MSK Flashcards
What is the CPP of the vertebrae?
Full EXT
What is the CPP of the TMJ?
Maximal RET (clenching teeth)
Mouth maximally open
What is the OPP of the SC joint?
arm resting by the side
What is the CPP of the SC joint?
Arm maximally ELEV
What is the OPP of the AC joint?
arm resting by the side
What is the CPP of the AC joint?
90 degrees ABD
What is the OPP of the GH joint?
55 degrees ABD
30 degrees Horiz. ADD
(Scapular plane)
What is the CPP of the GH joint?
maximal ABD and ER
What is the OPP of the humeroulnar joint?
70 degrees FLX
10 degrees SUP
What is the CPP of the humeroulnar joint?
Full EXT and SUP
What is the OPP of the humeroradial joint?
Full EXT and SUP
What is the CPP of the humeroradial joint?
90 degrees FLX
5 degrees SUP
What is the OPP of the proximal radioulnar joint?
70 degrees FLX
35 degrees SUP
What is the CPP of the proximal radioulnar joint?
5 degrees supination
What is the OPP of the distal radioulnar joint?
10 degrees SUP
What is the CPP of the distal radioulnar joint?
5 degrees SUP
What is the OPP of the radiocarpal and ulnocarpal joints?
neutral with slight UD
What is the CPP of the radiocarpal and ulnocarpal joints?
Full EXT and RD
What is the OPP of the midcarpal joints?
What is the CPP of the midcarpal joints?
EXT with UD
What is the CPP of the MCP joints?
Full thumb OPP
Full finger FLX
What is the OPP of the hip?
30 FLX
30 ABD
slight ER
What is the CPP of the hip?
Full EXT, ABD, and IR
What is the OPP of the knee?
25 degrees FLX
What is the CPP of the knee?
Full EXT and ER
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the AO joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the AA joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the lower cervical spine (C3-T2)?
Limited in all motions EXCEPT FLX
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the GH joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the SC and AC joints?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the humeroulnar and humeroradial joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the radioulnar joints?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the joints located in the wrist?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the midcarpal joints?
equal in all directions
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the IP joints in the hand?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the T-spine?
SB and ROT > EXT > FLX
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the L-spine?
SB and ROT > EXT > FLX
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the hip?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the knee?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the talocrural joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the subtalar joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the midtarsal joints?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the 1st MTP joint?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the MTP joints 2-5?
What is the capsular pattern/restrictive pattern of the IP joints in the foot?
What muscle substitutions occur when the shoulder abductors are weakened?
use of Scapular stabilizers to initiate shoulder motion (Reverse Scapulothoracic rhythm)
What muscle substitutions occur when hip abductors are weak?
use of Lateral trunk muscles or TFL
What muscle substitutions occur when finger flexors are weak?
use of wrist extensors (Tendonesis)
What muscle substitutions occur when the pec major is weak?
use of LHOB, coracobrachialis, and anterior deltoid
Orientation of the glenoid fossa forms true ABD at ____ degrees ANTERIOR to the frontal plane.
30 degrees anterior to the frontal plane
What portions of the clavicle at the SC joint are convex?
superior and inferior portions
What portions of the clavicle at the SC joint are concave?
anterior and posterior portions
What portion of the GH joint capsule is the least supported?
The GH ligaments support what portions of the joint capsule?
anterior and inferior portions
What motions does the superior GH ligament restrict?
ER and inferior translation
What motions does the middle GH ligament restrict?
ER and anterior translation
What motions does the Anterior band of the inferior GH ligament restrict?
ER, anterior translation, superior translation
What motions does the posterior band of the inferior GH ligament restrict?
IR and anterior translation
How much elevation occurs in the GH joint?
The first 30 to 60 degrees of elevation
At approx. 75 degrees of elevation in the UE, what occurs at the GH joint to prevent compression of the greater tubercle on the acromion?
(“Conjunct ROT”)
How are the trochlea and trochlear notch at the humeroulnar joint placed?
anteriorly at a 45 degree angle
What portion of the humerus articulates with the radius at the humeroradial joint?
What portion of the humerus articulates with the ulna at the humeroulnar joint?
The ulna (PRON/SUP) with elbow EXT
The ulna (PRON/SUP) with elbow FLX
The proximal ulna glides (medially/laterally) during elbow extension
The proximal ulna glides (medially/laterally) during elbow FLX
The 1st metacarpal is concave in what directions?
The 1st metacarpal is convex in what directions?
What does the extensor hood in the hand provide?
Assistance with EXT of the IP joints
What portion of the hand does the ulnar nerve innervate?
hypothenar region
1/2 of 4th digit
What portion of the hand does the median nerve innervate?
remainder of palmar surface not innervated by the ulnar nerve
dorsal portions of 2nd, 3rd, and distal 1/2 of 4th digit
During FLX/EXT at the 1st CMC joint, the first metacarpal is (concave/convext), moving on (concave/convex)
concave moving on convex
During ABD/ADD at the 1st CMC joint, the first metacarpal is (concave/convex), moving on (concave/convex)
convex moving on concave
During FLX and ABD at the 1st CMC joint, the 1st metacarpal rotates (radially/ulnarly) on the trapezium
During EXT and ADD at the 1st CMC joint, the 1st metacarpal rotates (radially/ulnarly) on the trapezium
During wrist FLX, which way does the scaphoid/lunate glide in relation to the radius?
During wrist EXT, which way does the scaphoid/lunate glide in relation to the radius?
During RD, which way does the proximal row of carpals glide?
During UD, which way does the proximal row of carpals glide?
What is the depression on the femoral head called?
fovea capitis femoris
How is the femoral head oriented?
Superior, medial, anterior
At the hip joint, articular cartilage covers the while femoral head except for where?
What is the normal angle of inclination at the hip?
definition: Angle of inclination > 125 at the hip
coxa valga
definition: angle of inclination <115 at the hip
coxa vara
The femoral neck is angled ___ degrees ANTERIORLY to form the anterior antetorsion angle
10-15 degrees anteriorly