Chapter 5 PHI Flashcards
Greek for “anointed.” This is used in reference to Jesus because he accomplished perfectly the divine mission of Priest, Prophet, and King, signified by his being anointed as Christ.
First man and our first father.
The name of the garden in which God placed Adam and Eve.
brother of and spokesman for Moses. He was the first priest of Israel
Adam and Eve’s second son. Because his sacrifice was acceptable to God, he was murdered by his envious brother Cain
A descendant of Shem ands the founder of the Hebrew nation. He was the first to receive a personal call from God (at seventy years old) and he responded in faith
Alexander the Great
The fourth century BC Greek conqueror who spread his empire across the known world. Despite the empire’s breakup after his death, Alexander’s conquests spread Hellenistic (Greek) culture throughout the world.
From the Greek angelos, a translation of the Hebrew malak =, meaning “messenger” A spiritual, personal, and immortal creature, possessing intelligence and free will, who glorifies God without ceasing and serves God as protector of and messenger to man
The vessel built by Noah to save his family and the animals from the Flood
Ark of the Covenant
An ornate box that held the tables of the Law (Ten Commandments), the rod of Aaron and some manna; it represented God
An ancient empire ruled by bloodthirsty and wicked men; it terrorized the whole Middle East and constantly threatened Israel and Judah during the monarchic period. Eventually the Assyrians destroyed Israel and scattered its people
The great imperial city to which the conquered people of Judah were taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC
Adam and Eve’s first son, killed Abel out of envy. The Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one would kill him
Calf, Golden
An idol made by Aaron when the Israelites demanded it. The people worshipped it as teh god that had brought them out of Egypt.
The land God promised to Abraham’s descendants.
The visible sign of God’s promise to Abraham
God’s bringing things into being out of nothing.
Cyrus the Great
The Persian king who conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem.
The second king of Israel, a “man after God’s own heart.”
Greek for “second law” It is the name of one of the books of the Bible that is the second promulgation of the Law.
Hebrew word for God
Enforced removal from one’s native land according to an edict or enforced residence in a foreign land.
Greek for “going out.” Liberation of the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt into the Promised Land by saving acts of God. The Book of Exodus recounts these events.
A priest who led the returned exiles in Jerusalem and gathered together the books of the Old Testament
The great deluge that destroyed the world by water, from which only Noah, his family, and animals escaped. The Flood is a type of the Sacrament of Baptism through which sin is destroyed
A member of any of the nations outside of Israel
The worship or adoration due God alone paid to any created object. It is forbidden by the First Commandment
A representation such as a statue or picture. Human beings are created in the image of God
Son of Abraham and Sarah. He was born when they were very old. Although Isaac was not Abraham’s first son, he was the firstborn of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, making Isaac the heir to God’s promises.
The great prophet who guided the reforms of Hezekiah. His prophecies often refer to the coming of the Messiah
The people chosen by god to be his own and to inherit the promises of Abraham. This people is named after Israel (Jacob), from whose twelve sons the tribes of Israel descend.
The younger of Isaac and Rebekah’s twin sons. He tricked his brother, Esau, into giving him his inheritance and his father into giving him the first-born’s blessing, thus becoming Isaac’s heir. Through him God renewed the covenant with Abraham’s descendants
The Canaanite inhabitants of Jerusalem whom the Israelites had not conquered up to the tie of David.
The great prophet who stood up to official persecution to bring God’s word to the people of Judah. He saw his people being carried off to Babylon in captivity, but he predicted that God would gather the remnant of his flock from the four corners of the world. He also foresaw a time when God would make a “new covenant” with his people
A Canaanite city conquered by David that became the capital and religious center of Israel
Jacob’s favorite among his twelve sons. His envious brothers sold him as a slave, but Joseph rose to become prime minister of Egypt, where he was ultimately able to save his family from starvation. Joseph was also the name of the husband of Mary and custodian of child Jesus.
A reforming king of Judah who returned the people to the worship of God. During his reign the Book of the Law was found in the Temple, where it might have been hidden during Manasseh’s persecutions