Personality Flashcards
Psychoanalytic perspective
views personality as resulting from unconscious urges and desires
frauds theories are based on
id (base urges of survival and reproduction)
ego (the mediator between the two and the conscious mind)
superego (the idealist and perfectionist)
defense mechanisms (Psychoanalytic)
used by the EGO
used to reduce stress caused by the urges of the id and the superego
Carl Jung
assumed a collective unconscious that links all humans together.
He viewed the personality as being influenced by archetypes
Humanistic perspective
emphasizes the internal feelings of individuals as they strive toward happiness and self realization.
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Rogers therapeutic approach of unconditional positive regard flow from the humanistic view of personality
Type and Trait theorists
believe that personality can be described as a number of identifiable traits that carry characteristics behaviors
Type theories of personalities
Sheldons somatotypes
division into Type A (competitive and compulsive) and Type B (laid back and relaxed)
forcing undesired thought sand urges to the unconscious
unconscious forgetting
deliberate conscious form of forgetting
going back to an earlier developmental stage
- kids going back to thumb sucking, temper tantrums
- mostly due to stress
reaction formation
suppressing urges by unconsciously converting them into their exact OPPOSITE
individuals attribute their undesired feeling to others
Rorschach inkblot test
a test that a client project his unconscious feelings onto the shape
Thematic Apperception Test
a test consisting of a series of pictures that are presented to the client, who is asked to make up a story about each one.
this tests the clients own unconscious thought and feelings
the justification of behaviors in a manner that is acceptable to the self and society
the transference of an undesired urge from one person or object to another
example: someone any at her boss may hold her tongue at work but snap at her spouse when she gets home
transformation of unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behaviors
Carl Jungs Archeatypes:
Persona - the aspect of out personality we present to the world
Anima - a “man’s inner woman”
Animus - a “woman’s inner man”
Shadow - unpleasant and socially reprehensible thoughts, feelings, and actions on our consciousness
Carl Jungs 3 dichotomies of personality:
- Extraversion VS Introversion
- Sensing VS Intuiting
- Thinking VS Feeling
Carl Jung created which personality test?
Myers - Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)
Inferiority complex
an individual’s sense of incompleteness, imperfection, and inferiority both physically and socially
Fictional finalism
concept in Adler’s theory of personality
An individual is motivated more by his expectations of the future than by past experiences
Carl Rodgers
believes people have the freedom to control their own behavior
Client centered
Person centered
non directive therapy
3 major traits that could be used to describe individuals
P - psychotics (nonconformity)
E - extraversion (tolerance for social interaction and stimulation)
N - neuroticism (arousal in stressful situations
3 major traits then expanded to the BIG FIVE
Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism
Allport identified 3 basic types of traits:
cardinal traits (traits around which a person organizes his or her life; not everyone develops a cardinal trait) central traits (major characteristics of the personality) secondary (more personal characteristics and are limited in occurrence)
Social cognitive
holds that individuals interact with their environment in a cycle called reciprocal determinism.
biological theorists
claim that behavior can be explained as a result of genetic expression