PcmIV Flashcards
Saline lock
An IV cannula placed that allows for immediate administration of medications intravenously. Flushed with saline each shift, to maintain patency
Maintenance IV
solution that is given at a constant rate, round-the-clock. Examples include patients that are unable to maintain their fluid needs by mouth (after surgery, intractable vomiting, comatose, etc.)
Piggy back
Additional medication given IV by utilizing a port included in the maintenance IV tubing; runs concurrently with the maintenance IV
A specific volume given over a short period of time (i.e. 250ml wide open—as fast as the fluid can be administered within the vein
Does not readily pass through a membrane; i.e. intravascular and extravascular (interstitial) fluid compartments
Pass readily through a membrane; i.e. intravascular and extravascular (interstitial) fluid compartments
Isotonic solution
Osmolality near that of plasma (>250mOsm/L but <375mOsm/L)
Osmolality that is less than that of plasma (<250mOsm
Osmolality greater than that of plasma (>375mOsm
Free water
Water not bound by macromolecules
Calculate maintenance fluid
Hourly rate 4 ml for 1 – 10kg +
2 ml for 11 – 30kg + 1 ml for each >30kg
70 kg person = 120 ml/hr
Body water deficit calculate
{0.6 x weight (kg) X (patient Na – 140 [nl Na])}/ 140 [nl Na] Ex: 0.6 X 70 X (144 – 140)/ 140 = 1.2 L deficit
solutions of salts and electrolytes used for volume expansion. Examples includes NS, LR, D5W
solutions that contain large molecules and provide oncotic pressure in addition to volume expansion. Examples include protein solutions such as albumin and non-protein solutions such as Dextran and Hydroxyethyl starch (HES
D5W dextrose 5%
Hco3 equilivent-0
D10W dextrose 10%
Osmolarity 505
Glucose 100
Na0 cl0 hco30
.45 nacl
Osmolality 154
Glucose 0
Na 77mEq/L
Cl 77 mEq/L
.9% nacl
Osmolality 308
Glucose 0
Na 154
3% nacl
Na 513
Lactated ringers
Osmolality 274
Na 130
Hco3 equilivents 28
Hypotonic solutions
.45 ns
Isotonic solutions
.9% ns
Lactated ringers
Hypertonic solutions
3% saline
When use isotonic
solutions can be used for maintenance fluids or resuscitation. Maintenance fluids applies to situations when a patient is unable to drink or take in enough fluids to maintain physiologic needs. Examples include post-operative period, inability to swallow or protect airway from aspiration (facial trauma, acute CVA), burns, or intubation
AE isotonic
Fluid resuscitation includes dehydration, hypovolemia or shock (any type). During fluid resuscitation, the goal is to keep fluids within the intravascular space. Isotonic solutions are the best choice, with NS preferred. However, during high volume resuscitation with NaCl, it is possible to overload the Cl- and induce a hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis (NAGMA).
Use LR
LR is also be used for vascular expansion and electrolyte replacement
Hypertonic solution use
solutions: 3%NS may be used with caution in extreme cases of hyponatremia (Na ~115). Must be done slowly with frequent sodium monitoring. It may induce Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome (Locked-in Syndrome), iatrogenic hypernatremia, fluid overload
HYPOTONIC solutions have an abundance of free water, such as 0.45% NS. Hypotonic solutions do not stay in the vascular space. They will move into ICF causing them to reach a lower osmolality (cellular swelling
When use D5w and d10w
D5W and D10W are generally used to treat hypoglycemia. While D5W is isotonic, the uptake of the glucose leaves behind no solute, thus is often considered hypotonic and NOT used for resuscitation as it may cause fluid overload. Generally does not change the glucose concentration of the patient as it is assimilated into the cells. However, in a diabetic patient it may not be assimilated and can cause hyperglycemia
Free water
Water not bound by macromolecules. When applied to IV fluids, will cause a shift of fluids into the cells (ICF) from the vascular space (ECF).
Smaller number IV
Bigger needle/tubing
Bigger number IV needs
Smaller needle/tubing
22 gauge
22 gauge: 0.8 mm—childeren & older adults; slow infusions
20 guage
20 gauge: 1.0 mm—crystalloid infusion for maintenance
18 guage
18 gauge: 1.2 mm—fluid resuscitation or blood transfusion
16 guage
16 gauge: 1.7 mm—fluid resuscitation or blood transfusion
Vein inflammation
Symptoms phlebitis
Pain, increased skin temp, redness
Treat phlebitis
D/C IV line, moist warm compresses, monitor
Signs PE findings phlebitis
Erythema, pain, red streak along vein, palpable venous cord, pure lent drainage
Infiltration definition
Leakage of IV solution or medication into the extravascular tissue
Symptoms infiltration
Edema, pallor, decreased skin temp and pain
Treatment infiltration
D/C IV line, elevate extremity, warm compresses may facilitate absorption of fluid
Signs PE findings infiltration
Skin blanched, tight/leaking, bruised, swollen, edema, pitting, pain
Extravasation definition
IV catheter become dislodged and medication infuses into the tissue
Symptoms extravasation
Pain, stinging, burning swelling, redness at site
Treatment extravasation
D/C IV line, apply cool compresses, administer antidote if one exists
Signs PE findings extravasation
Skin blanched, tight/leaking, bruised, swollen edema, pitting , pain
H and P
is a comprehensive health document. It is required for any hospital or long-term care facility. It must be performed no more than 30 days prior to or 24 hours after admission. The purpose is to capture the current state of health and any comorbidities that may require monitoring or effect the care of an individual. It must include all of the following components:
Time & date
CC/History of Present Illness PMH
Meds (prescription and non-prescription) Allergies (including reactions)
ROS: 2 symptoms in at least 10 (of 14) systems unrelated to the CC
COMPLETE PHYSICAL , assessment, plan
Complete physical: General, VS, HEENT, Lymph, CV, Lungs, Abd, Skin, MSK, OSE, neuro/psychiatric; current laboratory or radiographic data.
Assessment: start with reason for admission (or surgery) and include all comorbidities
Plan: start with care of current/most urgent problem and include maintenance of comorbidities. Signature of author/cosignature if required
Progress note
D aily update of a hospitalized patient Date & time
Subjective: (CC/HPI) update all of the information that has ocured since the last time evaluated (rounded on) by your service; include overnight events, new or different concerns of the patient or staff.
