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BDS Module 4
> Perio 4 -pregnant and nursng patient > Flashcards
Perio 4 -pregnant and nursng patient Flashcards
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BDS Module 4
(65 decks)
OC 1 - intro to benign and malginant disease
OC 2- environmental aetiology
OC 3 - virus aetiology
OC 4 - screening programmes
OC 5 - screening (normal)
OC 6 - screening (benign lesions)
OC 7 - extra-oral exam
OC 8 - screening (cancer)
OC 9 - breaking bad news
OC 10 - pathogenesis of HNC 1+2
OC 11 - pathogenesis of HNC 3
Saliva 1
Saliva 2
Saliva 3 - salivary biology 1
Saliva 4 - salivary biology 2
Saliva 5
Saliva 6 - saliva constituents
Stats and Research Methods
Biochem 1 - genetics and epigenetics
Biochem 2 - cell signalling pathways
Biochemistry 3
Biochemistry 4
M+O 1 - tooth eruption
M+O 2 - muscles of mastication
M+O 3 - TMJ
M+O 4 - mechanoreception
M+O 5 - proprioception
M+O 6 - dynamic occlusion
M+O 7 - masticatory control
M+O 8 - CMDs and splints
M+O 9 - TMDs
M+O 10 - TMJs and articulators
M+O 11 - articulators
Salivary gland disorders, pathology and presentation
CFD 1 - craniofacial developement and disorder
CFD 2 - cranfiofacial developmental disorders
CFD 3 - Treacher Collins syndrome
CFD 4 - arches 1
CFD 5 - arches 2
CFD 6 - face, jaws and mouth 1
CFD 7 - face, jaws and mouth 2
CFD 8 - palate 1
CFD 9 - palate 2
CFD 10 - anomalies and genetic diseases
CFD 11 - cranfiofacial development and genetics
CFD 12 - odontogensis 1a
CFD 13 - odontogenesis 1b
CFD 14 - odontogenesis 2a
CFD 15 - odontogenesis 2b
CFD 16 - odontogenesis 3a
CFD 17 - odontogenesis 3b
CFD 18 - biological mineralisation
CFD 19 - dentinogenesis
CFD 20 - amelogenesis
Pregnant and nursing patient 1 - physiology
Pregnant and nursing patient 2 - treatment and materials
Perio 1 - systemic risk factors 1
Perio 2 - systemic risk factors 2
Perio 3 - systemic risk factors 3
Perio 4 -pregnant and nursng patient
CDH 1 - dental development
CDH 2 - developmental dental anomalies 1
CDH 3 - developmental dental anomalies 2
CDH 4 - FDI notation