Personality (Module 5 Ch 13) Flashcards
Memorize by Final Exam 12/11
States vs Traits
Temporary states of being (ex: being tired and cranky)
Long-lasting, consistent parts of your personality (ex: being a grumpy person)
Free Association
Someone starts you off with a word or concept, and then you say anything and everything that comes to mind from that starting point
Looking for patterns or consistencies
Your perception or understanding of who you are as a person (which can be inaccurate)
Trusting and acting on your feelings
Fulfilling and believing in yourself
Person-Situation Controversy
Across time, who you are as a person is more determinant of your behavior
In individual instances, the context of the situation in which you’re acting is more determinant of your behavior
Specific trait marked by an inflated sense of self or belief that you can do no wrong and know better than everyone else
Tendency to exploit others
Usually well-liked at the beginning of a relationship (mistaken for confidence)
Pseudo Psychology in which your physical characteristics, such as height and face shape, influence the type of personality you have
Sheldon’s Body Type Theory
Tall+lanky = introverted+intellectual
Muscular = assertive+bold
Larger = aggreable+jovial
Not empirically supported, but is very prevalent in media depictions
Bumps/divots in someone’s skull correlate to an excess or lack of certain personality traits
Complete bs
Four Humors
Pseudo Psychology in which your personality is determined by the balance of 4 different types of liquid in the body: blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm
What does it mean when you have an excess of one of the 4 humors?
Blood = happiness+enthusiasm
Yellow bile = aggressive+bitter
Black bile = depressed+anxious
Phlegm = lazy
What are the 3 levels of consciousness according to Freud?
Unconscious, Preconscious (aka subconscious), and Conscious
Parts of the mind that we’re unable to access no matter what
Determines most of our behaviors
Information that’s not currently available to our brain, but can be brought into consciousness through effort
What is currently active or available in our mind
What was Freud’s theory about dreams? Why is it not supported?
Freud saw them as the gateway to the unconscious mind
Research shows that they’re actually impacted more by our consciousness, especially events that occur during the day
What are the 3 parts of the personality, according to Freud?
The Id, Ego, and Superego
The devil on your shoulder
All it cares about is fulfilling its wants and desires
First part of the self to develop, that is gradually driven into the unconscious as we age
The part of the self that is present and interacting with the world
Resides in the conscious and preconscious
The angel on your shoulder (counteracts the “selfish” Id)
Concerned with morality and self-acceptance
Last part to develop and is present throughout all 3 levels of consciousness
What is Freud’s Psychosexual Theory?
As we develop, our Id’s focus on different erogenous zones
Each of the 5 stages is marked by a challenge or problem within this erogenous zone, and the way you resolve it creates a lasting impact on your personality
What are the 5 stages of Psychosexual Theory in order?
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Oral Stage
1st: the mouth
Ages 0 to 18 months
Focused on the ability to eat and sucking to soothe
Leads to anxiety in adulthood if left unresolved
Anal Stage
2nd: the anus
Ages 18 to 36 months
Focuses on potty training
Phallic Stage
3rd: the genitals
Ages 3 to 6 years
Focus is becoming aware of the differences between the sexes
Complications include the Oedipal and Electra complexes
Resolution affects gender identity
Oedipal Complex
Challenge for boys in the phallic stage
Wanting to kill their father and have sex with their mother (wtf)
Electra Complex
Challenge for girls in the phallic stage
Wanting to kill their mother and have sex with their father (wtffff)
Latency Stage
4th: no erogenous zone
Ages 6 to puberty
Focus is creating same-sex friendships while ignoring sexual interest and feelings
Genital Stage
5th: the genitals
From puberty onwards
Focus is enacting on sexual desires and creating romantic relationships
Why is Freud’s Psychosexual Theory not supported?
1) Development occurs throughout the lifetime and doesn’t just end at the “genital stage” (puberty)
2) Infants don’t have the neural capabilities to maintain the trauma that supposedly can occur in the “oral stage” (not sucking to soothe does not lead to anxiety)
3) Gender identity can be presented earlier than the “phallic stage”, and can also occur in the absence of one parent
What are Defense Mechanisms according to Freud? What are they actually?
Freud said they were ways the ego protects itself from the harsh truth of reality
Research shows they’re actually meant to preserve our biases and self-esteem
Reverting back to an earlier psychosexual stage in order to ignore or avoids your problems
Refusing to acknowledge the reality of a situation
Taking the inappropriate feelings you have and projecting them onto someone else
Taking your anger, aggression, or inappropriate feelings out on someone safe rather than the thing that’s causing those feelings
Reaction Formation
Expressing the opposite of your inappropriate feelings
Common in postpartum depression