Objective: VS (HR, RR, BP, temp, O2sat, weight, I/O) focused physical exam, new labs and/or imaging results
Assessment: update of current problems (reso
Discharge summary
: a succinct document summarizing the major events of the hospital stay. Vital to provide outpatient provider with the most important information so that treatment plans can be identified and maintained. Common components:
Consultants: include physician names and specialties
Procedures: dates
Pertinent H & P details: brief summary of reason for admission. Includes pertinent lab and
imaging findings.
Course: brief summary of hospital course, treatments and progress during stay.
Discharge Condition: (good, fair, guarded, critical)
Disposition: home, skilled nursing, nursing home, rehab center
MEDICATIONS: reconcile medications to be continued upon discharge from the facility. Must
include dose, route and frequency (duration if a short-term medication such as antibiotic). List previous home medication and indicate whether they are continued or discontinued.
Instructions: activities, restrictions, diet, wound care FOLLOW-UP: Who, when and why
Why give IV
Unable to maintain hydration orally • Surgery • Acute illness, vomiting and/or diarrhea • Altered mental status • Inability to swallow: CVA • Trauma: jaw or facial trauma • Volume depletion • Dehydration • Acute blood loss/acute anemia
- Solutions of salts and electrolytes used for volume expansion
- Normal saline, solutions vary
- Lactated Ringers
- D5W
- Solutions that contain large molecules and provide oncotic pressure in addition to volume expansion
- Protein
- Albumin
- Non-Protein • Dextrans
Volume resuscitation
Isotonic preferred
First line-normal saline
Colloids such as hydroxyethyl starches for volume resuscitation
Increase mortality and are not recommended
Hypotonic and volume resuscitation
• Fluids that are hypotonic (0.45% NaCl) will loose the free water to the extracellular space and are not recommended
Lactated ringers
Na,cl, hco3
38 yo male vomiting blood. Drinks heavily and has been drinking for at least three days. 3 meiosis episodes bright red and dark blood
Bp 80/50, HR 140, RR 18, temp 97
What treat with
Hypotensive, tachycardia and mental status need volume resuscitation
.9% nacl normal saline
Lactated ringers-has k, cl and this patient needs blood products bc reverse anticoagulatns packed with rbc and cause clotting
Hes-colloid contraindicated
D5w-taken up by cells leaves only free water even thoug isotonic once in vascular space becomes hypotonic
Packed red cells-probably used later..not first choice. When need blood products must be types and cross matched can take 30 min to hours…if volume depleted give normal saline
Signs hypovolemia or ineffective circulating volume
Dry mucous membranes, flat jugular veins, loss of turf or, tachycardia, delayed capillary refill, hypotension, oliguria, tachypnea, postural hypotension-one position to another get dizzy lightheaded (if change position bp drops systolically 20 mmHg or HR increase ten bpm then orthostatic hypotension)
Symptoms-icnreased thirst , fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, syncope, agitation, confusion
Packed rbc
Replace volume in blood loss
Takes time-type, cross match
Fresh frozen plasma
Contains plasma proteins and coagulation factors
Used to reverse some anticoagulatns and in bleeding disorders
Factor VIII
Asprin platelet dysfunction
Treat thrombocytopenia
Back to 38 yo male what size needle should be used
Bigger number smaller lumen
Bigger number smaller lumen
22 20 guage-small, elderly ppl or small kids
16 18-ok for high volume fluid resuscitation and transfusion
16 and 18 ok!
Fluid resuscitation-high volume fluid
What initial labs are appropriate for this patient
AbG, CBC with diff, CMP, PT/PTT, INR
CMP-liver and kidney function, electrolytes, glucose,
Pt/PTT-monitor warfarin and heparin
Blood cultures-no, febrile septic infectious
Hb 6.5 and hcg 19 with macrocytosis
Takes 45-72 hours where CBC willl reflect volume in vascular space
Rn maybe chronic anemia or gastritis, could have hb lower
Alt 90 ast 54
2:1 alcohol use
Na 145 k 5 bl 105 glucose 92 BUN 25 cr .9
Prerenal azotemia
Why so high? Upper gi bleed blood through gut and reabsorbed so also have elevated BUN and how we tell apart from lower GI bleed
AbG 7.32, pco2 30, po2 78
CBCliver function
Kidney function na, k, cl, bun
Monitor IV fluid patient
Weight daily
In and out
Daily BMP
Increase in weight on IV
3 rd spacing
Med student walks in notice cool pale indurated area around IV site in left cubical fossa
Phlebitis-vein inflammation, would be red
and follow up a rem
Infection skin cellulitis-around area warm red and tender
Niduration-hardening sign of extravation
Probably infiltration of IV diet .
