Periods 1 and 2 Flashcards
What were the causes and effects of long-distance trade during the Classical Period? (600 BCE- 600 CE)
Cause: the Chinese wanted western products, and new technologies such as the saddle and stirrups for camels and horses allowed for faster movement across long distances.
Effects: Spread of religions such as Christianity and Buddhism, as well as ideas and disease.
Compare and contrast the food aspects of Neolithic and Paleolithic communities.
Neolithic communities had a more reliable food supply BUT
Their diet had less variety and nutrition. Historians know this because they had shorter skeletons.
They had to work harder and longer than the 3-5 hour work Paleo work day.
Their death rate was higher due to contagious diseases and contamination that spread due to human waste in settlements.
What is the Paleolithic Era distinguished by?
The development of stone tools
What did the dependable food supply allow farmers to do over several millennia?
Farmers gradually outnumbered foragers over several millennia.
What were some of the hallmarks of a civilization?
- Advanced cities partially dependent on trade.
- Specialization
- Recordkeeping
- Complex institutions, like religion and government
- Advanced technology and arts
The Law Code of Hammurabi classified the following social divisions:
- free landowners
- work force
- slaves
Penalties were dependant on class.
Over time, women____.
Lost social standing and freedom due to the heavy labor needed for agriculture
What technology did Paleolithic humans use and what did they use it for?
Fire: to aid hunting and foraging, to protect against predators and adapt to cold environments
The Indus River overflows ___
Twice a year.
The two main cities in the Indus River Valley were
Harappa and Mohenjo- Daro. They had the same styles and artifacts as smaller cities.
What is the Holocene?
Climate change that ended the Ice Age in 9000 BCE
Early human religion was?
Animistic. They worshiped nature spirits and inanimate things.
What structure did humans live in in the Paleolithic Era?
Kinship groups of 15-50 people
What is pastoralism?
A way of life dependant on herds of stock. People migrated with herds and stock to new pastures and watering places.
What were the two primary facets of ancient Chinese religion?
Ancestor worship and divination.
The Shang used what to justify seizing power?
They used propaganda, such as the Mandate of Heaven. They claimed that a ruler was chosen by a deity and supported by the Gods if he served his people well. Corruption, violence, etc like the last Shang ruler signaled divine displeasure and validated replacement.
What was China’s Warring States Period?
A series of civil wars. It arose after a series of weak Zhou emperors failed to prevent collapse, and lead to the fall of the Zhou Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty.
Confucianism drew parallels between what?
Family and state- both are hierarchies.
Confucianism is?
a philosophy with a more optimistic view of goodness of human nature than Legalism. It sought to keep political and social order by improving.
What happened to the Late Bronze Age civilizations?
They collapsed. Invaders destroyed Hattusha, and the Hittite kingdom in Anatolia crashed down. Egypt surrendered territory in Syria-Palestine and Nubia. The Myceneans collapsed before they could finish their fortifications. This ended palaces and the dominating ruling class, as well as writing knowledge since only the ruling class knew it.
Ultimately, the civilizations collapsed in the face of external violence and internal weakness. They entered the “Dark Age” of poverty, isolation, and lack of knowledge.
What empire was the force of change in the Mediterranean?
The Neo-Assyrian Empire. They used force and terror and exploited wealth and labor of subjects. War campaigns followed the most important long-distance trade routes. They secured access to iron and silver, gaining control of international commerce. They defeated all great kingdoms, including Elam, Urartu, Babylon, and Egypt.
What was Assyrian religion like?
They believed that gods chose kings. The king chose one of his sons to be his successor, which was confirmed by divine oracles or elite.
Why was the Assyrian Empire considered the first true empire?
It was ruled from far distances and had diverse peoples.
What allowed the Assyrians to conquer and control a large and diverse empire?
Superior military technology, such as bowmen and slingers with stone projectile, armored spearmen, calvary with bows and spears, and four-man chariots, and organization, as well as terror tactics such as skinning and throwing into fires.
The Assyrians had the same 3 classes as?
Hammurabi’s Babylon.
Free landowning citizens
Farmers and artisans
Who was Alexander “the Great” and what did he do?
Alexander was the son and heir of Phillip. He defeated the Persian forces of King Darius III in revenge for Xerxes’ invasion. He maintained the framework of Persian administration.
Alexander’s sudden death led to what?
A half-century of chaos. The Persian Empire was divided into 3 dynasties ruled by a Macedonian dynasty: the Seleucid, Ptolemaic, and Antigonoid.
Who was resistance to Assyria spearheaded by?
Babylonia. They launched attacks on the Assyrian homeland and destroyed their chief cities. Assyria rapidly fell, and Greek mercenaries had no clue it existed 2 centuries later.
Most of the Assyrian Empire fell to who?
The Neo-Babylonian kingdom.
Why was there tension in Judea between the Jews and Romans?
The Jews believed in one God and were waiting for the Messiah, which the Romans saw as a threat because they refused to worship the emperor, which was seen as disloyalty. They crucified Jesus.
What was more attractive about Hinduism than Buddhism?
