Pharmacology Basics Flashcards
1 mg = ? mcg
1,000 mcg
1 g = ? mg
1,000 mg
1 kg = ? g
1,000 g
1 kg = ? lb
2.2 lbs
60 mg = ? gr
1 gr
30 ml = ? oz
1 oz
1 L = ? ml
1,000 ml
5 ml = ? tsp
1 tsp
15 ml = ? tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tbsp = ? tsp
3 tsp
Celsius =
(F - 32) x 5/9
Fahrenheit =
(C x 9/5) + 32
Infiltration prevention (3)
- Use smallest catheter
- Stabilize port access
- Assess blood return
Infiltration treatment (5)
- Stop infusion
- Remove catheter
- Apply cold compress
- Elevate extremity
- Insert new catheter in another extremity
Extravasation prevention
- Know vesicant potential before administration
Extravasation treatment (5)
- Stop infusion
- Stop administration set
- Aspirate drug if able to
- Apply cold compress
- Document
Phlebitis/thrombophlebitis prevention (4)
- Rotate sites every 72-96 hours
- Secure catheter
- Use aseptic technique
- With PICCS avoid excessive activity with extremity
Phlebitis/thrombophlebitis treatment (4)
- Stop infusion
- Remove PIV
- Apply heat compress
- Insert new catheter in another extremity
Hematoma prevention (2)
- Avoid veins not easily seen/palpated
- Obtain hemostasis after insertion
Hematoma treatment (2)
- Remove IV and apply pressure if bleeding
- Monitor/treat signs of phlebitis
Catheter embolus prevention
- Don’t reinsert stylet needle into catheter
Catheter embolus treatment (2)
- Apply tourniquet high on extremity to limit venous flow
- Prepare to remove under x-ray
Antidote for acetaminophen
Antidote for benzodiazepine
Antidote for curare
Antidote for cyanide poisoning
Methylene blue
Antidote for digitalis
Digoxin immune FAB
Antidote for heparin/enoxaprin
Protamine sulfate
Antidote for iron
Antidote for lead
Antidote for magnesium sulfate
Calcium gluconate 10%