Pedagogy Flashcards
Most programs in Instruction and Curriculum in the _______ _____ are divided into elementary and secondary education and focus directly on the practice of teaching.
Content Areas
One can develop expertise drawing from several distinct bodies of _________.
A teacher can develop an expertise by concentrating on drawing knowledge from a number of different sources.
These bodies are: psychological foundations, research on teaching and learning, curriculum theory, social and philosophical foundations of education, and subject matter knowledge and ________.
Pedagogy (the art or science of teaching) is one of the five bodies of knowledge from which we can gain expertise.
Within all learning environments, especially special needs, ___________ is used as a temporary support for a student mastering a new task.
This is a system of close support and guidance used to give a sense of security and immediate reference to students while they learn new subjects. Example: A chemistry teacher may stand next to students mixing chemicals for the first few times to ensure they mix them correctly, and provide them with immediate feedback on their labs.
_____________ design is the activity of planning and designing for instruction.
Based largely on __________ premises, instructional design is adjusting to cognitive ways of viewing the learning process.
Originally a primarily ______ process, instructional design is embracing new methods and computer design tools that allow greater flexibility in the management and order of design activities.
State of the art technologies are helping us move from a linear, to a more rounded and flexible management of activities.
Expert ________ possess both the desire and the ability to learn and they evaluate the effectiveness of their own learning processes on an ongoing basis.
Expert learners are characterized as self-starters who are both results oriented and systematic.
__________ Management focuses on the different teaching and classroom management skills.
Preventive management also links closely with Supportive Management which concentrates on pupil-teacher relations.
__________ teaching is a technique developed to help readers improve their reading comprehension and involves four steps.
The four steps include: ask a question about the meaning of the passage, summarize the main idea, clarify unclear points (ideas, vocabulary etc) predict what will happen next.
Good ________ in action in the classroom usually seem to have no discipline problems at all.
But this is because they work hard at making sure these will not arise.
__________ Management focuses on developing and maintaining pupil-teacher relations.
It is the other side of the coin to Preventive Management which concentrates on teacher skills, though both sections are very closely linked.
The fact that world economic growth is dependent on the English language is well established. The language of business, finance, science and technology is English. ____ instruction in the U.S. is serving this increasing worldwide demand
ESL, or English as a Second Language. Globally, English language training is estimated to be a $20 billion service industry.
The rationale of _______ organizers is students are confronted on a daily basis with a great deal of unfamiliar material.
Teachers can help students make sense out of this material if they take time at the outset of instruction to highlight the organizational and structural patterns of the new material and indicate how it relates to other material already learned.
One way that ________ has demonstrated to be effective in rendering assistance to teachers is the utilization of advance organizers
_______ ________ are short sets of verbal or visual information presented prior to learning a larger body of content.
Advance organizers
The intent of advanced organizers is to present students with _______, not content; with conceptual frameworks, not specific detail.
They can provide students with new organizational structures to guide the assimilation of the new content.
Students with disabilities often have motivational problems because they feel that they have a lack of _______.
Students with disabilities often have motivational problems not because they feel that they have shown a lack of effort, but a lack of ability.
________ Learning promotes the development and use of discovery or inquiry-based methods of teaching and learning
This method is predicated on the belief that all students have creative ability which can be further developed utilizing the many techniques of inquiry-based learning.
There are two general types of intermittent reinforcement schedules–interval schedules and ratio schedules. Interval schedules are broken down into fixed-interval and variable interval. Ratio schedules are broken down into _____-ratio, and variable-ratio.
A) Fixed ratio means that after a set number of responses, reinforcement is provided.
B) Variable ratio means that the number of correct responses required before reinforcement occurs varies
Whereas Piaget and Vygotsky placed emphasis on learners’ personal construction of knowledge, _______ emphasized the importance of reception learning which is based on the idea that most of what is learned is acquired through the transmission of ideas and not through discovery.
Ausubel believes that the transmission of ideas and not through discovery, is how a learner creates their personal construction of knowledge.
Children in a classroom will often model themselves after the student with the highest ______ standing.