Treatment for IV infiltration
Warm compress elevate
Move IV site dif location or more proximally from where it was
Where does this go in hospital documentation
Progress note for day 2
And Discharge summary
Admission H and P-admission, dont go back and change
An amendment to h and p NO something left out or mistake on it
Discharge summary-show complications as well
Nursing documentation-theirs
30 yo female pre op awaiting cholecystectomy, which IV fluid is most appropriate. Hasn’t eaten or drank since night. What IV peripoerative period (before to end of surgery)
Need intravascular support and maintenance hydration-want crystalloids
Isotonic best , when hypo and hyper probably treating something else not just maintenance and vascular support
D5W-no need can go a few days without glucose (becomes quickly hypotonic too)
Saline lock-start IV site but dont hook up to solution, in perioperative period wnt solution running
22 yo male ED for altered level of consciousness and abdominal pain. He is wearing a bracelet indicating he is diabetic. In route he was found to have a blood sugar of 429
BO 85/50, p140, rr20, temp 100.1
Best initial
Fever is 100.4 so no fever
Albumin-no its a colloid dont need for resuscitation
D5W-blood sugar is up and diabetic so dont give more glucose
If blood sugar 40 then yes d5w
.45-hypotonic-fluid wont stay in vascular supply and we need bp and HR
.9%-best choice
Labs after large volume of fluid
Bp110/80 Na little high K littl elow Cl high Glucose 225 Co2 ok BUN high Cr ok
What best choice for fluid and what compartment will the fluid move to
Intravascular to intracellularrly
LR -ok but K is low and we need large volume
Need IV piggy back with K in it
A 78 yo female found lying on floor fell three days ago . Trouble speaking, flattened neck veins, forehead tenting, left leg shortened and externally rotated
Bp 100/60 rr 18 t 97.2
What guage
22 guage, reality put in large bore needle dehydrated
While in route to hospital put in two large iv bore needle what fluid choose
Normal saline
Stay where put it in vascular supply
Into cells
Pulls things into the vascular supply
Ineffective circulating volume
-fever, difficulty breathing, low bp, fast HR, mental confusion
Geriatrics with
73 yo DM, CAD< sleep apnea here for wellness check. Her niece accompanies her to the visit today and noticed she is more withdrawn and foregetful . What ask niece and patient and assessment tools. Does age matter
Who is assessing the geriatric patient
PA, PT, OT, nurses, you
Everyone gather information and discuss as a team
Medication effect polypharmacy
Increased herbal and diet supplement can interact with prescription
Ginnkgo Bilbao-incrase memory but cause risk of bleeding if on blood thinner, St. John warts for depression and on SSRI serotonin effects
Mental impairment, hypoglycemia and change in vision can be seen
Think interactions and know you may not be the only person prescribing medications or different pharmacies
Age and meds
Increase harmful effects
40% reduction in hepatic blood flow in older
Renal blood flow down by half by 80
Some degree of CKD
-decreased first pass liver, body fat, serum protein levels
Serum protein levels
Dentures, poor appetites, loss of partner who prepared food, comorbid conditions
Substance abuse and medication
Alcohol and interaction with prescription meds
Beers criteria
List of meds they wnt you to avoid
Can prescribe if necessary, but try not to
Categories of beer most common
Medications to always avoid, potentially inappropriate for older, medications for caution
Stop and start criteria’s
Stopp-screening tool of older persons prescriptions
Start-screening tool to alert doctors to the right treatment-indicators to prescribe
What do when come in
Brown bag check-get good history and know every single med, vitamins, herbals, review during every visit
Use beer
Start low, go slow-start low old people
Close follow up after starting new med
Functional ability
Self care-consider effort needle to button or unbutton shirt, wear shoes, climb up on bed
Living independently
FUTURE PLANNING-if you cant do ADL should u live with someone, get help, of go to long term care facility
Useful scales-katz and Lawton
Increase prob age
Maybe meds
Maybe comorbids
Neglect from CVA
DM retinopathy
Poor night vision
Glaucoma, cataracts,
Guideline for health maintenance
No guideline for vision assessment
-snellen eye chart every year, can refer to ophthalmologist if DM is HTN uncontrolled bc comorbid big eye , or family history.
Who more prone to falls
History, opioid, benzo, bp med, gait , weak, neurologic impairment, shoes, how do they live
Get up and go test or tenet time balance and gait test
Reduce falls try to alleviate things that may cause fall, exercise if weak, PT, bedside commodes, walker, shower, assess home hazard, review meds, assessing vision, performing neurologic exam
Age and cognitive health
High risk of cognitive decline and risk of depression
Comorbid conditions-meds may contribute
Early diagnosis of dementia
Conditions of old
Cognitive, dementia, AD, CVA, hemispatial attention or neglect, seizure disorders, history of syncope, many many more
Test for cognition
Mental status exam, CN test, vision, cerebellar status, strength, sensation, reflex’s, babinski
Mini mental state exam
Questionnare for testing cognition
Depression assessment
May mimic cognitive decline
-“during past month have you been bothered by feeling down, depresses, or hopeless? During the past month have you been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things”?/ ASK THESE
Yes promotes more detailed questionnaire PHQ-9** dense grade how depressed patient is
Mild depression
Severe depression
SSRI or other meds
MOCA and minimental status
How impaired or demented test
Presbycusis age related sensorineural hearing loss
Loss of cochlear hair cells
May get tinnitus, note cerumen
Work up hearing loss
Otoscopic exam (note cerumen, effusions), audioscpoe exam and whispered voice test
USPSTF hearing
Ask patient about hearing but no guideline for asymptomatic patient
Treat hearing
Presbyscusos-hearing aids
Urinary incontinence
Associated with decubitus ulcers, uti, sepsis
Diagnose incontinence
Good history
Postvoid residual volume, cough stress test
“Is your incontinence caused by coughing, sneezing, lifting, walking or running?
This along with incontinence questionnaires
Involuntary leakage of urine that occurs with increases in intra abdominal pressure
Treat wit fluid retention, pelvic floor exercise
Bladder muscles contracting too often
Alpha agonist, fluid restriction, keels, pessary
Obstruction or neuro issue
Indwelling urethral cath, alpha adrenergic antagonist BPH
On beer list so consider if appropriate
White females, old white males, postmenopausal
DEXA on 65 and older
<65 with 10 year fracture history use FRAX fracture risk assessment tool
Manage osteoporosis
Lifestyle fall prevention, smoking cessation, moderation of alcohol intake, bisphosphonate therapy, hormone therapy
DEXA scan
T value compares with 30 yo female patient
Low bone mass 1-2.5 sad below T-1 and >-2.5
Osteoporosis->2.5 sx below
T score
Vaccination assessment
Tetanus with pertussis, influenza, pneumococcal vaccine, herpes zoster
Social support
Do they have someone to help if get sick
Advance directive
Male genital exam
Penicillin exam
Lesions, palpated for plaques or induration
Palpated for mass, equal volume, tenderness, cryptoorchidism, t
Testes mass
Transilluminated-light will not transmit through solid mass. Hydrocele will glow soft red
Chronic testes lesion
Can cause testicular atrophy
If testicular not palpated
Examine inguinal canal and lower abdomen
Turn head cough and check for hernia
Check cremaster
Digital rectal exam
Prostate normal size symmetric nodularity
Most common male GU complaints
Infection-(fever chills)foreskin, epididymitis, urethra
, scrotum abscess
Structural-testicular torsion, hypospadias, undescended, hydrocele, spermatocele peyronies
Other-herpes, warts, tinea cruris, ED, cancer
Testicular torsion
Bell clapper deformity allows spermatic cord to twist, resulting in occlusion of testicular blood flow.
