Ginger Lord (Will Davidson) Ch 5 Flashcards
“The first woman and our first mother. Eve was created from the rib of Adam, and thus woman—unlike the animals—is man’s equal and complement.”
Who was David
“The second king of Israel, a “man after God’s own heart.”
“The name of the garden in which God placed Adam and Eve”
“Enforced removal from one’s native land according to an edict or enforced residence in a foreign land. The time the people of Judah spent as captives in Babylon.”
“The great deluge that destroyed the world by water, from which only Noah, his family, and the animals escaped. The Flood is a type of the Sacrament of Baptism through which sin is destroyed.”
“A member of any of the nations outside Israel”
“The Hebrew word for God.”
“The vessel built by Noah to save his family and the animals from the Flood”
“A city in Mesopotamia, the original home of Abraham.
“An ornamented receptacle in the church in which the consecrated Eucharist is reserved for Communion for the sick and dying as well as for adoration. In Israelite history, the curtained tent containing the Ark of the Covenant and other sacred items; this portable sanctuary was taken through their wandering in the wilderness until the building of the Temple.
Original name of Sarah
“Greek for “going out.” Liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land by the saving acts of God. The Book of Exodus recounts these events. The word also describes the liberation from slavery to sin into eternal life by the saving act of Jesus Christ”
“The wife of Abraham and mother of Isaac.”
“A disaster that affects a large number of people. The ten plagues in Exodus were signs of God’s wrath against the Egyptians for their treatment of the Jews, their obstinate pride, and their worship of false gods.”
“Greek for “second law.” It is the name of one of the books of the Bible that is the second promulgation of the Law. It also restates many of the important laws given in Exodus, including the Ten Commandments.”
“Greek for “second law.” It is the name of one of the books of the Bible that is the second promulgation of the Law. It also restates many of the important laws given in Exodus, including the Ten Commandments.”
“A priest who led the returned exiles in Jerusalem and gathered together the books of the Old Testament.”
“The worship or adoration due God alone paid to any created object. It is forbidden by the First Commandment. Idolatry is distinct from veneration given to saints and holy objects implicitly allowed by the Incarnation as defined at the Seventh Ecumenical Council (Nicæa II, AD 787).”
Cyrus the Great
“The Persian king who conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem.”
“God’s bringing things into being out of nothing. Creation is good, but it has been corrupted by sin.”
“One of the tribes of Israel. This name was used for the southern kingdom when Israel was divided after Solomon. Judah kept Jerusalem as its capital and remained loyal to David’s line.”
“A representation such as a statue or picture. Human beings are created in the image of God, which means they are capable of knowing and loving their Creator in freedom. All human beings have the dignity of people, capable of self‑knowledge and entering freely into communion with God and other persons.”
“Jacob’s favorite among his twelve sons. His envious brothers sold him as a slave, but Joseph rose to become prime minister of Egypt, where he was ultimately able to save his family from starvation. Joseph was also the name of the husband of Mary and custodian of the child Jesus.”
“The miraculous food the Israelites were given in the desert. It is a type of the Eucharist.”
“The righteous man who, with his family and the animals, survived the Flood.”
“What is left after a disaster. In the prophecy of Isaiah, the small number out of all God’s people who will return to Jerusalem after the coming exile. Isaiah even named one of his children “A‑Remnant‑Shall‑Return.”
“Greek for “anointed.” This is used in reference to Jesus because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission of Priest, Prophet, and King, signified by his being anointed as Christ.”
“Empty, without form. The state of the world before God gave it form and created beings to fill it.”
“The form taken by Satan in the Garden of Eden.