Pharynx Flashcards
Subdivisions of the pharynx and their other names
Subdivisions of the pharynx
Nasopharynx (epipharynx)
Oropharynx (mesopharynx)
Laryngopharynx (hypopharynx)
It is about — to — cm in length, broader in the ———- than in the ——— diameter.
Pharynx or throat is a fibromuscular hollow tube.
It is about 12-14 cm in length, broader in the transverse than in the antero-posterior diameter.
Functions of pharynx
* The pharynx is the common channel for deglutition (swallowing) and respiration; food and air pathways cross each other in the pharynx..
….All in all function!!!!
Tonsils (collection of lymphoid tissue) for defense mechanism
Support for surrounding structures… palate, auditory tube, tongue..
Pharynx begins from behind the ——— to behind the ——- where it becomes continuous with the ———.
HENCE: The pharynx forms part of the ——— system and ——— system.
Pharynx begins from behind the nasal cavity to behind the larynx where it becomes continuous with the esophagus.
HENCE: The pharynx forms part of the digestive system and respiratory system.
The most cephalic portion that lie behind the ———
It is a part of the ——— system
It begins at the ———— limit to the ————.
The most cephalic portion that lie behind the nasal cavity
It is a part of the respiratory system
It begins at the posterior nasal limit to the pharyngeal isthmus.
Pharyngeal isthmus
The isthmus is a constricted space formed by the ————, the ———— arches and the ——— wall of the pharynx of the region.
The isthmus is closed up by muscular action during ———.
Pharyngeal isthmus
The isthmus is a constricted space formed by the soft palate, the palatopharyngeal arches and the posterior wall of the pharynx of the region.
The isthmus is closed up by muscular action during swallowing.
Nasopharynx features
Each lateral wall of the nasopharynx has an opening of the ———( that allows for————)
Nasopharynx features
Each lateral wall of the nasopharynx has an opening of the auditory tube (allow air passage to the middle ear for balancing)
Nasopharynx features
Each lateral wall of the nasopharynx has an opening of the auditory tube
The ———— recess OR fossa of ———— is a depression behind the opening of the auditory tube. It contains ——— lymph node (Node of ———).
Nasopharynx features
Each lateral wall of the nasopharynx has an opening of the auditory tube (allow air passage to the middle ear for balancing)
One can actually feel this opening using the side of the tongue
The pharyngeal recess OR fossa of Rosenmuller is a depression behind the opening of the auditory tube. It contains retropharyngeal lymph node (Node of Rouvier).
Lies behind the ——— cavity
• It begins at the ——— to the superior border of the ——-
It forms part of the ——- and ——- System
Lies behind the oral cavity
• It begins at the isthmus to the superior border of the epiglottis
It forms part of the digestive and respiratory system????
The ——— part of the pharynx
It begins from the ——— and ends at the ————.
It is has ONLY ———-
The caudal part of the pharynx
It begins from the superior border of the epiglottis and ends at the inferior border of the cricoid cartilage.
It is has ONLY digestive
Structure components of the pharyn
The pharynx consists of four layers of structures from within to outward:
Structure components of the pharyn
The pharynx consists of four layers of structures from within to outward:
(1) Mucous membrane
(2) Fibrous coat
() Muscular coat
(4) Fascial coat
(buccopharyngeal fascia)
Pharyngeal mucous membrane
The most internal compartment lined with epithelium.
The nasopharynx -> ——— epithelium
The oropharynx and laryngopaharynx -* ————epithelium
Pharyngeal mucous membrane
The most internal compartment lined with epithelium.
The nasopharynx -> pseudostratified epithelium (respiratory epi.)
The oropharynx and laryngopaharynx -* non-keratinized stratified squamous epithelium (characteristic of a wear and tear surface)
NB: Region of the pharynx are lined with continuous epithelium lining of the neighboring structure
Pharyngeal fibrous coat
Fibrous coat/ ———fascia over lies the mucous layer.
~ It is thickest in its ——- and diminishes in thickness as it ——— and hence is gradually lost.
r Forms a ——— posteriorly (which gives attachment to the constrictor pharyngeal muscles).
Pharyngeal fibrous coat
Fibrous coat/ pharvngo-basilar fascia over lies the mucous layer.
~ It is thickest in its superiör and diminishes in thickness as it descends and hence is gradually lost.
r Forms a median raphe posteriorly (which gives attachment to the constrictor pharyngeal muscles).
