Burt Chapter 3 Flashcards
Apostolic Succession
The line of bishops and Popes tracing back to Peter and the apostles
From the Greek meaning “one sent forth”, refers to the twelve men that Jesus chose to help him spread his word
Consecrated successor of the apostles, usually given the spiritual responsibility of a territory or diocese
Council/Ecumenical Council
From the Greek oikoumene, meaning the whole world. A formal meeting of all the world’s bishops to govern the Church and her teachings
Council of Jerusalem
When the Apostles spoke with the authority of the Holy Spirit to discuss whether or not the gentile converts had to be circumcised or follow the Law of Moses
The gift of the Holy Spirit that when the Pope speaks ex cathedra what he says is just and free from error
The teaching authority of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit
Sensus Fidelum
Means sense of the faithful, refers to the immunity from error when the faithful come together to make a decision
Apostolic Fathers
The fathers of the church who were direct disciples of the Apostles
Catechism of the Catholic Church
A summary of Catholic teachings
Deposit of Faith
All of the faith contained in sacred scripture and in sacred tradition
Fathers of the Church
The Christian writers from the first to the eighth century who taught in harmony with the church
To be free from error
To be free from error in teachings
The gift of the Holy Spirit given to the writers of sacred scripture
Correctness and soundness in theological faith and beliefs
From the Latin traditio, meaning handing on.
Sacred tradition
The deposit of faith that was entrusted to Peter and the Apostles and their successors
Allegorical Sense
The spiritual sense of interpreting literature that refers to people and objects as symbols for future events
A prolonged metaphor
A way of understanding by making connections
A story with plants or animals as characters that has a moral value
Literary device that uses exaggeration to make a point
Improper literal sense
Words are understood figuratively
Reading without regard to the forms and tools of literature
Literal sense
Understanding of words based on their literary and historical context
Literary analysis
Taking into account all of the literary forms and tools to grasp the full meaning of literature
Literary forms
Refers to the various styles of writing to communicate a message
A literary tool used to another by comparison
Metaphorical sense
Understanding the symbols and figurative meanings of literature
Moral sense
Also called the topological sense, portrays the heroes of scripture as a pattern for Christians of every age
A story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual truth
Proper literal sense
Words are understood by their ordinary meaning
Comparison made by using like or as
Spiritual sense
Interpretation of scripture grasping the full meaning if the symbols in the stories. The three kinds of spiritual sense are allegorical sense, moral sense, and anagogical sense
The study of the end of time
Reliability in communicating the truth