Chapter 28: The Crisis of the Imperial Order, 1900-1929 Flashcards
What happened as the Ottoman Empire decreased in power?
It lost outlying provinces closest to Europe, and Turks began to assert themselves vs. rebel minorities and foreigners, turned to Germany to modernize armed forces
What triggered a chain of events leading to WWI?
The assassination of Franz Ferdinand (by Serbia), the Archduke of Austria. Political and military leaders lost control
“On June 28, 1914, Franz Ferdinand was in the Austro-Hungarian province of Bosnia and Herzegovina accompanied by his wife, Sophie. [His visit was unpopular and provoked Serbian nationalists in several ways. They rode in a motorcade through Sarajavo in an open-roofed vehicle, apparently ignorant of the fact that several assasins awaited them along their route. Someone threw a grenade, that missed them but injured some in their entourage and they changed their schedule.
In a confusion, the motorcade started in the wrong direction and went down a side street, trying to turn around. On that side street was 19-year-old Gravilo Princep, a compatriot of the grenade-thrower.]
Approaching the royal couple’s open car, he shot both Franz Ferdinand and Sophie with a Browning pistol. The driver of the couple’s car then sped off for medical help. Sophie died en route and Franz Ferdinand died shortly after. […]
Anti-Serb protests and riots followed throughout Austria-Hungary in the wake of the assassination. One month later, on July 28, Austria-Hungary declared war on the country seemingly behind the murders, Serbia. This set the Triple Alliance (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and Italy) against Serbia’s allies in the Triple Entente (Russia, France, and Britain). Momentum became unstoppable, sparking one of the deadliest conflicts in history—World War I.”
What were some underlying political and military factors characteristic of the period that caused WWI?
nationalism, the system of alliance and military plans, and Germany wanting to dominate Europe
What did the spread of nationalism cause?
People started to think that only war could heal the class division and make workers unite behind “natural” leaders
What turned a small incident into a conflict with all great powers?
System of alliances
Who was in the Triple Alliance?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
Which countries were able to effectively mobilize their armies?
France and Germany because of elaborate railroads
Who did Austria- Hungary declare war on?
With the backing of Germany, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28, 1914
What was the Western Front?
A line of trenches and fortifications in WWI that stretched without a break from Switzerland to the North Sea
What happened as a result of armies demanding more weapons, ammo, and food?
Civilians had to work harder, eat less, and pay more taxes. Goods were rationed, and governments gradually imposed controls over economies. Socialists and labor unions helped in the war effort because of the increase in government regulation.
Who signed a secret alliance with Germany and why?
The Ottoman Empire (Turks) because they hoped to gain land at Russia’s expense.
“Two major factors led to Ottoman involvement on the side of the Central Powers: German pressure and the opportunism of Turkish minister of war Enver Pasha. Other motives for joining the Central Powers were the German victories early in the War and Turkey’s friction with the Triple Entente. Germany’s aim was clear: to keep Turkey from joining the enemy (and by gaining Ottoman support, encourage Romania and Bulgaria to enter the Alliance). The German military mission of 1913 to Turkey under Liman von Sanders organized the Turkish army and navy under German leadership and brought forth the Turco-German Alliance. The secret treaty (only five people in Turkey were aware of it, one being Enver Pasha) was signed 2 August 1914.”
How did Germany attack British ships?
By submarine
What was the Balfour Declaration?
A statement issued on November 2, 1917 by Britain’s foreign secretary Arthur Balfour favoring the establishment of Jewish national homeland in Palestine. This led to conflicts between Palestinians and Jewish settlers.
What happened to Russia at the beginning of the war that hampered their effort?
They had the largest army but incompetent generals, low supplies, and poor soldiers. After a string of defeats, they had no essential supplies and there were shortages and widespread hunger due to the break down of the railroads.
What happened when food ran out in Petrograd?
There were mass demonstrations, Soviets were formed, and the Tsar abdicated. Leaders of parliamentary parties formed the Provisional Government.
Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks and what did he do?
Vladimir Lenin. The Germans allowed him to travel back to Russia in hopes to destabilize it. He announced a new program, and the Bolsheviks rose up and took over Petrograd in the “October Revolution.”
“October Revolution, (Oct. 24–25 [Nov. 6–7, New Style], 1917), the second and last major phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, in which the Bolshevik Party seized power in Russia, inaugurating the Soviet regime.”
Who did the US initially declare war on in 1917 and why?
Germany. They were using submarines to sink merchant ships carrying food to Great Britain.
“April 6, 1917
The United States declares war on Germany. In his address to Congress four days earlier, U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson had cited Germany’s practice of unrestricted submarine warfare and the “Zimmermann Telegram” [that offered territorial concessions to Mexico in exchange for their support] as key reasons behind the abandonment of his long-standing policy of neutrality.”
