1 Monthly study Flashcards
Autopilot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “Off”
Flight Directors . . . . . . . . . . .”Off”
Pitch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . promptly
and smoothly into the green area of the
vertical speed scale.
Respect stall, GPWS, or windshear
THRUST LEVERS. . . . . . . . . . . . IDLE
Reverse Thrust . . . . . . . . . . . . . Select
If no autobrake decel; use max man braking
“Manual Braking”
When stopped:
Reverse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stowed
PARKING BRK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ON
“Cabin Crew At Stations” OR “Remain Seated”
A/C remains stationary while evaluating situation.
Refer to the EVACUATION Checklist for evacuation.
“Pull-up Pull-up”
AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OFF
PITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PULL UP
Pull up to full backstick and maintain.
THRUST LEVERS. . . . . . . . . . TOGA
SPEEDBRAKE . . . Check Retracted
BANK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Wings Level
When flight path is safe and the warning stops:
PITCH . . . . . . . . . . . . . .DECREASE
SPEED. . . . . . . . .. . . .ACCELERATE
On Approach:
WINDSHEAR is blinking red on your PDF.
What is the action?
“Wind Shear- Go Around”
-Set TOGA; use autopilot + SRS.
-Follow SRS orders (including use of full back stick)
-No config. changes, monitor flight path and speed
“Denver Tower, JetBlue 1234, wind shear escape.”
How do we know we are clear of the windshear?
-“Windshear” stops blinking on the PDF
- Increasing performance.
“Out of windshear, Go Around Flaps”
Flaps full on approach:
After escaping windshear and climbing, what are the next call-outs to clean the plane up.
Go around flaps
Positive rate…….gear up
(Thrust levers back to climb)
To turn automation back ON:
Outside in:
-heading pull
-Altitude check
-AP 1
Non-normal procedure resource priority order.
- Memory items
- Ecam actions
- Computer Resets
- Temporary Abnormal Behaviors
any time a non-normal procedure system is successfully reset, these resources may
be discontinued.
V1 cut……flow
“V1” + BOOM
Maintain center-line
Gradually increase rudder during rotation
Pitch 12.5° (don’t follow command bars)
“Positive rate”
“Gear up-Heading Pull Rnwy Heading” or EFP
Trim toward active foot
AP on
V/S push (doesn’t blink)
Above F+ S speed
Pull altitude
After Takeoff check
Go Around….flow
“Go around flaps” + TOGA
“Positive rate”
“Gear up”
HDG- push/pull
“Auto pilot one, On”
Reference GA alt
Clean up/ after TO checklist
Activate approach mode
In waters airspace:
Wx deviation w/o a clearance (first two steps)
-Declare emergency (121.5+123.45).
-Deviate left or right of course.
For deviations of less than 5 NM from the cleared route, remain at assigned
Flight Level
(Go to Chapter 7 reference materials)
In waters airspace:
Non-Wx deviation w/o a clearance (first two steps)
-Declare emergency
-30° left or right of course + 5 mile offset
Ch. 7 Ref Guide + Go to QRH
Loss of Braking
Brake Pedals……Press
If No Braking
Reverse…………………..As Required
Brake Pedals…………..Release
Brake Pedals…………..Press
Max Brake Pressure. 1000 PSI
If Still No Braking
Max Reverse…………..Consider
Parking Brake…Short Applications
Smoke……fumes…..avionics smoke
Oxygen masks…..On, 100%, EMER
Crew Communications … Establish
Emergency Decent
Oxygen masks…..On
Crew Communications … Establish
Simultaneous use of APU pneumatic + —- ——- prohibited
HP cart
Max windshield wiper speed
Aircraft ceiling
Max tailwind for takeoff
Max tailwind for LANDING
Max crosswind limitation
38k including gusts
Takeoff and landing
Windsheer Ahead below 100k on takeoff?
It’s a predictive W/S caution or warning.
What is the code red?
Evacuation likely.
Use T. E. S. T. Briefing for flight attendants
Type of emergency
Evacuation likelihood
Time until landing
What is a code yellow?
Evacuation not likely, but can turn into a code red.