Pediatrics Flashcards
According to the principles of motor development, motor development occurs in a ______ to _____ direction.
proximal to distal direction
What is the normal gestational period?
38-42 weeks
At what gestational period is an infant considered as premature?
Born earlier than 37 weeks
40 weeks is typically used when determining corrected age
When during the gestational period does the muscle start to differentiate and the tissue becomes specialized?
first trimester
When during the gestational period do motor endplates form?
second trimester
When during the gestational period does a clonus response emerge to stretching?
second trimester
When during the gestational period does the first sensory system develops?
first trimester
When during the gestational period does a reponse to tactile stimuli emerge?
first trimester
When during the gestational period do the touch and tactile system receptors start to differentiate?
second trimester
When during the gestational period does functional touch and temperature discrimination occur?
third trimester
(true/false) The vestibular system does not start functioning until the second trimester
False - starts to function at the end of the first trimester
When during the gestational period does the startle reflex emerge?
second trimester
When during the gestational period does visual processing emerge?
second trimester
When during the gestational period does visual fixation occur?
third trimester
When during the gestational period is there response/turning to auditory stimuli?
second trimester
When during the gestational period is there debris in the middle ear leading to decreased hearing?
third trimester
What is the most mature sensory system at birth?
touch and tactile system
When during the gestational period when do nasal plugs disappear and olfactory perception emerges?
third trimester
When during the gestational period do the taste buds develop?
first trimester
When during the gestational period does the infant respond to different tastes?
third trimester
When during the gestational period does sucking occur?
first trimester
When during the gestational period does hiccupping occur?
first trimester
When during the gestational period does fetal breathing start?
first trimester
When during the gestational period does quick, generalized limb movement start to occur?
first trimester
When during the gestational period do positional changes start to occur?
first trimester
When during the gestational period does the fetus start to bend their neck and trunk?
week 7.5
first trimester
When during the gestational period do sleep states start to emerge?
second trimester
When during the gestational period does the grasp reflex emerge?
second trimester
When during the gestational period do reciprocal and symmetrical limb movements start to emerge?
second trimester
What primitive reflexes are present by 28 weeks of gestation?
- rooting, sucking, swallowing
- palmar and plantar grasp
- moro reflex away from perioral stroke
- crossed extension reflex
What neurological assessment is used for assessment of gestational age through evaluation of muscle tone and physical characteristics?
Neurobehavioral items form neonatal behavioral assessment scale (NBAS)
What is the Assessment of premature infant behavior (APIB) an extension/refinement of?
Neonatal behavioral assessment scale (NBAS)
What does the assessment of premature infant behavior (APIB) evaluate?
Organization and balance of an infant’s physiological, motor, and behavioral states
What is the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment of Progress (NIDCAP) used for?
Observes pre-term or full-term infants during environmental input, caretaking, and treatments
- provides adequate sensory stimulation at a level that is adapted to the degree of neurological maturity of the infant
- notes the stresses and what consoles the infant
What is the Test of infant motor performance (TIMP) used for?
Evaluation of spontaneous and elicited movements to postural alignment and selective control for functional movements
32 weeks after conception to 3.5 months after birth
What is the APGAR screening test used for?
Evaluation of the following at 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 10 minutes after birth:
- Appearance (color)
- Pulse
- Grimace (reflex irritability)
- Activity
- Respiration
Keeps being administered every 5 minutes if infant is having difficulties after the 10 minute test
What bone may fracture during birth?
(true/false) An infant’s hip can dislocate during birth
(true/false) It is normal for kyphosis to be present at birth
Abnormal findings: scolisos, spina bifida (tuft of hair and/or dimple), visible pigmentation
What can happen to neonatal reflexes if a CNS lesion is present?
May persist and interfere with motor milestones or cause deformities
Quick displacement of trunk in downward direction while being held or in sitting position resulting in extension of the extremities to catch their weight
protective extension
When does protective extension for the downward direction emerge?
4 months
When does protective extension for sideward sitting emerge?
6 months
When does protective extension for backward sitting emerge?
9 months
When does protective extension for forward sitting occur?
7 months
When does the BOH reaction emerge?
- contact of body with a solid surface results in head-righting with respect to gravity
months 4-6
When does the BOB reaction occur?
- rotation of head or thorax resulting in rolling over with rotation between the trunk and pelvis
months 6-8
When does the prone tilting reaction emerge?
5 months
When does the supine tilting reaction emerge?
7 months
When does the sitting tilting reaction emerge?
8 months
When does the quadruped tilting reaction occur?
12 months
What does the Denver Development screening test (Denver II) assess?
Developmental Delay:
- social, fine, gross motor, and language skills from birth to 6 y/o
birth to 6 y/o
What is the Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) used for?