-trauma, exercise, but also may occur in sleeo
=usually say previous minor pain
Epidemiology testicular torsion
Young male 14 year old acute onset unilateral scrotal pain
Diagnose testicular torsion
Clincia, US, referral to urologist
Scrotal edema and erythema , tender firm testis that are retracted upward as a result of the twisted spermatic cord
Cremaster absent
Treat testicular torsion
Bilateral orchiplexy as bell clapper deformity often occurs bilaterally. If blood flow is restored within 6 hours of torsion, 80-100% of testes can be saved
How long to save testes
6 horus
Cremaster with testicular torsion
Lightly touch inside thigh and testicular on that ide raise up
Inflammation of head glans penis with chronic skin condition
Gradual onset of scrotal pains ith fever, urethral discharge, and urinary symptoms
Acute orchitis
Sudden onset of testicular pain and high decker and palpate and tender testicle and nausea and vomiting
Scrotal abscesses
Testis, epididymitis, urethra
Do not have acute onset
Prominent edema, induration, erythem,a no fever, no n/v
Cremasteric is present
Gradual onset posterior scrotal pain, urinary symptoms burn hard to pee. Inflammation of epididymitis
Young kid epididymitis
Enteric bacteria like E. coli reflex of urine just
Gc and chlamydia
Treat Gc chlamydia
IM ceftriaxone and 10 days doxycycline
Men anal intercourse
E. coli and give ceftriaxone with 10 days oral levofloxacin or ofloxacin
Who needs the additional treatment for men with insertive anal intercourse
Msw who have anal intercourse
Ask ‘it looks like infection in order to determine antibiotic i need to ask if you participate in anal sex:
Urethral discharge , itching tingling, dysuria
What causes urethritis
C trach, n gonorrhea
Look for chlamydia first
But Hpv most common sti
Hpv most common across board
Chlamydia most common reported
Exam urethral symptoms
Examined for inguinal lad, ulcers, or urethral discharge. Palpation of scrotum for evidence of epididymitis or orchitis is advised. Digital rectal Adam if in right age group
How diagnose urethritis
Discharge, positive leukocyte esterase test from first void urine or at least 10 wbc per high power field
Syphilis screening
At increased risk and all pregnant women
Asymptomatic not at risk po
Gc chlamydia
Sexually active women and men
Men-I current evidence insufficient
Women-B , active women age 24 years and younger and older women increased risk *
Fournier gangrene
Genital groin, or perineal involvement; polymicrobial cellulitis-infection followed by suppurations Nd necrosis of overlying skin
Be aggressive
Prostatis is
Urinary issues and scrotum and epididymitis fine no drainage. Move to DRE prostate tender and swollen
-painful ejactulaiton or blood in sperm, pain poop, systemic fever chills nausea
Bladder infection. Young healthy men dont get it
-cloudy or strong smelling urine, hematuria, feeling orf pressure in lower abdomen, pelvic discomfort
Most common genital ulcer
HSV1 and 2
Differential STI genital ulcers
Genital herpes simplex virus-hsv1 and 2
Syphilis-trepnmena pallidus
Granuloma inguinal-donovanosis
Lymphgranuloma venerum-chlamydia
Diagnosis ulcer
Chancre-serological and conformation fluorescent antibody
H. Ducreyi-culture
Herpes-skin scraping
Syphilis-VDRL RPR and darkfield
Multiple vesicular lesions and become painful shallow ulcers
PCR of scraping
Singl, painless chancre with a clean base and indurated border
Mild or minimally tender inguinal LAD
Dark field microscopy or direct fluorescent antibody testing of a chancre or lymph node aspirate1
Nonindurated paiful with serpingious border and friable base; covered with a necrotic, often pursuant exudate
Tender, suppurative, unilateral inguinal LAD or adenosis
H ducreyi on culture
Gram stain suggestive of h ducrey
Small shallow painless genital or rectal papile or ulcer no induration
Unilateral, tender inguinal or femoral LAD grooves sign
Chlamydia trachomatis l1-3 culture, identified from clincial specimen and others
RARE MSM mainly
Syphilis LGV
Syphilis LGV
Groove sign inguinal LAD with LGV swelling in inguinal region
Indurated border syphilis painless
High risk group
Msm Low socioeconomic and urban settings Prison Military Mental illness Iv users
Complication untreated sexually transmitted infections
PID Upper genital infections Infertility (GC CHLAMYDIA) Chronic pelvic pain Cervical cancer Chronic infection
Antibiotics and virals
Treat partner
Counseling safe sex
Stress condone
Reduce high risk behavior
Who test behavior counseling and sti screening
B sexually active adolescents and adults
Syphilis A
Person at risk
HIV type A
Spirochete, Treg pallidus
Primary chancre
Secondary0joint pain, fatigue, lad maculopapular rash
17 yo sex active male itchy red painless rash of the genitals and inner thigh. On exam there is no tender inguinal or female lad. What is it
Jock itch
Jock itch common
Fungal infection young’s thletes inner thigh and buttocks.
Hpv genital warts
Finger like projections
Peyroies disease
Fibrous scar tissue causes penis to change direction when erect can go anyway
5-10% OF MNE
I descended
Most common male birth defect
3% infants
Most common male birth defect
Inguinal hernia
Abdominal fat or a loop of small intestine enter the inguinal canal, a tubular passage through the lower layers of the abdominal wall and may enter the scrotum
Two testicular but other stuff in there
Pre participation sports physical
Insufficient evidence o do genital exam
Collection of fluid presents as painless scrotal swelling that can be transilluminated. Ma be worse thru the day. New hydrocele or one that hemorrhage after monitor trauma may signal cancer
Most common on the left side. Mass lying posterior to and above the testis. Classic bag of worms
Painless cystic mass separate from testis located superior and posterior to the testis
Testicular cancer
Sudden collection of fluid in scrotum?? Varicocele
-can be indicator of cancer…check consider cancer
Lump or enlargement, tender breast, back pain
Risk factor
Undescended testis, personal of family history, age, ethnicity
Diagnostic and therapeutic
If scrotal mass
Not inside testicular 90% not cancer
If in testicular 90% cancer
Germ cell tumors 95% of testicular cancer
When screen for testicular cancer
Most common 15-34 solid tumor males
97% survival
Level D no better cure rate
Most common sexual problem in men
-male ed know ed presents 3 years before cardiac issues come up screen for cardiac disease.
