Abnormal Uterine Action Flashcards
Classification of Abnormal Uterine Action
Classification of Abnormal Uterine Action
- Normal Polarity
Classification of Abnormal Uterine Action
- With abnormal polarity (incoordinate uterine action)
Def of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
Etiology of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
Complications of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
Complications of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
- Maternal
TTT of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
- Prophylactic
Reassurance of women & mental & physical rest during ANC.
TTT of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
- General Measures
- Careful examination to exclude malpresentation & malposition & disproportion.
- Proper management of 1st stage of labor.
TTT of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
- Uterine Stimulants
TTT of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
if vaginal delivery is amenable & cervix is > 3 cm dilatation.
TTT of Hypotonic Uterine Inertia
- Operative TTT
Def of Precipitate Labor
Etiology of Precipitate Labor
Complications of Precipitate Labor
Complications of Precipitate Labor
- Maternal
Complications of Precipitate Labor
- fetal & Neonatal
TTT of Precipitate Labor
TTT of Precipitate Labor
- before Labor
- Patient e previous precipitate labor should be hospitalized before EDD as she is more prone to repeated precipitate labor.
TTT of Precipitate Labor
- During Labor
TTT of Precipitate Labor
- After Labor
- Exploration of birth canal for lacerations & tears.
- Examination of neonate for injuries.
Def of Constriction (Contraction) Ring
Persistent localized annular spasm of circular muscles of uterus.
PPT Factors for Constriction (Contraction) Ring
Complications of Constriction (Contraction) Ring
TTT of Constriction (Contraction) Ring
Def of Cervical Rigidity (Cervical Dystocia)
- Failure of taking up & dilatation of cervix ein reasonable time in spite of good uterine contractions.
Etiology of Cervical Rigidity (Cervical Dystocia)
Complications of Cervical Rigidity (Cervical Dystocia)
TTT of Cervical Rigidity (Cervical Dystocia)
TTT of Cervical Rigidity (Cervical Dystocia)
- Functional rigidity
TTT of Cervical Rigidity (Cervical Dystocia)
- Organic Rigidity
CS is usually done if cervix doesn’t dilate ein reasonable time.