There was a direct connection with the gods. This led to Vedic tradition evolving into Hinduism.
What caused the reform of Vedic religion? What did Vedic religion evolve into?
The new movements. It evolved into Hinduism, incorporating Vedic religion, Dravidian cultures, and Buddhism.
As Buddhism spread, what happened?
The original values began to be undermined. There became a hierarchy of Buddhist monks and nuns, they made stupas, and started to worship Buddha as a god.
What happened to the status of women during the Gupta period?
There was a decline in the status of women. They lost the right to own and inherit property, and couldn’t study sacred texts and do rituals. They were treated like the Shudra (lowest class). They were expected to obey their father, husband, and sons, and were married around the age of 6 or 7.
What was sati and how could women escape it?
A woman was expected to cremate herself on her husband’s funeral pyre. To escape, she could join a Jainist of Buddhist religious community.
What was the basic unit of Qin China?
Family, composed of living members and ancestors.
The Qins and Romans both worshipped what?
Who was Shi Huangdi?
He was the founder of the Qin dynasty in the Wei Valley, which rapidly conquered rival’s and made China’s first empire.
Who was the power passed to after the Qin dynasty?
The Han dynasty.
Who was Constantine and what did he do?
He reunited the entire empire under sole rule by 324. He claimed he’d seen a cross in battle and issued the Edict of Milan which ended the persecution of Christians. Christianity became the official rule and Christians had adbantages. He moved the capital from Rome to Byzantium (renamed Constantinople)
What was Rome’s 3rd Century Crisis?
The period from 235-284 CE when there was political, military, and economic problems. The loyalty of the army had to be bought, and the decreased amount of precious metal in coins devalued coinage. This led to a bartering economy. There was a frequent change of rulers (20+ who ruled for only a few months or years)
Who was Liu Bang and what did he do?
He established the Han dynasty and promised to reject the mistakes of the Qin. He combined Legalism and Confucianism.
The Qin and Han emperors allied with the gentry to do what?
To weaken rural aristocrats. The gentry eventually became the new aristocracy.
Who was Cyrus and what did he do?
Cyrus was the son of a Persian chieftain and a Median princess, who united the Persian tribes and overthrew the Median monarch around 550 BCE. He kept the framework of Median rule. He redrew the map of west Asia.
How were the early inhabitants of western Iran organized?
They had a patriarchal family organization. They were divided into 3 social classes: warriors, priests, and peasants. It was a landowning aristocracy.
Unlike the Assyrians, Cyrus and his son Cambyses were?
They were practical and respectful when conquering territories. They allowed conquered peoples to keep their traditions and ways of life.
What was the religion of the Persian Empire?
Zoroastrianism. Their god was called Ahuramazda. They believed that the world was created by him, and was threatened by Angra Mainyu. Ideas of the struggle between good and evil were prevalent, and they believed people were judged after death for their actions.
What did the Persians worship besides Ahuramazda?
The good elements, water and fire. They were concerned with the purity of the body.
After the destruction of the Myceneans, the Greeks lapsed into what?
The “Dark Age.” They were isolated. In 800 BCE, their isolation ended when they reestablished contact with the Aegean and the Middle East, beginning the Archaic Period.
What is the Varna?
A class system based on color. The Aryans were on top, and the Non- Aryans were the Shudras and Untouchables.
How was the varna and jati system rationalized? What social needs did they serve? What overarching principle made sense of this system?
You are who you deserve to be because of your past actions. There were people for every position, and everyone knew their place.
Describe commerce and culture in an era of political fragmentation in India.
Greek influence is evident in art and coin design.
There were some foreign powers, such as the Greco- Bactrian kingdom, the Shakas, and the Kushans, who fostered trade and connected the silk road and Arabian seaports.
There was economic, cultural, and intellectual development. Epics, such as the Ramayana and Mahabarata were written.
There were significant advances in science and technology, such as herbal remedies and linguistics, which led to the standardization of Sanskrit.
There was a rise of states in central India: the Andhra dynasty and 3 Tamil kingdoms. It was a “classical” period of literature and art.
How did the Malay peoples navigate the Pacific and Indian Oceans?
They rode monsoon winds, and interpreted patterns of swells, winds, clouds, and bird and sea life.
What were the varna classes?
Brahmin- priests and scholars
Kshatriya- warriors and officials
Vaishya- merchants, artisans, and landowners
Shudra- peasants and laborers, originally for the Dasas
Untouchables- excluded from class system and avoided because of demeaning and poluting work
LATEEEEEEEN SAIL and advanced knowledge of monsoons
triangle sail- India
Why didn’t Sub-Saharan Africa have “great traditions?”
They were not shaped by imperial conquest or shared elite culture, but instead had “small traditions” developed during a long period of isolation. There was no unifying power or language, so they developed their own.
Why did some goods and ideas travel easier/ faster than others?
Some religions, such as Buddhism and Christianity didn’t depend on one ethnic group.
Why did the Han dynasty fall?
Mongol invasions and political fragmentation
Who were the Bantu people?
The main peoples of Africa, did IRON SMELTING, farmed, and used hoes and digging sticks.