Pathophysiology and Disease Flashcards
Diabetes Mellitus Type 1
Endocrine System
Insulin Treatment
Cause: Unknown (possibly autoimmune, genetic, or environmental)
Symptoms: Polyuria, Polydipsia, Fatigue, Blurry Vision, Weight Loss, Elevated Blood Glucose
Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
Endocrine System
Diet Modification, Exercise, Medication, Insulin Therapy Treatment
Cause: Obesity, Inactivity, Genetics
Symptoms: Polyuria, Polydipsia, Fatigue, Elevated Blood Glucose
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Endocrine System
Weight Loss, Estrogen, and Progestin Treatment
Cause: Unknown (possibly genetic, excessive insulin)
Symptoms: Irregular Menstrual Cycles, Elevated Hormone Levels, Multiple Cysts on Ovaries
Endocrine System
Synthetic Thyroid Hormone Medication (levothyroxine) Treatment
Cause: Autoimmune Disease, Medications, Thyroid Surgery
Symptoms: Fatigue, Weight Gain, Muscle Aches, Bradycardia, Depression, Elevated Cholesterol, Dry Skin
Endocrine System
Radioactive Iodine, Antithyroid Medication, Beta Blockers, Thyroidectomy Treatment
Cause: Graves Disease, Thyroiditis, Plummer’s Disease
Symptoms: Weight Loss, Tachycardia, Anxiety, Fatigue, Sleep Disruption, Goiter
Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC)
Integumentary System
Curettage & Electrodessication, Mohs Surgery, Cryosurgery, Laser Therapy Treatment
Cause: Light/Fair Skin, Sun Exposure
Symptoms: New Growth or Sore that DOES NOT Heal
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Integumentary System
Curettage & Electrodessication, Mohs Surgery, Cryosurgery, Lasar Therapy Treatment
Cause: Light/Fair Skin, Sun Exposure, Less Common than BCC
Symptoms: Spreads to Surrounding Tissue, Most Common on Face/Head
Malignant Melanoma
Integumentary System
Depends on Stage of Lesion:
Surgery, Lymph Node Biopsy, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy, Immunotherapy Treatment
Cause: Light/Fair Skin, Sun Exposure
Symptoms: Itchy/Bleeding Mole, New Mole, Mole with Chnage
Acne Vulgaris
Integumentary System
Regular Cleansing of Affected Area, OTC Benzoyl Peroxide Products, Prescription Medication (topical or oral) Treatment
Cause: Surge of Sex Hormones during Puberty, Excess Sebum on Skin
Symptoms: Black Heads, White Heads (comedos), Papules, Pustules
Integumentary System
No Cure, Hair Transplant, Medications Can Slow Progression Treatment
Cause: Often Hereditary, Hormone Change, Chemo, Stress, Burns, Fungal
Symptoms: Loss or Lack of Hair Anywhere, Typically Scalp, Also Eyebrows/Eyelashes
Integumentary System
Oral/Topical Antibiotics, Hospitalization at Risk for Developing Systemic Infection Treatment
Cause: Staphylocccal, Streptococcal Bacterial Infections
Symptoms: Red, Tight Skin, Pain Inflamed Area, Fever
Integumentary System
Treatment Based on Cause:
Corticosteroid Creams, Oral Steroids
Cause: Multiple Causative Agents, Contact with Irritants
Symptoms: Inflammation of Skin Resulting Rash, Pruritus
Integumentary System
Topical or Systemic Steroids, NSAIDS for Discomfort Treatment
Cause: Unknown (possible allergy or inflammatory condition)
Symptoms: Chronic Dermatitis with Vesicular Eruptions developing into itchy, red, scaly rash
Integumentary System
Regular Cleansing of Affected Area, Topical Antibiotics, Electric Shaver instead of Razor Treatment
Cause: Shaving or Repeated Rubbing of Shaved Area, Bacteria, Fungi
Symptoms: Red, Itchy Hair Follicles (pimple apperance)
Herpes Simplex
Integumentary System
No Cure, Antiviral Medication to Decrease Frequency of Outbreaks Treatment
Cause: Contact with Herpes Simplex Virus
Symptoms: Type 1: painful blisters on lips, mouth, and face
Type 2: similar lesions, located genital area
Integumentary System
Antibiotics, Frequent Cleansing of Area Treatment
Cause: Staphylococcal, Streptococcal Bacteria
Symptoms: Antibiotics, Frequent Cleansing of Area
Integumentary System