What were the Fourteen Points?
A peace program calling for evacuations of German-occupied lands, drawing of borders, founding of an association of nations to preserve peace.
What was Germany’s response to the Fourteen Points?
They rejected it, and launched surprise attacks. Eventually, the new government signed an armistice.
[The Fourteen Points were announced in a speech by Woodrow Wilson about 10 months before the eventual armistice with Germany on November 11, 1919.]
What did President Wilson want at all costs during the Paris Peace Conference?
He wanted to apply self-determination to European affairs- creating nations based on ethnic or linguistic divisions.
What did President Wilson propose?
League of Nations- a world organization to safeguard peace.
What was the result of the Paris Peace Conference?
A series of compromises that nobody liked
What was the Treaty of Versailles?
A treaty imposed on Germany by France, Great Britain, the US, and other Allied Powers demanding that Germany dismantle their military and give some land to Poland. They had to accept responsibility for the loss and damage of war.
What was the USSR’s New Economic Policy?
A transitional economic plan before the intended institution of a centralized, planned economy that allowed peasants to own land and sell crops, private merchants to trade, private goods to be made and sold on the free market.
What happened after Lenin died?
There was a brief jockeying for power eventually won by Josef Stalin. Stalin filled the bureaucracy with people loyal to him and expelled Leon Trotsky, a competitor who proposed a more global Communist revolution, and prepared to industrialize quickly as absolute master of the Bolshevik party.
What happened after Germany stopped reparations payments and printed a lot of $$$$?
Inflation. Then they issued a new currency and promised to resume payment. They borrowed $ from NY banks to pay France and Britain, which used that $ to repay loans from the US. (Dawes Plan)
Who was Sun Yat-sen and what did he do?
He was a Chinese nationalist revolutionary and tried to create a liberal democratic political movement, but was thwarted by military leaders.
“Sun Yat-sen (born November 12, 1866, Xiangshan [now Zhongshan], Guangdong province, China—died March 12, 1925, Beijing) was the leader of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang [Pinyin: Guomindang]), known as the father of modern China. Influential in overthrowing the Qing (Manchu) dynasty (1911/12), he served as the first provisional president of the Republic of China (1911–12) and later as de facto ruler (1923–25).”
Why didn’t Sun become President?
He was elected, but he had no military forces so he resigned and Yuan Shikai took his place.
What was the Guomindang?
A nationalist political party led by Sun Yat-sen. Yuan quashed and harassed it.
Who did the Japanese join in WWI? What did this cause?
The Allies. This created an economic boom and a worker riot over an increase in the selling price of rice but not wages.
What did Japan do after conquering German colonies?
Presented China with the 21 Demands that would’ve turned it into a protectorate.
Who was the leadership of the Guomindang passed to after the death of Sun Yat-sen? What did he do?
Chiang Kai-shek. He wanted to cancel warlords, so he allied with communists and then later with gangsters to crush the labor unions and communists.
What was the Mandate System?
A compromise between the winners of WWI that colonial rulers would administer the territories but be accountable to the League of Nations for their well-being and progress of inhabitants.
France, Britain, Italy, and Japan wanted to divide former Germany colonies and the Ottoman Empire among themselves. Why didn’t they?
It clashed with Wilson’s ideal of national self-determination.
What happened after France, Britain, Italy, and Germany’s forces occupied Constantinople and Anatolia?
They made the sultan give up lands. He then formed a nationalist government and reconquered Constantinople and Anatolia, forced the Greeks from their ancestral homes, ending ethnic diversity. He abolished the sultanate and declared Turkey a secular republic, introduced European laws.
How did Kemal try to westernize the traditional family?
He gave women civil equality, marriage and divorce rights, and European dress. He ordered everyone to take a family name.
After war, what began to fade?
Class distinctions, due to the deaths of many aristocrats and the fact that display of wealth in the war was considered unpatriotic.
What class didn’t grow after the war?
The working class, because new machines increased productivity and outputs without an increase in the labor force.
What are some lit af scientists who discovered stuff after the war?
- Max Planck- found that atoms emit or absorb energy in discrete amounts, not continuous
- Albert Einstein- theory of relativity
What did Wilbur and Orville Wright do?
Built the first aircraft heavier than air and could be flown on December 17, 1903.
Who was in the Triple Entente?
France, Great Britain, and Russia
What did Lenin promise?
An end to the war
Redistribution of all land to the peasants
Transfer of factories/ industries from capitalists to workers
Transfer of government power to the Soviets
What was the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?
A treaty signed by Lenin with Germany, in which Russia gives up 1/3 territory to Germany