PEDIATRIC Section 9: Congenital GU Flashcards
Two flavors of Renal Agenesis?
Both are absent
One is absent
Renal agenesis is associated with Potter sequence if its?
One kidney absent is associated with what conditions?
How many % of women with unilateral renal agenesis have associated genital anomalies. What are they?
70% of women with unilateral renal agenesis have associated genital anomalies
Usually - unicornuate uterus or a rudimentary horn)
_% of men with unilateral renal agenesis have these genital anomalies:
20% of men are missing the epididymis, and vas deferens on the same side they are missing the kidney + Seminal vesicle cyst on that side.
Potter Sequence
Insult = maybe ACE inhibitors = kidneys don’t form = no piss = can’t develop lungs (pulmonary hypoplasia
Lying Down Adrenal is also called?
“Pancake adrenal sign”
Lying Down Adrenal
elongated appearance of the adrenal not normally molded by the adjacent kidney. It can be used to differentiate surgical absent vs congenitally absent.
This is the most common fusion anomaly
Horseshoe Kidney
Horseshoe Kidney basically means
he kidney gets hung up on the IMA
What are the complications of horshoe kidney?
- Complicationsfrom Position - Easy to get smashed against vertebral body - kid shouldn’t play football or wrestle.
- Complicationsfrom Drainage Problems: Stones, Infection, and Increased risk of Cancer (from chronic inflammation) - big ones are Wilms, TCC, and the Zebra Renal Carcinoid.
Syndrome associated with Horseshoe kidney
Turner’s Syndrome
One kidney comes across the midline and fuses with the other.
Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia
In Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia, the ectopic kidney is located whre?
Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia:
What kidney more commonly crosses?
Left over to the right fusing in the lower pole
Complications of Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia
stones, infection, and hydronephrosis (50%).
Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia classic CT picture?
The first at the level of the kidneys hinting that one kidney may be absent.
The second through the bladder (on a delayed phase) showing two opacified ureters.
Crossed Fused Renal Ectopia is most common in what gender? and is associated in what condition?
This is the most common congenital anomaly of the GU tract in neonates.
Congenital UPJ Obstruction
Congenital UPJ Obstruction
About 20% o f the time, these are A. Bilateral or unilateral?
Most (b. __ %) of these are thought to be caused by c. _____?
A. bilateral
B. Most (80%) of these are thought to be caused by
C. Intrinsic defects in the circular muscle bundle of the renal pelvis.
Treatment fo Congenital UPJ Obstruction
How to tell the difference between a prominent extrarenalpelvis vs a congenital UPJ obstruction?
“Whitaker Test”, which is a urodynamics study combined with an antegradepyelogram.
Teenager with flank pain after drinking “lots of fluids.” + non dilated uterters =
Think of Congenital UPJ Obstruction
When you have AR Polycystic Kidney Disease, you have this.
congenital hepatic fibrosis is ALWAYS present in ARPKD.
Kids with ARPKD have these conditions
HTN + Renal Failure + Congenital Hepatic Fibrois
Common cause of death in ARPKD
Portal hypertension
smoothly enlarged and diffusely echogenic, with a loss of corticomedullary differentiation.
Cysts tend to be tubular and spare the cortex.
Neonatal Renal Vein Thrombosis associations
Maternal DM + Sepsis + Dehydration
Neonatal Renal Vein Thrombosis Acute vs Chronic
When acute, will cause renal enlargement. When chronic, will result in renal atrophy.
Neonatal Renal artery Thrombosis occurs secondary to what?
What is the presentation?
umbilical artery catheters
severe hvpertension.
Prune Belly (Eagle Barrett Syndrome)
shown on a babygram with a kid shaped like a pear (big wide belly).
Triad Eagle Barret Syndrome
or Prune belly
- Deficiency of abdominal musculature
- Hydroureteronephrosis
- Cryptorchidism (Bladder distension interferes with descent of testis)