Personality: Erikson, Kohlberg, Freud, Vgotsky Flashcards
CH6.3 Personality
how someone acta and reacts
2 major people in psychoanalysis
sigmund freud
carl jung
psychoanalytic perspective
actions and thoughts and emtotions are created in the unconscious
analyze dreams
analyze free word associations
what needs are unmet?
id vs ego vs supergo
Remember, the id is the impulsive part of your personality that is driven by pleasure and repulsed by pain, the superego is the judgmental and morally correct part of your personality, and the ego is the conscious part of your personality that mediates between the id and the superego and makes decisions.
Abraham Maslow levels of needs
what did george kelly think?
what did kurt lewin think?
what did carl rogers think?
trait perspective
focused on describing individual personalities as the sum of characteristic behaviors
focuses onpatterns of people thoughts and behavior to see what it stable
what did Sybil and Hans Eysenk do?
PEN model through factor analysis
Psychoticism - agressive, tough minded
Extraversion - outgoing
Neuroticism - proneness to depression and anxiety
**MODERN expanded to **
Agreeableness - how trusting and moral
ditch for Psychoticismonscientiiousness
The BIG 5 Traits: OCEAN
what is gordon allport famous for?
cardinal traits - dominate personality
central traits - main traits of personality
secondary traits - vary depending on circumstances due to attitudes and preferences
contrast personality perspectives: psychoanalysis, trait behaviorists, behaviorism and social cognitive perspective
psychoanalysis - you are your unconscious
trait behaviorists - you are your thought and behaviors
(behaviorism - personality is a reflection of behaviors reinforced over time)
behaviorism and social cognitive perspective - environment determines how you act
behaviorist perspective and example of proponent
personality is a reflection of behaviorist that have been reinforced over time
BF Skinner
behaviors can be learned and unlearned
social cognitive perspective and example of proponent
attitudes are formed through observation of behavior, cognition and environment
albert bandura
personal factors (cog, aff, bio), environmental factors, behaviors all interact with eachother
locus of control
degree to which you or somehting else has control over your life
internal and external locus of control