PET Flashcards
Def of PET
RF for PET
- Maternal Specific
RF for PET
- Pregnancy Specific
- Vesicular mole
- Multifetal Pregnancy
- Polyhydraminos
- Seasonal variation: More common in winter
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Age
< 20 or > 35 years.
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Gravidity & Parity
More in primigravidas specially elderly primigravidas.
Maternal Specific RF for PET
- Race
More in black races
Maternal Specific RF for PET
Etiology of PET
Theories Include:
- Increased Pressor Effect
- Abnormal Placentation
- Genetic Factors
- Immunological Factors
- Inflammatory Factors
- Biochemical Factors
Theories of PET
- Increased Pressor Effect
Complications of PET
Maternal & fetal
Maternal Complications of PET
Maternal Complications of PET
Due to severe HTN.
Maternal Complications of PET
- Remote Complications
Maternal Complications of PET
- HELLP Syndrome
Def of HELLP Syndrome
Fatal condition characterized by:
- Hemolysis: Bilirubin ≥ 1.2 mg/dl.
- Elevated Liver enzymes: SGOT > 70 IU/L.
- Low Platelet count: < 100000/mm3.
DDx of HELLP Syndrome
Acute fatty liver in pregnancy.
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura.
Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Hepatitis (viral or drug induced).
Maternal Mortality in HELLP Syndrome
RR in HELLP Syndrome
Fetal Complications in PET
Prediction of PET
- Hx
High risk factors (from history since 1st antenatal visit).
Prediction of PET
- Ex
Prediction of PET
- Vascular Reactivity Tests
Prediction of PET
- Labs
↑↑ serum uric acid, hypocalciuria & ↑↑ fibronectin levels.
Prediction of PET
- Uterine Artery Doppler
To detect uteroplacental hypoperfusion
Clinical Signs of PET
Signs: Preeclampsia is a disease of signs & it has the following 3 cardinal signs:
- PTNuria
- Edema
Clinical Signs of PET
Clinical Signs of PET
- PTNuria
Clinical Signs of PET
- Edema
Clinical Symptoms of PET
Clinical Symptoms of PET
- Epigastric Pain
Due to distension of liver capsule.
Clinical Symptoms of PET
- Headache
Due to HTN & cerebral edema.
Clinical Symptoms of PET
- Persistent N&V
Due to cerebral edema, congestion of gastric mucosa or liver affection.
Investigations for PET
- Labs
Assessment of Severity of PET
Def of Imminent eclampsia (preeclamptic state)
Worse type of severe preeclampsia which will end in eclampsia if not urgently treated.
Dx of Imminent eclampsia (preeclamptic state)
TTT of Imminent eclampsia (preeclamptic state)
Immediate control & TOP èin 6 hours.
DDx of PET
- Causes of HTN with pregnancy
- Causes of proteinuria with pregnancy
- Causes of edema with pregnancy