Prescription or OTC Lice Shampoo Treatment
Cause: Parasitic Lice Infestation
Symptoms: Skin Itching, Nits (Eggs), Mostly Near Roots
Integumentary System
Oral NSAIDs, Topical Creams w/ Vit A & D, Hydrocortisone Cream, UV Treatment
Cause: Inherited Autoimmune Disorder
Symptoms: Silvery, Scaly, Severely Itchy Skin, Lesions, Systemic: Joint Pain/ Inflammation (psoriatic arthritis)
Integumentary System
Topical, Oral Antifungal Medication Treatment
Cause: Contact with Causative Fungas
Symptoms: Flat, Circular Lesions (dry, scaly, moist, crusty)
Integumentary System
Topical Cortisones, Antibiotics, Vascular Laser Therapy Treatment
Cause: Dilation of Small Facial Blood Vessels, Dilation is Unkown
Symptoms: Redness, Acne-like Eruptions on Face
Musculoskeletal System
NSAIDs, Intra-articular Injections, Arthroscopy, Joint Replacement Surgery Treatment
Cause: Inflammatory Processes, Metabolic Disorders
Symptoms: Stiff/Painful, Fluid Surrounding, Grating Sound Joints
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Musculoskeletal System
NSAIDs, Exercise, Heat/Cold Therapy, Cortisone Injections, Surgery Treatment
Cause: Autoimmune
Symptoms: Destruction of Joint Capsule Causing Scar Tissue to Form, Visible Joint Deformity, Loss of Joint Mobility
Musculoskeletal System
Rest, Pain Medication, Steroid Injection, Aspiration of Joint Fluid, Antibiotics Treatment
Cause: Joint Pain and Swelling
Symptoms: Overuse, Joint Trauma, Bacterial Infection
Ewing’s Sarcoma Family of Tumors
Musculoskeletal System
Surgery, Chemo, Radiation Therapy, Bone Marrow Transplant, Stem Cell Transplant Treatment
Cause: Unknown, Age 10 to 20, Male Sex
Symptoms: Surgery, Chemo, Radiation Therapy, Bone Marrow Transplant, Stem Cell Transplant
Musculoskeletal System
Dietary Changes (avoidance of rich, fatty foods), Pain Medications, Medications to Aid Elimination of Uric Acid in Kidneys Treatment
Cause: Deposits of Uric Acid Crystals Accumulate in Joint Spaces
Symptoms: Joint Pain, Common (Big Toe/Knee), Joints, Stiffness, Swelling
Musculoskeletal System
Exercise, Back Bracing, Harrington Rod, Spinal Fusion Treatment
Cause: Growth Retardation, Improper Develpment, Aging Disease
Symptoms: Visible Upper Back Curvature (humpback)
Musculoskeletal System
Corrective Shoes, Exercise Treatment
Cause: Injury, Poor Posture, Wearing Heels
Symptoms: Inward Curvature of the Lower Back (swayback)
Osteogenesis Imperfecta
(brittle bone disease)
Musculoskeletal System
Fracture Repair, Surgery w/ Metal Rod, Physical Therapy, Bracing Treatment
Cause: Hereditary
Symptoms: Dental Issues, Fractures at Birth, Loose Joints, Muscle Weakness, Respiratory issues, Blue Sclera of Eye, Triangle-Face, Small Stature, Spinal Curvature
Musculoskeletal System
Medications, Hormone Replacement Therapy, Exercise, Supplements Treatment
Cause: Hormone Deficiencies, Sedentary Lifestyle, Lack of Vit D, Smoking
Symptoms: Fractures, Common (spine, wrist, hips), Loss of Height, Kyphosis
Musculoskeletal System
Surgery, Chemo, Radiation, Amputation of Limb Treatment
Cause: Unknown
Symptoms: Pain in Affected Bones, Common (legs), Swelling with Development of Tumor Growth
Paget’s Disease
Musculoskeletal System
Surgery, Medication, Physical Therapy Treatment
Cause: Hereditary, Viral
Symptoms: Bone Pain, Deformity, Fractures, Excessive Bone Destruction
Musculoskeletal System
Back Bracing, Physical Therapy, Surgery w/ Rod Placement Treatment
Cause: Possibly Genetic, Formation of Vertebrae, Muscle Weakness
Symptoms: Bent Appearing Spine (laterally), Back Pain
Musculoskeletal System
Antidepressants, NSAIDs, Physical Therapy, Trigger Point Injections Treatment
Cause: Unkown, Exacerbated Sleep, Deprivation, Emotional, Depression
Symptoms: Fatigue, Point Tenderness, Trigger Points, Chronic Facial Pain, Sleep Disturbances
Muscular Dystrophy
Musculoskeletal System
Physical Therapy, Bracing, Ambulatory Devices, Medications Treatment