Ed-screen for cardiac disease
25 yo sexually active male presents with burning sensation when urinarting . What is source
How meet patient
Fully dressed, respect them, ask questions for abuse and stuff have a chaperone
Thorough history and cc
Cc and HPU
Cc and explain
All medical conditions recorded…some common disorders like DM and HTN and renal disease affect pregnancy outcomes
Need to know
Pre eclampsia, IUGR
Alllll including otc and herbal for teratogens
Ask if considering getting pregnant ….start prenatal and folic acid
Family history
Breast, ovarian, uterine endometrial cancer, colorectal cancer
Diabetes, thyroid disease, familial hyperlipidemia
Surgical history
Myomectomy-fibroid out want to know cause want to know where if on top of uterus on top can get uterine rupture. Want to be thorough
Pelvic surgery and needed 4 units of rbc
-no vaginal birth
Obstetric history
What kind of deliveries and pregnant, natural epidural, complications
times pregnant
pregnancies led to birth or beyond 20 weeks or infant more than 500 g
Term, preterm, abortion, living
20-26 weeks and 6 days
Less than 20 weeks
23 year old 39 week 2 spontaneous abortions at 10 and 12 weeks and 1 living child
G3 p1, 0, 2, 1
27 year old 1 living child, had twins and 2 abortions
G3 p p0121
3 deliveries at 27, 29 and 32 weeks and had a ruptured ectopic w subsequent salpingectomy at 13 weeks.
Women pregnant
First preg
Multiple pregnancies
Never pres
Birth to one child
Primary amenorrhea
No start by 16
Most common cause amenorrhea
Pregnancy or menopause
First lab serum preg
Post cordial bleeding
Cervical cancer
Post menopausal bleeding
Endometrial cancer
Heavy bleeding clots
Structural abnormalities-fibroid and polyps
Naegels ruls to determine due date
If last menstrual period substract 3 months and add seven days
Who cant do naegels rule
Irregular cycle or not know last menstrual period
Folic acid
Neural tube defects -if trying not trying
ROS breast
Pain, discharge, masses,inverted nipple
Discharge, dyspareunia-, menses regulatory, incontinence
Breast exam 1-3 years 20-29
40 yearly mammography
Pelvic exam when state
21 annual
Initial OBGY service
Menstrual, family medical history, tobacco, alcohol ad other drugs, sexual abuse, drugs
NO PELVIC EXAM unless problems , tanner staging
Test chlamydia and gonorrhea or HIV if sexually active
13 counseling
Encourage condom, psychosocial and sexual abuse , drugs tobacco alcohol
Immunization 13-18
Tdap Hep b Hpv vaccine Mmr Varicella
Hv vaccine
Ceramic-16, 18
Gardasil 11,16,18
Gardasil 9-lots
9-45 can have, boys girls -want prevent recurrence
16 and 18
Cervical cancer
Talk about sexual practive and alcohol and drugs
19-39 breast exam
1-3 years at age 20 clinical
Mammography starts at 40
19-39 pap
21-29 pap every 3 years with cytology alone
After 30 continue every 3 years cytology alone or co test with HPV and negative extend to 5 years
19-39 chlamydia and gonorrhea
If age 25 or younger and sexually active
26 and older just high risk
HIV 19-39
Counseling 19-39
Sex, reproduction planning, genetic counseling, std prevention, intimate partner violence, rape prevention, breast self awareness, tobacco
Pelvic pain and treat over and over-think abuse
Immunization 19-39
Tdap HPC Influenza MMR Varicella vaccina
40-64 screening
Pelvic prolapse, menopausal symptoms (51), tobacco, alcohol and other drugs , family medical history
PE 40-64
Mammograms years
Cervical test 3 years or co test every 5 years
Colorectal 50 if African American
——everyone 45 yo q 10 years preferred
Labs 40-64
Lipid profile every 5 year at 45
Mammography every year at 40
TSH every 5 years at 50
Diabetes every 3 years at 45
Counseling 40-64
STD, violence, same same, breast self awareness, chemoprophylazis if high risk tamoxifen
Immunization 40-64
Varicella zoster at 60 new one Mae sure caught up
65 over
Pelvic prolapse menopausal
Yearly breast
Pelvic exam when appropriate
When stop pap
65 if no history of CIN 2 or higher and 3 consecutive negative or two consecutive negative co test
In CIN 2 or 3 have to make sure normal pap for 20 years even if beyond 65
Lab 65 older
Bone mineral start 65 every 3 years
Rest same
Counseling 65
Advance directive
Sexual function, std
Breast awareness
Tobacco, alcohol other drugs
Pneumococcal after 65 get once
Same rest
High risk for bone mineral density early
<65 history fractures less than 127, bone loss disease RA< smoker, alcohol, history suspicious
Early mammography
40 younger if high risk, BRCA1 or 2 or history of high risk breast biopsy
High risk for lipid before 45
CAD history, aaa, family history, obese, hyperlipidemia, premature cvd
Family history, polyps first degree relative younger 60 or 2 of any age
Familial, UC, crohns , polys
Diabetes less 45
First degree relative, prior birth over 9 lbs
History PCOS
Thyroid before 50
Strong family history thyroid disease
Genetic testing
If history of genetic disorder or birth defect
Std early
Multiple partners, partners with known sti, iv drug users
Meningococcal vaccine
Function asplenia or reserved, military recruit college dorms
Start of PE
Inform patient what will take place , meet when dressed , knock on door and wait for answer
WASH hands
Bring chaperone
May not know pregnant malar rash under eyes
Dark aerola sign of pregnant
If see melasa or dark aerola
Get preg test
2nd leading cause of death in america women
Lung, breast colorectal
How do breast exam
Uprigh patient palpate quadrants (mobile, quadrant, feel), compare breast
Supine, raise arm behind head allow to spread more evenly and deeper palpation
When do breast exam
Week after menstruate put hands on hips lean forward look lean back ok
See if stuck to muscle
Palpate nipple
Compress between thumb and index, discharge galactorrhea, bloody, blah
Tell them why doing it
1/8 ladies get it inform patients why doing it
Most breast cancer
Upper outer or under nipple
Breast exam
Stand palpate tail of spence, breast cancer feel hard
Pain-not pain
If limbs come and go away with menstruation-fibroadenoma
Get different positions come in contact with all breast tissue
Nipple inversion
New problem cancer old fine
First pelvic exam
How and why we are doing it. Explain!
