PFD Indications (airspeed) Flashcards
Green ‘F’ symbol indicates:
- Acceleration ?
- Deceleration ?
- Acceleration - min slat retraction speed flaps 2 or 3 to select flaps 1.
- Deceleration - minimum maneuvering speed flap 2 or 3.
The green “S” symbol means what during:
- Acceleration ?
- Deceleration ?
- Acceleration - min slat retraction speed flaps 1.
- Deceleration - min maneuvering speed flaps 1.
On the speed tape, the AMBER “=” indicates what? (For flaps)
Maximum speed for the next flap lever position.
Green Dot Speed in the clean configuration means?
L/D MAX and minimum Va.
During Approach mode, How is the managed speed derived? (magenta triangle)
Approach airspeed computed by the FAC’s after considering Vapp and GS MINI.
What does “LVR CLB” flashing mean on the FMA?
Thrust levers are not in climb decent, two engines, above thrust reduction altitude.
What does “LVR MCT” flashing mean on the FMA?
Thrust is not set in MCT during single engine takeoff or go around, above green dot, clean config.
What is the dashed line on the ND?
Required distance to land, present position.
Only displayed in decent or approach phase in heading or track.