- study of why people act the way they do and why different people act differently
- overlap between clinical theorist and personality
Old school: type theory
- based on physical appearance
Phrenology (type theory)
- practice of examinging head and skull shape used to determine personality
Sheldon (type theory)
- system based on somatotypes (body)
- 3 types
- short, plump body = pleasure seeking, social behaviour
- muscular, atheltic body = energetic, aggressive behaviour
- skinny, fragile body = inhibited, intellectural behaviour
Alder (personality typology)
- most recent than sheldon to use personality typology
- choleric, phelgmatic, melancholic, sanguine
New school: trait theory
- allport emphasize ideograhpic approach to personality
Ideographic approach
- captures unique, defining characteristics
Nomothetic approach
- uses large numbers of ppl to study commonalites of personality
Allport’s concern in ideographic approch
- proprium or propriate function (his version of the ego)
- bevlievd that proprium acted on a consistent basis via traits that had develoed through experiene
- stable characteristics of beavhiour that person exhibits
Lexical approach
- picking all tratis out of dictioning
People act differnt in different situations because of:
- trait hierarchy
- cardinal trait, central trait, secondary traits
- situations may cause conflicting secondary traits but will always have consistent cardinal traits
- temporary feelings or characteristiccs
- statistical techniques to create organized categorization systems for personality
Cattell’s personality facors
- used factor analysis in reduce allport 5000 traits
- identified 16 bipolar source traits e.g. relaxed-tense
Big 5
- using computer models
- could not replicate cattells’ 16 personality factors but found 5 superfactors
O dimension
- openness to experience, intellectural curiosity
C dimension
- conscienctiousness
E dimension
- extraversion, enthusiam
A dimension
- agreeableness
N dimension
- neuroticism, nervousnesss
- orgianlly dominated personality theory
- emphasized internal determinants of behaviour
- such as behaviourist aruge that only circusmtances determine baheviour
- combination of stalbe, internal factors and situations influence behaviour