Show her instruments before inform importance of testing
Pelvic exam bed
30 degrees can see face can see if hurting her, if flat abdominal muscles tense
Readjust pillow
Warm speculumput gloves on
Scoot till bottom hangs a bit off end of table
Dorsal lithotomy position
30 degrees
Examine external genetalia thoroughly
Abnormal HPV condyloma 6 11
HSV-satellite lesion
Pediatric speculum
Very narrow blades,
Grave speculum
Wide multiparous, or very heavy
How long is vagina
10 cm
Peterson speculum
Thinner blades half as wide
Very narrow
Plastic speculum
Can use light but problem with heavier ladies can snap off and pinch
Where butt
Barely off end of table
How hold speculum and put in
Dominant hand
Take other hand and separate the labia minora and majora
Once tip of the speculum is inserted at 45 degrees
-may adjust on prolapse
Insert as far as will go
- then open
- if dont see if close then go more then open then tilt up or down
Put speculum in and wait for
Secondary relaxation then insert
Small conical spherical
Multiparous cervix
Bass mouth
Cervical polyp
Fleshy mass interlude spotting
-intercourses and post comical spotting cervical cancer
Pregnant cervix
Chadwicks sign-blueish hue to vagina and cervix
Most common vaginal infection
Bacterial vaginalis
Frothy yellow green strawberry cervix
Bacterial vaginosis
Most common foul amine fishy odor
Year vaginitis
White adherent discharge
Swab that is inserted into vertical
-negative, but repeat positive bc need to put swab in 45 seconds
Spatula scrape ectocervix
Cytobrush is then used to obtain endocervical cells
Slide or thin prep
Wipe of spatula then wipe cytobrush on other half
Thin prep
May swish or actually remove the tip of swab and send in
Thin prep benefit
Cytology, HPV, test for chlamydia and conorrhea, ASCUS cytology
Have specimen and speculum in
Don’t pinch cervix when close……
Place in hazardous red bag
If put speculum in and have cystocele
Won’t see
So breaks speculum in half and put one in to see bladder
Internal bimanual exam
Feel cervix, uterus, palpate ovaries, feel for structural abnormalities
Use lube press down waiting for relaxation and other hand on suprapubic region
This is uncomfortable
Vaginalis wall palpate
Cyst, nodules, mass, growths
Not good
Use normala or healthy
How did cervix
Palpate hand move side to side and see for discomfort
Cervical movement discomfort
Chandeliers sign PID
Non pregnant
Firm cervix
Soft preg
Lift up vaginal hand down with other hand
Toward stomach
Toward back
Top fundus toward stomach
Fingers lower quadrant sweep down and other hand lateral fornix
Normal ovary
Form, ovoid, slightly tender and 3x2x1 cm
Rectovaginal exam
Tone anal sphincter , lax , absent-improper repair 3rd 4th degree
Anal walls
Can feel endometriosis
Advance and ask to bear down
Conclusion of exam
Push back ad normal
Help sit up
Dress while step out
What percent of patients see physician 5 times before diagnosis of endometriosis confirmed by surgery
Signs that may get endometriosis with pelvic pain
Dysmenorrhea before 15 and symptoms before 20
Genetic endometriosis for severe rather than mild
More common if sister or mother
Allergies and endometriosis
Segmental dysfunction endometriosis
Lumbar type II dysfunction
Abrupt increase in severity and radiation fo endometriosis
Rupture indication
Hemorrhage due to rupture endometriosis
And peritoneal inflammation lead to reactive exudates
Ca 125
Ruptured ovarian endometriosis cysts mimic ovarian malignancy bc high ca125
Ct scan and pelvic sonogram or mri endometriosis
If patient has hemoperitoneum, active bleeding seen on CT by active arterial extravasation of IV contract with a measured attenuation value higher than of free or clotted blood is indicative of the need for prompt surgical intervention
Symptoms endometriosis
Dysmenorrhea, pelvic pain, menorrhagia, hormone dependent, dyspareunia, lumbago, rectal pain, dyschezia, infertility, increased allergic reactions, positive family history
Or asymptomatic
When do endometriosis exam
Early menses
PE endometriosis
Pelvic tenderness
Nodules on bimanual exam on uterosacral ligament or posterior curl de sac
Decreased uterine mobility/retro version
Tender fixed nodular adnexal masses
Osteopathic findings
Diagnose endometriosis labs
Ca125 up or ovarian malignancy Get hcg Ua0for UTI CBC CMP STD-chlam and gon gram stain cervical
When do mri/ct
Usual use MRI and US for gynecology
CT0pain of unknown etiology
CT-see hemoperitoneum by active arterial extravasation of IV contrast with measured attenuation value higher than that of free or clotted blood is indicateive of need for prompt surgical intervention
Transvaginal US
Endometriomas-look for homogenous cysts
Har to diagnose endometriosis without what
Surgical confirmation
Histology endometriosis of biopsy
Endometrial glands and stroma
Visual lesions of endometriosis from laparoscope
Black powder burns-classic
Red white lesions
Complications endometriosis
Progressively worse-implants spread
Etiologies endometriosis
Retrograde menstruation
Vascular lymphatic dissemination
Coelomic metaplasia of multipotential cells in peritoneal cavity
