Complications of 3rd Stage Flashcards
Def of Retained Placenta
Failure of delivery of placenta èin 30 minutes after delivery of fetus.
Types of Retained Placenta
- Retained separated placenta
- Retained non separated placenta
Etiology of Retained Separated Placenta
1) Uterine atony.
2) Constriction ring.
3) Rupture uterus.
Etiology of Retained non-separated Placenta
1) Uterine atony.
2) Abnormally adherent placenta
3) Abnormal shape of placenta: Placenta membranacea & succenturiate placent
Etiuology & RF for Abnormally adherent placenta
Types of Abnormally adherent placenta
Complications of Retained Placenta
TTT of Uterine atony
Give ergometrine & do gentile uterine massage (to stimulate uterine contraction) then try to deliver placenta by 1 of the following:
a. Brandt-Andrew’s maneuver
b. Crede’s method:
c. Manual removal
TTT of Uterine atony
- Crede’s Method (Complications)
TTT of Uterine atony
- Manual removal of placenta (Technique)
TTT of Uterine atony
- Manual removal of placenta (Complications)
- Perforation of uterus.
- Retained parts of placenta or membranes.
- Infection.
Dx of adherent placenta
TTT of Adherent placenta
TTT of Adherent placenta
- Ordinary (simple) adherence & partial placenta accreta
- Remove as much as possible from placenta & insert uterine pack
- if bleeding continues → bilateral uterine artery ligation, bilateral internal iliac artery ligation or hysterectomy.
TTT of Adherent placenta
- Complete placenta accreta, placenta increta or placenta percreta