Pesek Chapter 7 Flashcards
Upper Room
The room where Jesus and the Apostles celebrated the Last Supper. The locked gathering place for the first Christians before Pentecost. One of the first Christian churches.
A Jewish festival, fifty days after Passover, celebrations the giving of the Law to Moses at Sinai. The fiftieth day after the Resurrection, the Holy Spirit was manifested, given, and communicated to the Church, fulfilling the mission of Christ. This is the “birthday” of the Church.
Holy Spirit
The third person of the Trinity. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to guide and protect his followers after he ascended to his father; that promise was fulfilled ten days later at Pentecost. God the Holy Spirit continues to guide and protect the Church today.
God’s communication of himself by which he makes known the mystery of his divine plan. A gift of God’s self-communication that is realized by deeds and words through time, the fullness of which was the sending of his Only-Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. The apocalypse revealed to St. John on Patmos.
The disciple chosen after the Ascension to replace Judas as one of the Twelve.
The first Christian martyr. A popular deacon whose death marked the first wave of persecution against Christians.
An ancient city in Syria. Saul of Tarsus (later St. Paul) was on his way to arrest Christians there when he encountered Christ in about AD 35.
From the Greek meaning “public service” or “the work of he people.” The Mystical Body of Christ worshipping the Father and continuing the effects of Christ’s death and resurrection by which he accomplished salvation. The mass consists of two liturgies, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
Liturgy of the Word
The first part of the Mass. Within this the Scriptures are read and interpreted by the deacon or priest. It parallels the liturgy of the Jewish synagogue.
Also called the Eucharist or the Lord’s supper. This name is derived from the Latin dismissal of the faithful, “Ite Missa Est,” meaning “Go, the Mass is ended.” The principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of salvation through participation in the sacrificial Death and glorious Resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished.
The first Christian to baptize a Gentile. The Holy Spirit led him to an Ethiopian eunuch who was reading the prophecy of Isaiah.
From the Greek for a bedchamber guard; a castrated male. In some ancient kingdoms, they held the highest positions in the government. A eunuch “for the sake of the kingdom of heaven” (Mt 19:12) is a disciple of Christ who renounces marriage for the sake of witnessing God’s love and his plan of salvation among men.
An ancient civilization in eastern Africa. The first Gentile baptized as a Christian was an Ethiopian.
A servant; in particular, the servant of a king. Jesus left his followers to be the royal ministers of his Kingdom on earth.
Formerly known as Saul of Tarsus, he led persecutions of Christians. He was chosen by Christ to be an Apostle. He preached to many Gentile communities, established churches, and wrote several of the Epistles that appear in the New Testament.
A great, ancient metropolis in Syria. The name “Christian” was first used in this second center of Christianity after Jerusalem. St. Peter was the first bishop here.
Council of Jerusalem
Recounted in Acts 15, this synod of the Apostles in AD 49 or 50 spoke with the authority of Christ in deciding Gentile converts to Christianity did not have to be circumcised according to the Law of Moses.
James the Less
A brother of the Lord who became the leader of the Church in Jerusalem. St. James was famous for keeping the whole Law of Moses faithfully.