Cavity between splenic and somatic mesoderm in embryo forms the lining of general body cels
Mesonephric remnants
Undergo endometrial differentiations nd give rise to ectopic endometrial tissue
Müllerian ducts
Females-upper uterine tubes
Lower parts form uterus and upper vagina
Male vestigial as vagina masculine
Appendix testes
Extrauterine stem cell progenitor
Stem cells from bone marrow differentiated into endometrial tissue
Metastases to
Bone lung brain via vascular lymphatic
Associated of endometriosisand what cancer
Endometrioid cancer
Clear cell ovarian cancer
Shared gene mutations endometriosis
Trans problems
Homeless, poverty, psych distress, SA, negative HC experiences, fear mistreatment do dont get treatment , could not afford health care
Waiting room
Set stage
Be welcoming
Intake form
Female to male that sort of thing
Rainbow pin on jacked
Opening door to coming out
Assess where patient is first
Need to form alliance
Ways to set stage
Consequences of premature outing
Opening for to suicide prevention
Suicide attempt history
Assessing patient
Normalize. Conversation
Risk highest to lowest in LGBTQ
How do you calculate caloric need: what are the 3 components
Basal energy expenditure (55-65% of total calories)
Thermal effect of feeding (1-% of calories)
Activity energy expenditure )25-33
In sedentary hospitalized patient ____kcal/kg of body weight will maintain weight
Acutely ill patient may need what
35-50 kcal.kg
Risk factors that contribute obesity
Minority -AA mexican
-only 1% is neuroendocrine
What is considered obesity how do you measure
> 40 and >35 inch waist circumference
Risk factors for malnutrition
Older who live alone Chronically ill Adolescents who eat and diet erratically Cancer patients Drug interactions Alcoholics Homelessness, low socioeconomic status
Nutritional deficits without weight loss
Vegetarian or vegan with B12 defiency
DETERMINE for nutritional status screen
Diseases Eating poorly Tooth loss mouth pain Economic hardship Reduced social contact Multiple meds Involuntary weight loss Need for assistance with self care Elderly>80
Affect calcium, mg, iron, b12
Neomycin, kanamycin
Effect fat soluble, b12
Phenobarbital phenytoin
Calcium vitamin d, folate, niacin
Cholestyramine ,colestopol
Fat fat soluble
Mineral oil
Water electrolytes, fat and. Fat soluble vitamins
B6 B3
Vit k
Thiazide furosemide
K mg ca zinc
Lithium amiodarone
What is significant weight loss
Unintentional 5% over.6 months or 10% over year
% weight change =usual weight-current weight/usual weightx100
Decreased caloric intake
Anorexia, old, early satiety, difficulty chewing or swelling, cant self feed, depression, social isolation
Malabsorption and maldigestion
Diarrhea, fatty malodorous stools, change in bowel habits
Impaired metabolism or increase requirements
Fever pregnancy, chronic disease
Increased lossses or excretion
Draining fistula or open wounds diarrhea excessive vomiting
Heigh weight BMI is weight/height
Tricep skinfold thickness
Assess subQ fat, 50% of body is fat is subcutaneous
Rapid weight gain
Fluid retention
Weight loss
Tissue related
Protein defiency
Dry scaly cellophane appearance of skin
Zinc defiency
Flaking dermatitis
Vitamin a
Follicular hyperkeratosis, night blindness, xerosis, keratomalacia, I tot spot
Pigmentations hanges
Vitamin c
Petechiae , purpura
Iron b12 folate
Conjunctiva pallor
Riboflavin, B6 B3
Angular steomatitis, cheilosis, glossitis
Vitamin c and riboflavin
Bleeding gums
Protein calories vitamin d
Interosseous msucle atrophy, squaring off of shoulders, poor hand drip and lef strength (temporal and supraspinatus)
Calcium mg
Parotid enlargement
Vitamin c
Corkscrew hairs
Appearance and nutritional def
Muscle mass, hair texture, nail health, skin texture
Muscle strength and nutrition
Grip strength squeeze indies finger en seconds
Extremity strength against resistance
Labs indicate pathology or illness
CRP, elevated WBC and albumi.
Albumin less than 2.4
Severe systemic inflammatory response reflecting systemic inflammation that produced anorexia and increases protein catabolism and accelerates development of protein calorie malnutrition.
Iron b12 folate effects
Iodine effects
Protein calories malnutrition
Total protein albumin
Labels are based on serving. Why prob
More than one serving in package usually will need to multiple
How much energy you get from a serving of a food
Nutrition facts label is based on a __ calorie a day diet
If food calories is 200 and 100 from fats what percent of calories from fat
3 times calories of other
Gives energy
Absorbed things
Healthy fat
Monosaturated and polyunsaturated
How much fat eat
Less tan 1/3 of your daily calories
Eat less than how many cholesterols
300 mg
Eat less than 2300
How much fiber eat
20-35 g
Daily value %DV
Percentage of daily recommended amount get from 1 serving
How are saturated fat and vit and min labeled
Fat free
Less than .5 g
Low fat
3 g or less per serving
Reduced gat
At least 25% less than regular
Trans fat free
.5 g trans fat or less per serving
Eating a lot can add up
Cholesterol free
Less than 2 mg
2 g or lesss of saturated fat per serving
Low cholesterol
20 mg of cholesterol or less per serving .