Pharyngeal muscles
The pharynx muscles are group of muscles that form the bulk of the pharynx located deep to the
———— fascia
Pharyngeal muscles
The pharynx muscles are group of muscles that form the bulk of the pharynx located deep to the
pharyngeal fascia
Determining the shape of the pharynx.
Contracts to propel food
Maintain cavity for air passage
The muscles are arranged in two layers
The outer ——— layer includes;
The inner ——— layer includes;
The muscles are arranged in two layers
The outer circular layer includes;
Inferior constrictor muscle
Middle constrictor muscle
Superior constrictor muscle
The inner longitudinal layer includes;
Stylopharyngeus muscle
Salpingopharyngeus muscle
Palatopharyngeus muscle,
Constrictor muscles
The outer circular layer includes and their functions?
1. Inferior constrictor
The ——— of the three constrictors M.
*It arises from two areas:
The first from the ———-
The second arising from the ————.
The fibers spread backward and medial-ward to be inserted into the fibrous ———— in the posterior median line of the pharynx.
Constrictor muscles
The outer circular layer includes:
They constrict the lumen and propel food into the esophagus
1. Inferior constrictor
The thickest of the three constrictors M.
*It arises from two areas:
The first from the thyroid cartilage (thyropharyngeal part)
The second arising from the cricoid cartilage (cricopharyngeal part).
The fibers spread backward and medial-ward to be inserted into the fibrous pharyngeal raphe in the posterior median line of the pharynx.
The middle pharyngeal constrictor is a —— shaped muscle.
It arises from the whole length of the upper border of the ———— and lower border of the———-
The fibers diverge from their origin: the lower ones descend beneath the ———, the middle fibers pass transversely and the upper fibers ascend and overlap the ———-
It is inserted into the posterior median ———-, blending in the middle line with its same on the opposite side.
The middle pharyngeal constrictor is a fan shaped muscle.
It arises from the whole length of the upper border of the greater cornu of the hyoid hone and lower border of the lesser cornu.
The fibers diverge from their origin: the lower ones descend beneath the inferior constrictor, the middle fibers pass transversely and the upper fibers ascend and overlap the superior constrictor ???? Fan shaped
It is inserted into the posterior median fibrous raphe, blending in the middle line with its same on the opposite side.
- Superior constrictor muscle
Highest located muscle of the three pharyngeal constrictors.
The muscle is a
———— muscle
quadrilateral muscle
The inferior muscle is divided into four parts which is based on its origin.
They arise from:
1.- ———— part from the lower border of the posterior margin of the ———- plate
2.————— part from the ———- raphe
3.————— part (a few fibers from the posterior side of the ——-)
4.————- part from the ——— process of the ——— bone
The fibers curve backward to be inserted into the ——— of the pharynx.
The muscle is divided into four parts which is based on its origin.
They arise from:
- Ptervgopharyngeal part from the lower border of the posterior margin of the medial ptervgoid plate (sphenoid bone process/ medial limb)
Buccopharvngeal part from the ptervgomandibular raphe (ligamentous band of the buccopharyngeal fascia)
Glossopharvngeal part (a few fibers from the posterior side of the tongue)
Mvlopharvngeal part from the alveolar process of the mandible
The fibers curve backward to be inserted into the median raphe of the pharynx.
Inner longitudinal layer
They act to ——— the pharynx during ———.
Inner longitudinal layer
They act to shorten the pharynx during swallowing.
• Stylopharyngeus
• Palatopharyngeus
Palatopharyngeus muscle
It extending from the ——— in the roof of the mouth to blend with the ———.
Palatopharyngeus muscle
It extending from the palate in the roof of the mouth to blend with the pharynx.
It is a long, fleshy
fasciculus, narrower in the middle than at either end
Stylopharyngeus muscle
• It extends from the ———-
Stylopharyngeus muscle
• It extends from the styloid process of temporal bone.
> A long, slender muscle that is cylindrical above and flattened below.
Salpingopharyngeus muscle arises from the ———— in the nasal cavity then passes downward to blend with the fibers of the ——— muscle
Salpingopharyngeus muscle arises from the eustachian tube /pharyngotympanic tube in the nasal cavity then passes downward to blend with the fibers of the palatopharyngeus muscle
pharynx is supplied by ——— artery
pharynx is supplied by ascending pharvngeal arterv
Nerve supply
The most of the sensory and motor supply is by the
———— and ——— nerves respectively.
Nerve supply
The most of the sensory and motor supply is by the
glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves respectively.