Lymphatic Drainage Of Head And Neck Flashcards
The lymph nodes in the head and neck region can be grouped into:
The lymph nodes in the head and neck region can be grouped into:
● Superficial nodes ● Deep nodes.
The superficial lymph nodes
◼ The superficial cervical lymph nodes lie above the ——— layer of the deep fascia.
◼ They consist of a few small nodes that lie superficial to the ——— and ——— veins.
The superficial lymph nodes
◼ The superficial cervical lymph nodes lie above the investing layer of the deep fascia.
◼ They consist of a few small nodes that lie superficial to the external jugular and anterior jugular veins.
The superficial lymph nodes include
The superficial lymph nodes
1. Submental
2. Submandibular
3. Buccal
4. Parotid (pre-auricular)
5. Mastoid (retro auricular/ post-auricular)
6. Occipital
7. Superficial cervical
8. Anterior cervical.
The Deep lymph nodes:
The Deep lymph nodes:
Upper deep cervical
Lower deep cervical
Waldyer’s ring
Nodes of midline
Deep cervical nodes
◼ The upper deep cervical (also called): lie along the upper part of ——— vein deep to the ———.
◼ The lower deep cervical (also called———): arranged along the lower part of —— also deep to the ——.
Deep cervical nodes
◼ The upper deep cervical (Jugulo-digastric group: lie along the upper part of internal jugular vein deep to the sternomastoid.
◼ The lower deep cervical (jugulo-omohyoid gp): arranged along the lower part of IJV also deep to the SMm.
The waldyer’s ring is formed by:
The waldyer’s ring is formed by: lingual, palatine, tubal, and pharyngeal tonsils.
Midline nodes are termed in correspondence to the anatomical area where they exist:
Midline nodes are termed in correspondence to the anatomical area where they exist:
A. Infrahyoid
B. Prelaryngeal
C. Pretracheal
D. Paratracheal
Efferents of lower deep cervicals then collect into larger lymph vessel called the “————”.
Efferents of lower deep cervicals then collect into larger lymph vessel called the “jugular lymph trunk”.
Efferents of lower deep cervicals then collect into larger lymph vessel called the “jugular lymph trunk”.
◼ This trunk joins another two lymph trunks lymph (——- and —— trunks) to form the so called the “—— ducts” (right or left).
◼ This “duct” finally opens into the angle between ——— and ——— veins to drain its contents back to venous circulation.
Efferents of lower deep cervicals then collect into larger lymph vessel called the “jugular lymph trunk”.
◼ This trunk joins another two lymph trunks lymph (subclavian and brachiocephalic trunks) to form the so called the “lymph ducts” (right or left).
◼ This “duct” finally opens into the angle between internal jugular and subclavian veins to drain its contents back to venous circulation.
Thoracic duct
. The left lymph duct (also called the “—— duct”)
which is considered the largest lymphatic vessel in the body.
It collects most of the lymph in the body (except that from the————————)
Thoracic duct
The right and left lymph ducts are NOT of equal size. The left lymph duct (also called the “Thoracic duct”
which is considered the largest lymphatic vessel in the body.
It collects most of the lymph in the body (except that from the right arm and the right side of the chest, neck and head, which is collected by the
right lymphatic duct).
Thoracic duct
The right and left lymph ducts are NOT of equal size. The left lymph duct (also called the “Thoracic duct”
which is considered the largest lymphatic vessel in the body.
It collects most of the lymph in the body (except that from the right arm and the right side of the chest, neck and head, which is collected by the
——— duct).
Thoracic duct
The right and left lymph ducts are NOT of equal size. The left lymph duct (also called the “Thoracic duct”
which is considered the largest lymphatic vessel in the body.
It collects most of the lymph in the body (except that from the right arm and the right side of the chest, neck and head, which is collected by the
right lymphatic duct).
Thoracic duct
● It begins down as low as level of L—
(at the cisterna chyli) and extends upward to drain into the region near the junction of the ——— and —— veins, with tributaries from the ——, —— and ——- trunks.
Thoracic duct
● It begins down as low as level of L2
(at the cisterna chyli) and extends upward to drain into the region near the junction of the left subclavian and internal jugular veins, with tributaries from the cervical, subclavian and mediastinal trunks.
the vicinity where the thoracic duct empties into the left subclavian vein is called ——— node).
the vicinity where the thoracic duct empties into the left subclavian vein (Virchow’s node).
When the thoracic duct is blocked or damaged a large amount of lymph can quickly accumulate in the pleural cavity = ———
When the thoracic duct is blocked or damaged a large amount of lymph can quickly accumulate in the pleural cavity,
The skin of the head and neck drains :
● The scalp drains into the ——, —— and —— nodes.
● Lower eye lid and anterior cheek drains into —— LNs.
● The cheeks drain into the ——, —— and —— nodes.
● The upper lips and sides of the lower lips drain into the —— nodes.
While the middle third of the lower lip drains into the —— nodes
● The skin of the neck drains into the —— nodes.
The skin of the head and neck drains :
● The scalp drains into the occipital, mastoid and parotid nodes.
● Lower eye lid and anterior cheek drains into buccal LNs.
● The cheeks drain into the parotid, buccal and submandibular nodes.
● The upper lips and sides of the lower lips drain into the submandibular nodes.
While the middle third of the lower lip drains into the submental nodes
● The skin of the neck drains into the cervical nodes.
The drainage of the oral structures
● The gingivae drain into the ——, —— and ——— lymph nodes.
● The palate drains via lymph vessels that pass through the pharyngeal wall to the ————nodes.
● Teeth drain into the ——- and ———lymph nodes.
● Anterior part of mouth floor drain into ——— and ——— nodes while posterior part into ——— and ——— lymph nodes
The drainage of the oral structures
● The gingivae drain into the submandibular, submental and upper deep cervical lymph nodes.
● The palate drains via lymph vessels that pass through the pharyngeal wall to the upper deep cervical nodes.
● Teeth drain into the submandibular and deep cervical lymph nodes.
● Anterior part of mouth floor drain into submental and upper deep cervical while posterior part into submandibular and upper deep cervical.
Lymphatic drainage of tongue
● In relation to the lymph drainage of the tongue, the farther backward the origin of the vessel, the lower down is the lymph node in which it ends.
● Lymph vessels in the floor of the mouth pierce the ——— muscle and travel to the ——— and ——— lymph nodes.
● Some medially located lymphatics in the tongue also cross the midline.
Lymphatic drainage of tongue
● In relation to the lymph drainage of the tongue, the farther backward the origin of the vessel, the lower down is the lymph node in which it ends.
● Lymph vessels in the floor of the mouth pierce the mylohyoid muscle and travel to the submental and submandibular lymph nodes.
● Some medially located lymphatics in the tongue also cross the midline.