Ph affects Flashcards
even if some microorganisms can live at very low or high PH the cell’s internal ?
remains near neutrality
Organisms that grow optimally at a pH value in the range termed circumneutral (pH 5.5 to 7.9)
organisms that grow best below pH 5.5
When the pH is raised to neutrality, for acidophiles?
destroyed and the cells lyse.
acidophiles can’t just tolerate they?
they require for cytoplasmic membrane stability
Microorganisms showing pH optima of 8 or higher
alkaliphiles use what kind of pump?
NA+ , pcq pas bcp de H+ ds milieu alkalin
Microbial life at extreme pH,Every microbe has a pH range
(2‐3 pH units) within which growth is possible
Adaptation to low pH, Changes of the cytoplasmic membrane to require
high concentration of
protons for membrane stability.
Adaptation to low pH,bacteria lyse?
t higher pH, because the
membrane becomes unstable.
Adaptation to high pH,Changes of the cytoplasmic membrane to withstand
low concentration of
Adaptation to high pH,who do they use pcq pas assez de H+?
Use of Na+ gradient for transport and motility (low concentration of protons
outside, pmf is hard to maintain).
Adaptation to high pH,but how do they still make function the ATPase
Keep the electron transport chain close to the ATPase, so protons that are
pumped out do not diffuse away.
What are added to laundry detergent
Proteases and lipases from alkaliphiles