Multifetal Pregnancy Flashcards
Incidence of Multifetal Pregnancy
Determination of zygosity
RF for Dizygotic Twins
Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
- Maternal
- Fetal
Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- Maternal
- During pregnancy
- During Labor
- During Puerperium
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- 3 times more common than singleton pregnancy specially if associated è polyhydramnios or abnormal presentation.
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- Due to placenta previa (due to large placenta encroaching on LUS) or placental abruption (due to higher incidence of PIH).
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
Usually of early onset.
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- Anemia
Due to increased requirements & plasma expansion.
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- Malpresentation
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- Pressure Manifestations
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Pregnancy
- Psychological
Due to prolonged rest & hospitalization.
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During labor
Maternal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy During Puerperium
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
- More in monozygotic type than in dizygotic type due to less placental perfusion & increases chance of vascular connections.
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
- Intrapartum Fetal Death
Death of 1st fetus:
- Due to cord prolapse or locked twin.
Death of 2nd fetus:
- Due to excessive sedation, premature separation of placenta, hypoxia, constriction ring or operative manipulation.
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
Due to relatively deficient resources that may affect one fetus > other.
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
- Increased Incidence of Congenital Anomalies
- Major anomalies develop in 2% & minor anomalies develop in 4% of twins.
- Incidence in monozygotic type is twice that in dizygotic type.
- Incidence increaeses in monoamniotic type.
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
- umbilical Cord Problems
Fetal Complications of Multifetal Pregnancy
- Cerebral Palsy
- times more common in twins than in singleton pregnancy & it occurs due to single fetal demise, IUGR, discordant growth or TTTS.
Fetal conditions unique to multifetal pregnancy
- Vanishing Twin syndrome
- Single fetal Demise
- Discordant Growth
- Conjoint Twins (Siamese twins or disomata)
- Locked Twins
- Retained 2nd Twin
Def of TTTS
- Blood transfusion from one fetus (donor) to the other (recipient) due to presence of uncompensated intraplacental A-V shunts è preferential blood flow () 2 fetuses.
Incidence of TTTS
15% of monochorionic twins (it is rare in dichorionic twins).
Pathology in TTTS
Dx of TTTS
Managment of TTTS
Synonyms of Conjoint Twins
Siamese twins or disomata
Def of Conjoint Twins
- Twins bodies are fused in certain sites.
- 0.5% of monozygotic twins & is more in female than male fetuses (3:1)
Types of Conjoint Twins
Dx of Conjoint Twins
Managment of Conjoint Twins
CS or vaginal delivery in extreme prematurity.
Def of Locked Twins
One fetus impedes descent & delivery of the other.
Incidence of Locked Twins
1/50000 of deliveries & it is more common in primigravidas.