Pesek BT Chapter 4 Flashcards
The city where Jesus Christ was born. It was the ancestral home of David, which is why Joseph, being of the house of David, had to go there to be enrolled in the census ordered by Caesar Augustus.
The first of the Seven Sacraments and the door that gives access to the other sacraments; first and chief Sacrament of Forgiveness of Sins because the baptized Christian receives the remission of both personal and Original Sin. It incorporates him or her into the Church, the Body of Christ.
Caesar Augustus
Latin for “venerable”; the first Roman emperor. After many years of civil war, he established peace throughout the Roman Empire.
Herod the Great
A wicked, ambitious king, who took over the government of Palestine with the support of the Romans. He was an Edomite, but he portrayed himself as a Jew returned from exile. He ordered the killing of all newborn male children in an effort to slay the Messiah.
Hidden Years
The years of Jesus’ life before the beginning of his public ministry at age 30 - so called because very little is documented about Jesus’ activities during these years.
From the Latin for “to become flesh”; the mystery of the hypostatic union of the divine and human natures in the one divine Person of the Word, Jesus Christ. To bring about man’s salvation, the Son of God was made flesh and became truly man.
The long-promised and awaited Anointed One, God the Son made man.
John the Baptist
A cousin of Jesus, older by six months. His baptizing and preaching in the wilderness prepared the way for Jesus.
The “wise men” who came from the East to find the Christ child in Bethlehem
The rising of the dead to new life and, specifically, the bodily rising of Jesus, as he had foretold, on the third day after his Death on the Cross and burial in the tomb. By virtue of his Resurrection, Christians have the hope of resurrection with Christ on the last day.
River Jordan
The river that formed the eastern border of Canaan. Many, including Jesus, were given the Baptism of repentance in this river by St. John the Baptist.
From the Aramaic perishaya, “the separated ones”; a member of an ancient Jewish sect, active during the earthly life of Jesus Christ, distinguished by their strict observance of the traditional, written law and, at times, their self-righteousness.
Wise Men
See Magi
A Jewish sect that believed in accommodating Judaism to contemporary life and circumstances. They held most of the positions of power in the priesthood. Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of the dead and denied the existence of angels and spirits.
Lamb of God
The Passover sacrifice at the Exodus. This was a type of Jesus Christ, the perfect sacrifice, “who takes away the sins of the world.”
The ritual excision of the foreskin designated as the visible sign of God’s covenant with Abraham and his descendants. Circumcision set the People of a God apart from other nations.
Mortification by deprivation of food or drink. This is an ancient religious practice that denies the desires of the flesh in order to strengthen the spirit.
To test, usually by offering something forbidden. The devil offered Jesus food, divine protection, and earthly glory as the price of worshiping him.
From the Greek for “one sent forth”; refers to the Twelve chosen by Jesus during the course of his public ministry to be his closest followers, as well as Sts. Matthias, Paul of Tarsus, Barnabas, and the enlighteners of whole nations.
Kingdom of God
The reign or rule of God, a place or righteousness and peace, announced in the Gospel and present in the person of Jesus, the Messiah. Christ gave his Apostles the work of proclaiming the kingdom and of forming his people into a priestly kingdom that is mysteriously present in the Church as the beginning of God’s Kingdom on earth.
Hebrew for “my master”; teacher of the Jewish people; title the disciples used for their teacher, Jesus.
A well-educated Jew who studied and explained the Law. A scribe was not necessarily a priest, though some were members if the Sanhedrin in the time of Christ.
A fictitious narrative or allegory (usually of an ordinary occurrence) used to illustrate and explain moral or spiritual principles.
Sermon on the Mount
One of Jesus’ first and most famous proclamations of the Gospel. The Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer are among some of the teachings given in the Sermon on the Mount
The story in Scripture in which Jesus was transfigured - seen in his brilliant, glorified state - along with Moses and Elijah. St. Peter, St. James, and St. John, whom Jesus had invited to accompany him atop Mount Tabor, witnessed this event.
The name given by Jesus to St. Peter, when Jesus appointed him the visible head of his Church on earth - the first pope, as we would call him today: “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom if heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Keys of the Kingdom
The power to bind and loose given by Christ to St. Peter; also, the badge of office of the prime ministers of the Davidic kingdom.
Papacy (Pope)
The office of pope as instituted by Jesus. The holder of this office has the responsibility of supreme authority for guiding the Church.
The great prophet who challenged the pagan rulers of Israel. He was taken up to Heaven in a fiery chariot.
A solemn agreement between people or between God and man involving mutual commitments and guarantees.
Greatest Commandment (The)
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your mind, and with all your strength; and you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” This commandment is the basis for understanding all the other commandments.
The Twelve
The Apostles whom Jesus chose to help him in his ministry. This corresponds to the number of the tribes of Israel.
From the Greek for “thanksgiving”; also called the Mass or Lord’s Supper; the principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of salvation through participation in the sacrificial Death and glorious Resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished. This term is also applied to the species consecrated during the Mass.
Herod Antipas
The Son of Herod the Great and ruler of Galilee. He had St. John the Baptist imprisoned and put to death for speaking out against his illicit relationship with the wife of his half-brother, Philip. Pontius Pilate, seeking to avoid controversy with the Jews, sent Jesus to Herod Antipas for judgement. After mocking Christ, however, Herod sent him back to Pilate, who condemned Jesus to death.
A forty-day season of preparation leading up to the commemoration of the Crucifixion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus during Holy Week. Church law generally calls all Catholics to seek a conversion of heart and repentance through increased prayer and assigned days of fast and abstinence from meat.
The saving act of Jesus Christ, made possible through his Incarnation, Death, and Resurrection, by which the sins of humanity are washed away and eternal life in Heaven is made possible.
The visit of the Virgin Mary, who was already bearing the unborn Jesus, to her cousin Elizabeth, who in her old age had conceived a son who was to become John the Baptist.