Amniotic Fluid Abnormalities Flashcards
Causes of Polyhydramnios
Maternal Causes of Polyhydramnios
Maternal prolactin may play a role by increasing the …… of amniotic fluid.
osmotic pressure
Causes of Polyhydramnios
- Multiple gestation
(in monochorionic twins it may be twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome)
Causes of Polyhydramnios
- Anencephaly and spina bifida in most cases & the causes may be ….
Causes of Polyhydramnios
- Congenital Heart failure
Congenital Heart Disease with congestive ht. failure
Causes of Polyhydramnios
- Increased placental mass
That occurs with edema of the placenta: e.g. Hydrops
fetalis: e.g. Rh. iso-immunization, severe anemia, CMV infection
Causes of Polyhydramnios
- Liver Cirrhosis
Causing fetal ascites “as in Syphilis”
Managment aspects of Polyhydraminos
- Plan of ttt
- Expectant treatment
- Termination of pregnancy
- Neonatal Care
Managment aspects of Polyhydraminos
- Plan of TTT
Managment aspects of Polyhydraminos
- Expectant Treatment
Managment aspects of Polyhydraminos
Managment aspects of Polyhydraminos
- Neonatal Care
- Diagnose & treatment of congenital anomalies, anemia, jaundice & infection.
- Care of preterm baby & care of infant of diabetic mother.
Causes of Oligohydraminos
maternal Causes of Oligohydraminos
Rare or absent and the commonest is severe PET.
Fetal Causes of Oligohydraminos
Fetal Causes of Oligohydraminos
- Renal Anomalies
e.g. bilateral renal agenesis, complete obstruction of urinary tract, bilateral multicystic kidneys.
Fetal Causes of Oligohydraminos
- Multifetal Pregnancy with TITS
Donor fetus develops oligohydramnios
Fetal Causes of Oligohydraminos
- Post tem pregnancy
Due to placental insufficiency
TTT of Oligohydraminos
TTT of Oligohydraminos
Treatment of PROM
TTT of Oligohydraminos
- In Post-term Pregnancy
TTT of Oligohydraminos
- If there is lethal fetal anomalies or IUFD
TTT of Oligohydraminos
- If there is fetal risk (cord compression or IUGR)
Immediate CS
TTT of Oligohydraminos
- If there is no fetal risk
Vaginal delivery is allowed with careful electronic fetal monitoring to detect any change in FHR which indicates CS
TTT of Oligohydraminos
- Aminoinfusion
Method in which physiological solution (normal saline) is infused via double lumen catheter through cervix into uterine cavity
Complications of Oligohydraminos
Matrenal Complications of Oligohydraminos
Malpresentation & prolonged labo
Fetal Complications of Oligohydraminos