Chapter 14: The Latin West, 1200-1500 Flashcards
What was a unifying factor in West Europe?
The church. Church events were held in Latin, while most common folk spoke vernacular.
What were common elements of the Latin West?
- Competition and the pursuit of success, which led to achievements
- Effective use of borrowed technology and learning (gunpowder)
(People they “borrowed” technology and learning from didn’t pursue success when they e.g. originated the technology and learning?)
What did dealing with the divisions, disasters, and wars in the Latin West during this period purportedly cause?
- unusual progress, works of architecture, institutes of higher learning
- urban culture was transformed and grew
- development of powerful weapons
- more unified monarchies, powerful states (Division caused unity?)
Most of Europe was what during this period?
Population growth during this period led to what?
- Deforestation, swamp draining
- New settlements
- 3 field system- crop yields were grown on 2/3 land, 1/3 = oats- replenished the soil and fed animals
Most in Europe faced extreme ___.
Hunger. The life expectancy was 30-35 years.
How did the Black Death reach West Europe?
- Mongol armies attacking Kaffa on the Black Sea
- Rats and fleas
- It started in Asia and reached Italy through trade routes.
What was the Black Death composed of?
Anthrax and the Bubonic Plague, foul odor, severe pain
What were some common responses to the Black Death?
Some people became more religious, others partied
What were some consequences of the Black Death?
- It periodically returned to Europe
- Trade decreased, industries dependent on trade decreased
- Labor costs rose- there were fewer people so they could demand more
- Food costs fell- same amt of food fewer ppl
- There were fewer peasants, which eased the transition from serfdom
- Resistance from Lords- widespread revolt
- Peasant revolts led to rural to urban migration
- Jewish programs and migrations to E. Europe
- More meat in diet, longer life expectancy.
- Lowered confidence in the church and political institutions
- Lay people sometimes gave last rites rather than absent priests
- Surviving Europeans developed immunity, which they carried to the Western hemisphere
- Decreased trade on the Silk Road
- Higher % of dead priests and doctors
What presages the Industrial Revolution?
- mills
- dams
Both were common in the Islamic world, but were used in Europe on a larger scale.
What was the Iron Age?
Iron was widely used for armor, nails, horseshoes, and tools
“Iron Age, final technological and cultural stage in the Stone–Bronze–Iron Age sequence. The date of the full Iron Age, in which this metal for the most part replaced bronze in implements and weapons, varied geographically, beginning in the Middle East and southeastern Europe about 1200 BCE but in China not until about 600 BCE. Although in the Middle East iron had limited use as a scarce and precious metal as early as 3000 BCE, there is no indication that people at that time recognized its superior qualities over those of bronze. Between 1200 and 1000, however, the export of knowledge of iron metallurgy and of iron objects was rapid and widespread. With the large-scale production of iron implements came new patterns of more permanent settlement. On the other hand, utilization of iron for weapons put arms in the hands of the masses for the first time and set off a series of large-scale movements of peoples that did not end for 2,000 years and that changed the face of Europe and Asia.”
There were a lot of silver, lead, and copper mines
During the 11th and 12th centuries, there was a revival of what?
- Trade, as well as a growth of towns
- Italian cities took the lead
- The 4th crusade helped Venice gain Crete and expand into the Black Sea
What was the Hanseatic League?
A northern European association of trading cities that traded in the Baltic
What type of economy emerged in the Latin West the 11th and 12th centuries?
A money economy.
What led to peasant revolts after the Black Death?
Laborers who survived demanded higher pay after the Black Death. Authorities tried to freeze wages, which led to revolts. Serfdom disappeared, as peasants bought their freedom or ran away.
How did the rapid growth of industry change the natural landscape?
- Towns grew and were founded
- Dams and canals changed the flow of rivers
- Quarry pits and mines tunneled into hillsides
- Pollution became a serious problem- wastewater into streams
- Increasing deforestation - timber, acid, farming, burned
What was urban growth in the Latin West after 1200 a result of?
Continued growth in trade and manufacturing. Cities in n. Italy benefitted from maritime trade with the eastern Mediterranean, as well as the Indian Ocean and East Asia
What did westward Mongol expansion do in regard to trade?
Opened trade routes from the Mediterranean to China
What happened with the wool trade in Europe in the 13th century?
English taxes rose, and it became more profitable to turn wool into cloth in England instead of exporting it to Flanders.
Exports from England fell, but rose again with the help of spinning wheels and specialists.
Florence became the center for high-quality wool-making.