PEDIATRIC Section 13: MSK (Misc Conditions) Flashcards
This is the most common cause of an anterior wall “mass.”
Bifid rib
If you have 1 bifid rib, then its a variant, when you have multiple, think of what?
Gorlin Syndrome
What is Gorlin Syndrome?
Bifid Ribs
Calcifications of the Falx
basal cell cancers
odontogenic keratocysts (lytic jaw lesions).
They have a collagen defect and make brittle bones
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
totally lucent skull,
or multiple fractures with hyperplastic callus.
Osteogenesis imperfect
totally lucent skull,
or multiple fractures with hyperplastic callus.
fibula longer than the tibia.
Wormian bones + flat/beaked vertebral bodies + blue sclera + Hearing impairment (otoslcerosis)
Osteogeneis imperfecta
Osteopetrosis + Wormian Bones + Acro-Osteolysis
“wide (or obtuse) angled mandible”
congenital fusion of the cervical spine (sorta like JRA).
Kippel Feil
Klippel Feil
The cervical vertebral bodies will be tall and skinny
Sprengel deformity (high riding scapula) seen in Klippel Feil
Omovertebral bone
- which is just some big stupid looking vertebral body.
Hunters I Hurlers I Morquio - All three of these are mucopolysaccharidoses.
oval shaped vertebral bodies with anterior beak.
Mid in Morquio
Inferior in Hurlers
Clavicles and ribs are often thick (narrow more medially) - like a canoe- paddle.
Hunters I Hurlers I Morquio
Hunters I Hurlers I Morquio
The hand x-ray is the most commonly shown in case books and gives you wide metacarpal bones with proximal tapering.
Anterior tibial bowing and pseudoarthrosis at the distal fibula. + scoliosis
Neurofibromatosis TYPE 1
This is the most common lysosomal storage disease.
Big liver and spleen +
*AVN o f the Femoral Heads
*H-Shaped Vertebra
*Bone Infarcts (lots o f them)
*Erlenmeyer Flask Shaped Femurs
This is a spectrum that includes
Sacral and/or Coccyx AGENESIS. You see it with VACTERL and Currarino Triads Syndromes.
Caudal regression syndrom
Radial Dysplasia
Absence or hypoplasia of the radius (usually with a missing thumb) is a differential case (VACTERL, Holt-Oram, Fanconi Anemia, Throbocytopenia Absent Radius).
Hand or foot pain/swelling + Infant + Sickle cell
Hand Foot Syndrome
Varus angulation occurring at the medial aspect of the proximal tibia (varus bowing occurs at the metaphysis not the knee).
Tibia Vara
This is often bilateral, and NOT often seen before age 2 (two sides, not before two). Later in the disease progression the medial metaphysis will be depressed and an osseous outgrowth classically develops. You can see it in two different age groups; (a) early - which is around age 2 and (b) late - which is around age 12.
* Two Sides - Not Before Two * Two Different Ages (2-3, 12)