Cause: Hereditary
Symptoms: Muscle Weakness Leading to Eventual Paralysis of Muscle Groups
Myasthenia Gravis
Musculoskeletal System
Avoiding Excessice Stress, Rest, Eye Patch, Medication Treatment
Cause: Autoimmune
Symptoms: Double Vision, Muscle Weakness, Dysphagia, Difficulty Chewing/Breathing
Musculoskeletal System
Rest, Ice, NSAIDs Treatment
Cause: Sports or Activity-Related
Symptoms: Pain in Joints, Limited Range of Motion in Joint
Musculoskeletal System
Antitoxin and Antibiotic Medications Treatment
Cause: Toxin Produced by Clostridium Tetani
Symptoms: Muscle Spasm in Jaw/Neck, Dyspnea, Fever, Irritability, Sweating, Drooling
Cardiovascular System
Lifestyle Modifications (diet, exercise, stress, no smoking), Medications Treatment
Cause: Narrowing Arteries, Increased Arterial Pressure, Risk Factors
Symptoms: Excessive Sweating, Fatigue, Muscle Cramps, Headaches, Dizziness
Cardiovascular System
Sublingual Nitroglycerin, Underlying Condition Treatment
Cause: Coronary Artery Narrowing, Atherosclerosis
Symptoms: Pain/Tightness in Chest
Coronary Artery Disease
Cardiovascular System
Lipid-Lowering Medications, Low-Fat Diet, Exercise, No Smoking, ByPass Treatment
Cause: Build-Up of Fat/Cholesterol, Risk Factors
Symptoms: Usually None until Heart Attack
Myocardial Infarction
(heart attack)
Cardiovascular System
Aspirin, CPR, Defibrillation, Anticoagulant Medication, Treatment
Cause: Coronary Atery Blockage, Atheroscierosis, Blood Clot
Symptoms: Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath, Diaphoresis, Dizziness, Nausea
Cardiovascular System
Surgery Treatment
Cause: Atherosclerosis, Smoking, High-Cholesterol, Obesity
Symptoms: Usually None, Back Pain, Tachycardia, Dizziness
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Cardiovascular System
Medications (tachycardia, edema, antihypertensive) Treatment
Cause: Smoking, Obesity, Lifestyle, High-Cholesterol, Hypertension
Symptoms: Shortness of Breath, Wheezing, Peripheral Edema, Irregular Heartbeat
Mitral Valve Prolaspe
Cardiovascular System
None for Mild Cases, Medications, Surgery Treatment
Cause: Usually Unknown, Hereditary, Related to Nervous System Disorders
Symptoms: Mild Cases No Symptoms, Severe Cases Shortness of Breath and Palpitations
Cardiovascular System
Heat, Compression Stockings, Anticoagulant Medications, Surgery Treatment
Cause: Inactivity, Hormone Replacement, Cancer, Paralysis
Symptoms: Pain in Area, Redness, Swelling
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Lymphatic/Immune System
Antiretroviral Medication, Antibiotics, No Cure
Cause: HIV Virus
Symptoms: Low T-Cell Counts, Fever, Diaphoresis, Infections, Weight Loss
Lymphatic/Immune System
Compression Stocking, Lymphedema Pump, Surgery Treatment
Cause: Parasitic Infection, Trauma, Surgical Removal of Lymph Nodes
Symptoms: Persistent Tissue Swelling
Lymphatic/Immune System
Supportive Care Treatment
Cause: Epstein-Barr Virus, Cytomegalovirus Treatment
Symptoms: Extereme Fatigue, Sore Throat, Fever
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Lymphatic/Immune System
NSAIDSs (steroids, topical, creams) Treatment
Cause: Medications, Bacterial Infections, Autoimmune
Symptoms: Fatigue, Body Pain, Butterfly Rash, Headaches, Nausea, Hair Loss, Weight Loss, Anemia, Shortness of Breath
Celiac Disease
Lymphatic/Immune System
Gluten-free Diet Treatment
Cause: Genetic Defect, Lack of Enzyme of Gluten, Autoimmune Reaction
Symptoms: Weight Loss, Bloating, Loose Stools, Malabsorption
Respiratory System
Avoiding Allergens/Irritants, Inhaler, Steroids, Antagonists, Injection Treatment
Casue: Allergens, Pollutants, Dust Mites, Cigarette Smoke
Symptoms: Wheezing, Coughing, Tightness in Chest
Respiratory System
Thoracentesis, Chest Percussion, Deep Breathing Excercises Treatment
Cause: Cystic Fibrosis, COPD, Pleurisy, Lung Cancer, Spontaneous
Symptoms: Dyspnea, Cyanosis, Diaphoresis, Pain
