Burt Chapter 4 Flashcards
Analogy of Faith
The unity and coherence of the truths in the Bible as a result of God’s infinite perfection and knowledge
A letter addressed to a particular person or people
Sacred Scripture; the book of all books written by God
The study of ancestry
Greek for “good news”; refers to the books in the New Testament where the good news of Christ is spread
New Testament
The 27 books written in the Bible that take place during the time of Jesus Christ here on Earth
Old Testament
The 46 books of the Bible that record our salvation history before Christ
From the Greek prophetes, meaning one who speaks for; someone selected by God to speak in His name
Prophetic Literature
The Old Testament books that consist of the prophets guiding God’s chosen people
From the Latin testamentum, which means covenant; refers to the two sections/books in the Bible
The five Books of Moses (first in the Old Testament); Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
From Greek and Latin meaning “rule”; refers to the complete list of books in the Bible
Refers to those books that were removed from the Jewish or Hebrew canon but are present in the original Greek translation by the early Christians
Deuteronomistic (D)
One of the supposed sources of the Pentateuch; written around the seventh century BC
Elohist (E)
Another supposed source of the Pentateuch, reflecting the perspective of the Jews in Israel; written in the eighth or ninth century BC
From Greek meaning “five books”; refers to the Torah, or first five books of the Old Testament
Priestly (P)
Another supposed author of the Pentateuch, but one that later revised all of the five books
An alternate name of Revelation; refers to the time when all evil is destroyed and the righteous rise
One who proclaims the gospel
An event or person in scripture that points to a future event or person
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Portion of Mass when the body and blood of Christ is offered
Liturgy of the Word
Portion of Mass when scripture is read
The books that were included in the Jewish and Hebrew versions of the Bible
A third century BC Greek translation of the Old Testament; accepted by early Christians as the inspired word of God
From the Latin word for “common”; translation of the original languages of the Bible to common Latin
An edition of the Old Testament that presented the Hebrew and Greek translations in side-by-side columns