverse cutaneous nerve of neck
Investing layer of deep cervical fascia
Carotid floor
Middle constrictor of pharynx
Inferior constrictor of pharynx
Thyrohyoid membrane
Arteries in carotid triangle
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
External carotid artery: superior thyroid, lingual, facial, ascending pharyngeal, occipital branches
Veins in carotid triangle
Internal jugular
Common facial
Nerves in carotid triangle
Vagus Superior laryngeal branch of vagus Spinal accessory Hypoglossal Sympathetic chain Carotid sheath
Lymph nodes in carotid triangle
Deep cervical
Muscular triangle boundaries
Ant: anterior median line of neck
Post-sup: superior belly of omohyoid
Post-inf: SCM
Contents of muscular triangle
Characteristics of infrahyoid muscles
- Supplied by ventral Rami of 1, 2, 3 cervical spinal nerves
- Move hyoid bone and thyroid cartilage
- Arranged as superficial and deep
Ansa cervicalis supplies
Infrahyoid muscles
Superior root of Ansa cervicalis by and to
By descending branch of hypoglossal nerve
To superior belly of omohyoid
Inferior root of Ansa cervicalis by and to
By 2nd, 3rd cervical spinal nerves
To inferior belly of omohyoid
Right and left common carotid from
Right: brachiocephalic artery
Left: Arch of aorta
Carotid sinus
- Thin tunica media
- Rich glossopharyngeal and sympathetic nerve supply
- Acts as baroreceptor
External carotid branches
- Superior thyroid
- Lingual
- Facial
- Occipital
- Posterior auricular
- Ascending pharyngeal
- Maxillary
- Superficial temporal
Superior thyroid artery branches and their supply
1.Superior laryngeal artery
Pierces thyrohyoid membrane with internal laryngeal NERVE
- SCM branch supplies SCM
- Cricothyroid branch that anastamoses with artery on opposite side
Superior thyroid artery is in close relation with
External laryngeal NERVE which supplies cricothyroid
Superior thyroid artery originates and ends at
Below level of greater cornu of hyoid to upper pole of thyroid
Lingual artery arises at (site)
Opposite tip of greater cornu of hyoid
Lingual artery divided into __ parts by __ muscle
First part of lingual artery
- in carotid triangle
- lingual loop crossed by hypoglossal nerve
- permits free movement of hyoid
Second part of lingual artery
- deep to hyoglossus
- superficial to middle constrictor of pharynx
Third part of lingual artery
- called deep lingual artery
- along anterior border of hyoglossus
Fourth part of lingual artery
- undersurface of tongue
- medially- genioglossus
- laterally- inferior longitudinal muscles of tongue
Branches of lingual artery
Dorsal lingual
Facial artery site of origin
Above tip of greater cornu of hyoid
Relations of cervical part of facial artery
Deep to:
Posterior belly of digastric
Ramus of mandible
Course of facial artery
Cervical part:
-Winds over submandibular gland and then over base of mandible (S-bend)
Facial part:
- Enters at anter-inf part of masseter
- runs close to angle of mouth, side of nose till medial border of eye
Branches of cervical part of facial artery
Ascending Palatine
Ascending Palatine artery
- branch of facial A
- from near origin of facial artery
- between styloglossus and stylopharyngeus
- supplies tonsils and root of tongue
Submental artery
- from facial artery
- accompanies mylohyoid NERVE
- supplies submental triangle and sublingual salivary gland
Occipital artery site of origin
Posterior aspect of external carotid
Occipital artery is crossed by
Hypoglossal NERVE
Occipital artery branches in carotid triangle
2 SCM branches in carotid triangle
1 accompanies accessory NERVE
Posterior auricular artery site of origin
Just above superior belly of digastric
Posterior auricular artery supplies
- Back of auricle
- skin over mastoid process
Branches of posterior auricular artery and their supply
- Stylomastoid branch
- enters stylomastoid foramen
- supplies middle ear, mastoid antrum, semicircular canals
Ascending pharyngeal artery site of origin
Lower end of external carotid
Ascending pharyngeal artery branches
Sends meningeal branches to cranial cavity through
- foramen lacerum
- jugular foramen
- hypoglossal canal
Maxillary artery site of origin
- terminal branch of external carotid
- behind neck of mandible under parotid
- enters infratemporal fossa
Superficial temporal artery branches
- Transverse facial artery
- Middle temporal artery
- Anterior branch - anastamoses with supraorbital and supratrochlear branch of opthalmic
- Posterior branch