Respiratory System
Cough Medicine, Humidifier, Inhalers, Antibiotics Treatment
Cause: Viral, Enviromental Pollutants, Ciagarette Smoke
Symptoms: Yellow-Gray or Green Product, Cough, Chest Tightness, Dyspnea, Fever
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Respiratory System
Stop Smoking, Inhalers, Lung Transplant Treatment
Cause: Smoking, Environmental Pollutants
Symptoms: Dyspnea, Hypoxia, Fatigue, Cough
Respiratory System
Stop Smoking, Avoid Cold Environments, Antibiotics Treatment
Cause: Damage to Alveoli, Pollutants, Specific Types of Dust
Symptoms: Shortness of Breath, Chronic Cough, Fatigue
Respiratory System
Symptomatic, OTC for Aches, Fever, Antiviral Medications Treatment
Cause: Respiratory Virus
Symptoms: Fever, Muscle Pains, Fatigue, Sore Throat, Rhinorrhea
Legionnaires’ Disease
Respiratory System
Antibiotics, Respiratory Medications, Oxygen, Fever Medications Treatment
Cause; Legionella Bacteria Grow in Water
Symptoms: Dyspnea, Cough, Headache, Fever
Respiratory System
Rest, Antibiotics, OTC
Cause: Bacterial, Viral, Parasitic
Symptoms: Thick- Color Sputum, Dyspnea, Fever, Cough
Pulmonary Edema
Respiratory System
Oxygen Therapy, Diuretics
Cause: Congestive Heart Failure, Myocardial Infarction, Drowning, Injury
Symptoms: Orthopnea, Dyspnea, Wheeze, Productive Cough, Weight Gain, Pallor
Pulmonary Embolism
Respiratory System
Circulation Support, Rest, Anticoagulant Medication, Surgery Treatment
Cause: Blood clot Blocking Artery in Lung
Symptoms: Dyspnea, Chest Pain, Cough, Fainting, Rapid Shortness, Diaphoresis
Severe Acute Respratory Syndrome
Respiratory System
Rest, Antiviral Medications
Cause: Viral
Symptoms: Fever, Headaches, Dry Cough
Respiratory System
Isolation, Medications Treatment
Cause: Bacterial
Symptoms: Chronic Cough, Weight Loss, Fatigue, Night Sweats, Painful Breathing
Alzheimer’s Disease
Nervous System
Physical Activity, Socialization, Medications, No Cure
Cause: Degenerative Brain Disease, Possibly Genetics
Symptoms: Confusion, Memory Loss, Impaired Judgement, Personality Change, Worsens Over Time
Bell’s Palsy
Nervous System
NSAIDs, Pain Relievers, Usually Self-Resolving Treatment
Cause: Unknown
Symptoms: Weakness of Facial Muscles, Facial Numbness, Headache
Nervous System
Medications, Surgery Treatment
Cause: Birth Trauma, Infections, Injury, Trauma, Drug Withdraw
Symptoms: Uncontrolled Muscles, Contractions, Loss of Consciousness, Visual Disturbances
Nervous System
Appropriate Medications, Bacterial Fatal Treatment
Cause: Bacterial, Viral, Fungal Infection,
Symptoms: Stiff Neck, Headache, Fever, Vomiting
Multiple Sclerosis
Nervous System
Supportive, Medications, No Cure
Cause: Viral, Genetic, Immune System Dysfunction
Symptoms: Loss of Ability (walk, speak), Double Vision, Loss of Balance, Weakness in Arms/Legs
Parkinson’s Disease
Nervous System
Supportive, Medications, No Cure
Cause: Lack of Neurotransmitters, Brain Tumors, Drugs, Head Trauma
Symptoms: Arm/Leg Muscles, Joint Stiffness, Lack of Coordination, Tremor
Nervous System
Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy Treatment
Cause: Blockage of Artery in Neck or Brain
Symptoms: Paralysis, Confusion, Memory Impairment
Migraine Headache
Nervous System
Medications, Alternative Methods (acupuncture, biofeedback, magnesium) Treatment
Cause: Hormones, Stress, Dietary, Familial
Symptoms: Dull to Throbbing Head, Sensitivity to Light & Sounds, Nausea, Vomitting, Visual Aura
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Reproductive System
Alpha Blockers, Mini Invasive Surgery, Transurethral Resection of Prostate (TURP) Treatment
Cause: Increased Age, Increased level of dihydrotestosterone
Symptoms: Feeling of Full Bladder after Urinating, Weak Urine Flow, Needing to Urinate Often
Reproductive System
Cause: Failure of Ingunial Ring to Close Properly in Development
Symptoms: Few, Pain, Increased Size of Scrotum