They will often model themselves after the student with the highest social standing, as opposed to the most studious, well-mannered student.
_______ believed that reception learning was an important means of acquiring certain discipline-based concepts as long as that learning made meaningful connections between the new information and the learner’s pre-existing cognitive structures.
This means that it is through association of the learners pre-existing knowledge, that the learner is able to absorb and understand new things.
___________ is working together to accomplish shared goals.
Within cooperative activities, individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to __________ and beneficial to all other group members.
Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small ____ so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning.
Class members are organized into small groups after receiving instruction from the teacher. They then work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.
A ________ score tells the percentage of people the student scored higher than.
For example, to score in the 70th percentile means that the student scored as well or better than 70% of the norming sample (the group of students whose score used as the basis for comparison).
By cueing learners about the organization of subject matter, by providing advance organizers, by scheduling student exercises and assignments appropriately and by helping learners make appropriate connections between concepts and ideas, teachers help students to remember information and form linkages between new material and material they’ve __________ learned.
Organization and Clarity are the essential ingredients.
One of the three processes involved in classical conditioning is ___________–the ability to respond differently to similar, but not identical stimuli.
Discrimination, as it applies to conditioning, refers to responding to one stimuli in one way, and then responding in a different way to similar, but different, stimuli. For example, in gym class, running when the teacher blows the whistle once, but stopping when he blows it twice is an example of discriminating between two similar but different stimuli.
As a result of ____, passed in 1990, parents have the right to see all records relating to the testing, placement, and teaching of their child.
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) protects certain rights, such as allowing parents to see all records relating to the testing, placement and teaching of their child, and allows parents to obtain an independent evaluation of their child.
While _______ is clearly an expected outcome of careful preparation and good organization, it is also correlated with teacher knowledge of the subject. Teacher uncertainty produces vagueness which inhibits student understanding.
These principles of teaching and learning are time-honored and widely accepted elements of information processing theories of learning.
Students who perceive instruction to be well organized and clear are thus likely to enjoy ________ knowledge and understanding of course material.
The Organization and Clarity factor is pertinent to several widely accepted principles of teaching and learning.
Teachers tend to ask ____ questions of high-achieving students.
Studies have shown that teachers tend to talk more and ask more questions of high-achieving students. With low-achieving students, teachers tend to ask less questions, give them less time to answer, and give them less prompts and cues to help them along. They tend to be more encouraging in general toward those students for whom they have high expectations.
Teachers who set and communicate ___ __________ for all their students obtain greater academic performance from their students than teachers who set low expectations..
high expectations
Students tend to learn as much (or as little) as their teachers expect. Teachers with high expectations for all students can structure and guide behavior and can challenge students beyond what students themselves believe they can do.
This uniquely human phenomenon is called the _________ Effect. It is a persistently held belief in another person such that the belief becomes a reality.
The person who is believed in, being believed, becomes the person whom they are perceived to be–the self fulfilling prophecy.
All the students becoming attentive when the teacher clears her throat is an example of a _______ response.
The concept of “____-time” as an instructional variable was invented by Mary Budd Rowe.
The “wait-time” periods she found–periods of silence that followed teacher questions and students’ completed responses–rarely lasted more than 1.5 seconds in typical classrooms. She discovered, however, that when these periods of silence lasted at least 3 seconds, many positive things happened to students’ and teachers’ behaviors and attitudes. To attain these benefits, teachers were urged to “wait” in silence for 3 or more seconds after their questions, and after students completed their responses.
_________ education is unquestionably a controversial issue.
There are a number of people and organizations in this country who, for various reasons, are opposed to bilingual education. Educators interested in bilingual education program development may find it useful to look for information on which types of programs are eligible for grants.
There are two basic positions on bilingual education–__________ and maintenance. The difference is in the role the native language plays.
The different is in how the native language is treated. With Transition, the goal is to introduce English as early as possible, so that the student can be taught in English. With Maintenance, the idea is to maintain the native language, and use the native language as the primary teaching language until English skills are more fully developed.