DM Flashcards
Modified White Classification of DM in Pregnancy
Modified White Classification of DM in Pregnancy
- A1 & A2
- A1: → FBS < 105 mg/d| & PPS < 120 mg/di.
A2: → FBS > 105 mg/dl & PPS > 120 mg/dl.
RF for GDM
Effects of Pregnancy on DM
- Pregnancy is Diabetogenic
- Change in Insulin Requirments
- Increased Incidence of DM Complications
- Aggravation of Retinopathy & Nephropathy
Effects of DM on Pregnancy
Maternal & Fetal & Neonatal
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- During Pregnancy
- During labor
- During Puerperium
- Late Complications
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Abortion
Due to Ag-Ab reaction associating DM or chromosomal abnormalities.
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Preterm Labor
3-4 times higher in diabetics (MgSO4 is the tocolytic of choice).
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Polyhydraminos
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
Due to vasculopathy or nephropathy.
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Infection
UTI, vulvovaginitis (monilia) or chorioamnionitis (after ROM).
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- During Pregnancy
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- During Labor
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- During puerperium
- PPH & puerperal sepsis.
- Abnormal lactation: Due to changes in glucose level.
Maternal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Late Complications
50% of cases è GDM will develop overt DM later on.
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
- Hypoglycemia
- Hypocalcemia & hypomagnesemia
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Polycythemia
- Poor Feeding
- Birth Trauma
- Late Complications
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Due to delayed lung maturity (because hyperinsulinemia inhibits secretion of pulmonary surfactant).
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Hypoglycemia
Blood glucose level < 40 mg/d| (due to hyperinsulinemia)
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Hyperbilirubenemia
Due to delay in liver maturation.
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Polycythemia
Hct value > 65% (due to chronic intrauterine hypoxia → T T erythropoietin production).
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Poor Feeding
Due to prematurity, RDS or congenital anomalies
Neonatal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Late Complications
Increased risk of development of type I DM later in life (1-3% if mother only is diseased & 6% if father is diseased also
Fetal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Congenital Anomalies
- Macrosomia
Fetal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Congenital Anomalies
Most Common Congenital Anomalies in pregnancy with DM
Specially VSD
Most Specific Congenital Anomalies in Pregnancy in DM
Sacral agenesis (caudal regression or caudal dysplasia)
Fetal Effects of DM on Pregnancy
- Macrosomia
Dx of DM in Preegnancy
- Hx
Dx of DM in Preegnancy
- Ex
Signs of complications (maternal or fetal).
Dx of DM in Preegnancy
- Investigations
- Test for glucosuria
- Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs)
- Glycosylated HbA1 (HbA1c)
- Investigations to detect complications
Investigations for DM in pregnancy
Investigations for DM in pregnancy
- Glucosuria
Done in each ANC visit & if +ve → blood investigations.
Investigations for DM in pregnancy
- 50gm 1-hour OGTT
- 100 gm 3-hours OGTT
Best Screening Test in DM with Pregnancy
50gm 1-hour OGTT
50gm 1-hour OGTT
The gold standard for diagnosis of GDM
100 gm 3-hours OGTT
100 gm 3-hours OGTT
Investigations for DM in pregnancy
- HbA1c
Managment of DM in Pregnancy
- Pre-Conceptional Care
Pre-Conceptional Care for DM in Pregnancy
ANC for DM in Pregnancy
ANC for DM in Pregnancy
- Frequency of Visits
Glycemic Control for DM in Pregnancy
- Dietary recommendation
- Insulin therapy
Glycemic Control for DM in Pregnancy
- Dietary Recommendations
Glycemic Control for DM in Pregnancy
- Insulin Therapy
The standard treatment for DM è pregnancy.
Insulin Therapy for DM in Pregnancy
Insulin Therapy for DM in Pregnancy
- Goals
Keeping FBS < 105 mg/dl & 2 hours PPS < 120 mg/di.
Insulin Therapy for DM in Pregnancy
- Insulin Preparations
Ultrashort, short, intermediate & long acting.
Insulin Therapy for DM in Pregnancy
- Routes of adminstration
Insulin Therapy for DM in Pregnancy
- Calculation of dose
In 1st half of pregnancy: → Body weight x 0.6 units/day.
In 2nd half of pregnancy: → Body weight x 0.7 units/day.
Insulin Therapy for DM in Pregnancy
- regimens
Time of Delivery for A1 GDM
At 40 weeks (EDD)
Time of Delivery for GDM Other than A1
At 38 weeks
When to deliver at >37 weeks in GDM?
Prerequisites before induction of lobor in DM in Pregnancy
Precautions in Vaginal delivery DM in Pregnancy
CS in DM in Pregnancy
DM not indication for CS → ass. è increased incidence of CS (CS rate reaches 47%).
Indications of CS in DM in Pregnancy
Precautions of CS in DM in Pregnancy
- Glycemic control.
- Prophylactic antibiotics.
- Anesthesia: General anesthesia is the standard.
Neonatal Care in DM in Pregnancy
Perinatal Mortality in DM in Pregnancy
2-5% (50% of them are due to congenital anomalies).