Pentose Phosphate Pathway Flashcards
What does the pentose phoshate pathway utilize glucose 6 phoshpate for ? Where does 30 of the oxidation of glucose occur What is the primary fuction of this pathway ?
What is the second purpose of PPP pathway ? Third ?
know it
Where does the reaction of PPP occur ? What are the arms ? What does hte oxidation step use ? What does it produce ?
What is important about the first reaction (glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase )? is it reversible ? What can inhibit it ? What effect does insulin have ?
what is the oxidative stage of the pentose phosphate pathway ?
In the non-oxidative reaction of PPP, what does it generate ? What is equally important ?
In non-oxidative reactons of PPP, the primary enzyme are ? co-factors, and what do they do ? What causes wenicke’s encephalopathy ?
In the non-oxidative reactions of PPP, what is the role of transaldolase ? What is the result ?
Know which enzyme produces what
Why is NADPH important ? What cells need it ? What improtance in making ribonucleotides to deoxribonuclieodes ?
Whats the differnce of NADPH and NADH ?
In Erythrocytes and the PPP,, what is the predomiant pathway of carbohydrate metabolism in red blood cell ?
What does the PPP supply RBC ? What does inability to maintain reduced glutathione in the RBC lead ?
Whats its conenction with NADPH with glutathione ?
Erythrocytes and the PPP,
What effect does oxidants have on RBC ?