Chapter 29: The Collapse of the Old Order, 1929-1949 Flashcards
What methods did Stalin use to industrialize?
5 Year Plans- plans introduced to industrialize the USSR rapidly
What was collectivization in the USSR?
elimination of private farms, food taken to feed state, intro’d industrial life
What were some responses to collectivization?
Many peasants fought back. Ukrainian kulaks: murdered, torched crops, killed livestock
“By March 1930 more than one-half of the peasantry (a larger proportion in the agriculturally rich southwestern region of the Soviet Union) had been forced to join collective farms.
But the peasants objected violently to abandoning their private farms. In many cases, before joining the kolkhozy they slaughtered their livestock and destroyed their equipment. The losses, as well as the animosity toward the Soviet regime, became so great that Stalin decided to slow down the collectivization process.”
What was Stalin’s response to the peasants fighting back against collectivization?
No tolerance- Forced famine, ban on trading, loaning $, killed enemies of the revolution
Who were the kulaks?
Better-off peasants in the USSR
What happened to Stalin’s 5 Year Plan when the Nazis took Germany?
He changed it to emphasize heavy industry to produce metals and machines
Who did Stalin execute?
top generals, head of NKVD, millions= sentenced without trials
“NKVD, Soviet secret police agency, a forerunner of the KGB”
What happened during the Depression?
Consumers lowered purchases and businesses cut production, workers were laid off
What was the Smoot-Hawley tariff and what did it cause?
the highest import duty in US history, other countries increased tariffs as a result, which decreased world trade
How did the Depression spread to Europe?
NY banks called in loans to Germany and Austria (Dawes Plan), who stopped paying reparations to France and Britain, so F and B couldn’t repay their war loans to the US
Who did France and Britain make purchase their products?
Their colonies had to purchase them, rather than those of other countries
Why did nationalist leaders rise?
The Depression caused widespread suffering, Communism/ Russian Revolution frightened property owners
What places boomed while the rest of the world suffered in the Depression?
S. Africa- as other prices lowered, gold became more valuable, but it only benefitted a small # of mine owners
USSR- cut off from world trade
Who was Benito Mussolini and what did he do?
became leader of the Fascist Party, threatened to march on Rome if not appointed Prime Minister, gov gave in and he put Fascist party members in all gov jobs
“March on Rome, the insurrection by which Benito Mussolini came to power in Italy in late October 1922. The March marked the beginning of fascist rule and meant the doom of the preceding parliamentary regimes of socialists and liberals.”
Why did Hitler hate Jews?
He scapegoated them for actions of the banking/financial sector that he felt lead to Germany’s defeat in World War I; with that as a catalyst, he fed into many long-standing prejudicial stereotypes developed to harm and subjugate them throughout much of Western history.
What were Hitler’s goals?
- repeal Treaty of Versailles
- annex all German- speaking territories
- conquer room to live @ expense of Poland and USSR
- eliminate Jews
What was Hitler’s main goal for Germany?
conquest- built up armed forces, withdrew from LoN, intro’d conscription and military
What happened at the Munich Conference?
September 30, 1938: France, Britain, and Italy gave Hitler Sudetenland without consent of Czechoslovakia in return for promise that he would cease expansionist activities - appeasement
Why did conservatives fear Stalin but not Hitler?
Hitler claimed to respect Christianity and private property
What caused appeasement?
- fear of war among ppl who lived through WWi
- fear of Communism
- novelty of fascist tactics- assumed political leaders were honorable and their agreements were valid
Who were the Axis powers?
Germany, Italy, and Japan