2 g of saturated fat or less per serving
Sodium free
Less than 5 mg per serving
Very low sodium
Less than 35 mg
Low sodium
140 mg or less
Reduced sodium
25% less
Light in sodium
50% less than regulat
No salt added
May still be salt just not added in processing
Low alorie
40 cal or less per serving
Sugar free
Less than .5 g of sugar per serving
At least 10% of daily requirement for nutrient the food is fortified with
High or rich
20% at lest the daily value
Gluten free
Less than 20 ppm
What is term
Routine care full term >35 weeks
Dry, clear airways , warm , go right to mom
History and mom
Get it all!!!!! Know what happened before during and after and history since born
Erythromycin in eyes newborn
Bacterial gonorrhea
Opthalmia neonatorium
1 min, 5 min and 10 sometimes
HR, RR< muscle tone, reflex irritability, color
Helps know what to do
7-10 APGAR
905 fine dont do anything
Transition period
4-6 hours after born
RR 40-60
HR 120-160
Pink color baby
Heart rate good tone
When first PE
18-24 hours
Why baby hep b vaccine
Breast milk
Why give K1 to baby
Supplement bc need in clotting cascade and baby dont have enough
Can’t get circumcision without it
Erythromycin give
To prevent gonococcal infection eye
Mom diabetes
How well controlled during pregnancy
Sporadic control and high blood sugar when deliver-pancreas is trying and baby’s is doing it and baby doesnt have sugar supply and blood sugar can drop fast
If baby lose more than 10% of birth weight
Close follow up
Lose in first week
2 weeks
Should be at or over 15-30g a day gain in 2 weeks
25%mg hyperbilirubinemia
Can BIND-bilirubin induced neurologic dysfunction.kernicterus
ABO incompatibility, excessive bruising, prematurity sepsis, heart disease
Risk from hemolysis
Why naked baby
Watch it. With eyes and ears unaided
WATCH observe
Sleeping baby
Watch breathing
Count for full minute bc irregular
See saw paradoxical movement
Fine in baby bc Lacoste of chest walll and skeletal structure
Retractions breathing
Not normal
Espicially if grunting
Singing-may be present high pitched grunting
Pleural space problems
Pneumothorax-much more common
-usually from spontaneous pneumo or from PPV during resuscitation
Pink is ___
What color further evaluation
Blue, purple, yellow, green, mottling
Mottling of skin
Poor perfusion
How check perfusion
Bruise-dont blanch , cyanosis blanches
Face bruise concern
Green meconium baby
When rupture membranes see chunky green fluid indication for pediatrician
Pale baby
Gray baby
Acidosis in newborn
Severe infections, cardiac disease with poor perfusion of tissue
Position baby
Flaccid-attention work up
What look for in baby eye
Red reflex
Dark baby-pale
White red reflex
Urgent referral -retinoblastoma look for intraocular mass
Glaucoma pupil
Eye movement baby
Google eyes couple months
Tasted down not move-ophthalmologist right away
Subscleral hemorrhage
Will clear away fine
Posterior rotated ears with simian crease
Downs turner low ears
If see ear abnormalities what other organ think about
Ear drum baby
Looking for patency
Preauricelar pit
Can get infected
Look and see if can breathe
Septal dev-ENT for eval and treat
Obligate nose breathers until 6 moths breathe while eat
Dramatic suction it mroe reactive inflammation you get
Choanal atresia nasal obstruction
May be cyanosis when not
Pierre robin sequence
Epstein pearls
Inclusion cyst in back of mouth normal
Skin in back neck
Can be fractures
Moro reflex
Hold hands up let go and they’ll
Hear murmur take seriously
Transition period murmur and go away
Ductus arteriosus
Femoral and brachial pulses
No murmur hear but cardiac signs and symptoms
Does not ensure no pathological structural problems
Most babies have murmurs
When refer murmur
Grade 2 or more with harsh qualities , to and fro murmur, or pansystolic that persist past first few hours of life
How keep ductus open
Come out
Heat tenderness breast
Look into it
Bowel inc best cavity
Diaphragmatic hernia
Kidneys often palpable bl
Umbilical cord
2 arteries 1 vein
A single artery is msot often a normal variant
A single artery accompanied by any other
Capture seccedaneum
Blood between scalp and periosteum can flow across suture lines
Between periosteum and bone doesnt cross suture lines takes a long time to resolve
Subjaleal hemorrhage
Can trick you
Above periosteum can lose a lot of blood
Lumbosacral spine dimple hair, lipoma
Evaluate for spinal things
Lumbosacral pit
Imaging study US
Barlow ortolani
Developmental hip dislocation
Development of vascularity of femur depends on what
Fit of it in hip-risk leg calves
Ambiguous genitalia
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Ventral shaft of penis
Feel for testicles
If cant find do US
Bronchi, esophagus
Lateral to T2 spinous process
Intertransverse space between t2-3 and intertransverse space between t2-4
Upper lung
Lower lung
Intertransverse pace between t405
Heart bronchi esophagus
2nd intercostal space along sternal
Upper lung
3rd ICS
Lower lung
4th ICS
Lymphatic pump
Increase circulating leukocytes to enhance immune response in pneumonia
Phrenic nerve motor ,
Most common cause outpatient acquired pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumona
Most common pneumonia inpatients not in ICU
S pneumonia
Most common pneumonia inpatients admitted to ICU
S pneumonia
Who doesnt get varicella, zoster, and MMR
<200, immune comp, pregnant
Who gets pneumonia shot
13 valent -over 2 not MSM heart disease lung disease, chronic liver disease, diabetes, health care personnel if other risk and everyone else
23-pregnant get if need, MSM healt care personal , if other risk and everyone else
Pneumococcal 13 and 23
1 dose for adults
If both indicated, PCV13 first, not at same time
Over 65 or 6
12 followed by 23 in 6 -12 months
If have 12 but no 23 at age 65 give 12 at least 1 year after 23
19-54 who smoke
Confusion BUN>20 RR>30 BP<90 <60 Over65
0-1 CURB65
2 points
> 3 points
CLL diagnosis
Absolute B lymphocyte count in the peripheral blood >5000/microL with preponderant population of morphology mature appearing small lymphocytes
Demonstration of clonatlity of circulating B cells by flow cytometry of the peripheral blood. A majority o population should express the following pattern of monoclonal B cell markers: expression of B cell association antigens 19,20,23 and T cell antigen CD5
Demonstration of colonialists of the circulationmorphology CLL
Smudge cells
Pathological features CLL
CBC with diff
Examination of peripheral smear
Immunophenotype analysis of circulating lymphocytes
Immunoglobulin abnormalities
Significant decrease of hpogammaglobulinemia and neutropenia, when present result in increased vulnerability of CLL patients to major bacterial infections
Neutropenia, anemia, thrombocytopenia
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Direct coombs test
Pure red cell aplasia
Autoimmune thrombocytopenia
Bone marrow biopsy shows adequate numbers of megakaryocytic but the peripheral blood has low platelet count . 2-3% of CLL and may be initiating attention
>5000 B cells and can be 100,000
Other organs CLL
All lymphoid tissue enlarged at diagnosis, wanderers ring in pharynx. In contrast to lymphomas, GI mucosal involvement is rare and meningeal leukemia is unusual
Skin CLL
Lesions face and can manifest as msucles, papules, plaques, nodules, ulcers, blisters
Liver CLL
Splendid CLL
Most common abnormal finding on PE with CLL
Cervical, supraclavicular, axillary
Firm rounded discrete nontender and freely mobile
Symptoms CLL
Painless swelling nodes
Cervical area, which spontaneously wax and wane but dont disappear
Mot no symptoms
Routine blood count
B symptoms in 5-10%
Unintentional weight low>10%
Fever>100.4 for >2 weeks with no infection
Night sweats
Extreme fatigue cant work