Assessing gross motor milestones in infants from birth to when they can walk independently
5 developmental dimensions of voluntary movements:
- prone and supine
- sitting
- crawling and kneeling
- standing
- walking
- jumping
could be completed by a 5 y/o with typical motor development
What is the BOT-2 used for?
Measures gross motor and fine motor abilities from 4-21 y/o
Can use short form as well.
- norm was referenced on typical children
What is the Sensory integration and Praxis test used for?
Sensorimotor assessment for children with mild to moderate learning impairment:
- balance
- proprioceptive and tactile sensation
- control of specific movements
4 - 9 y/o
What comprehensive developmental assessment is used as a motor and mental scale for children from birth - 3.5 y/o (42 months)?
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
domains: cognition, communication, motor, social, emotional, adaptive behavior
What comprehensive developmental assessment is used as an assessment of social, adaptive, communication, motor, and cognitive domains in those 0-7 y/o?
Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI-2)
What are the 7 developmental domains that the Hawaii Early Learning Profile (HELP) assesses?
- cognitive
- gross motor
- fine motor
- communication
- social-emotional
- self-help
- sensory regulation
0 - 36 months
What is the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) used for?
Functional assessment for ADLS
self-care, mobility, social functioning
(true/false) The PEDI can be modified by the caregiver
What does the WeeFim assess?
Functioning in:
- self-care
- mobility
- locomotion
- communication
- social cognition
Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFim)
What does the School Functional Assessment (SFA) examine?
- participation
- task supports
- activity performance
- physical tasks
- cognitive/behavioral tasks
–> within the school setting
Grades K-6 (5-12 y/o)
When during an infant’s life is an Early intervention program implemented?
0-3 y/o
What kind of treatment utilizes therapeutic handling as the primary intervention strategy?
Neurodevelopmental Treatment (NDT)
Also focuses on important components of motor learning and sensory input
(True/false) Sensory integration therapy can influence postural responses, environmental awareness, and motor planning
How are preterm infants categorized other than by gestation period at birth?
birth weight
(true/false) A preterm infant can develop the physiological FLX of a full-term newborn.
Postural and movement profile:
- hyperEXT of neck and trunk
- shoulder Elevation, ABD, and extension
- scapular RET
- Hip ABD and EXT
- anterior pelvic tilt (lumbar lordosis)
- decreased midline UE movement
- WB on toes when in supported standing
What causes Meconium Aspiration Syndrome?
Bowel movements in utero that mixes with amniotic fluid - the infant inhales the substance
What can meconium aspiration syndrome develop?
Respiratory distress
What treatment plan should be kept in mind with infants who have meconium aspiration syndrome?
Treat in a silent environment due to hypersensitivity to environmental stimuli
20% of cases present with developmental delays that can last up to 3 y/o
Symptoms include rapid, shallow breathing and a sharp pulling in of the chest below and between the ribs with each breath
respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
What causes respiratory distress syndrome?
Development of atelectasis caused by surfactant not developing in the lungs at 24 weeks
–> lungs are not ready for air until 26 weeks of gestation
Can lead to acute respiratory failure and death
What can chronic RDS lead to?
bronchopulmonary dysplasia
When the lungs and the airways (bronchi) are damaged, causing tissue destruction (dysplasia) in the alveoli
- predisposes the infant to respiratory infections and developmental disability
What are the treatments for RDS?
- oxygen supplementation
- assisted ventilation
- surfactant administration
What are the causes of bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
- mechanical ventilation
- oxygen administration
- chronic RDS
What are the treatments for bronchopulmonary dysplasia?
- respiratory support
- infection control
- bronchodilators
What is periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)? What is the cause?
necrosis of white matter adjacent to the ventricles of the brain
- systemic hypotension
- ischemia
What can periventricular leukomalacia (PVL) result in?
Cerebral palsy
Bleeding into the immature vascular matrix
periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage
What grades of periventricular-intraventricular hemorrhage can result in cerebral palsy?
Grades II-IV
What causes retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)?
combination of low birth weight and high O2 levels
abnormal vascularization of the retina that causes visual deficits
What is done in the NICU to infants who develop retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)?
Infant eyes are covered to prevent exposure to bright light
What is necrotizing enterocolitis?
ischemia resulting in inflammatory, bowel infection
What is patent ductus arteriorsus (PDA)?
An opening between two blood vessels (pulmonary artery and aorta) leading from the heart resulting in non-oxygenated blood being circulated
The ductus arteriosus (temporary vessel between the pulmonary artery and aorta) should close soon after birth
Premature infants lack adipose tissue and the CNS is unable to control the body temperature prior to ___ weeks of gestation
32 wks
- keep infant warm to decrease energy expenditure and increase the energy needed for other body functions
If an infant was premature, what should activities and positioning focus on?
- Facilitating shoulder PROT and ADD while doing visual and auditory tracking and reaching
- ex: supported side-lying - Supervised side-lying and prone positioning to promote FLX
- sleeping in supine