Module 13: EKG Flashcards
How to Prep for EKG?
disrobe, remove jewelry, clean skin, shave
Lead 1 Record
impulses between the left/right arms
Lead 2 Record
impulses between the right arm and left leg
Lead 3 Record
impulses between the left arm and left leg
AVL Trace
left leg and right arm assist with left arm tracing
AVR Trace
left arm and left leg assist with right arm tracing
AVF Trace
right/left arms assist with left leg tracing
placed first, on right side of sternum at fourth intercostal space
placed after V1, left side of sternum, directly across from V1at fourth intercoastal space
placed after V4, on left side of chest, midway between V2/V4
placed after V2, on left side of chest, fifth intercoastal space, midclavicula line
placed after V3, on left side of chest, fifth intercostal space, anterior axillary line
placed after V5, on left side og chest, fifth intercoastal space, midaxillary line
P wave
represents atrial depolarization or contraction
QRS wave
represets ventricular depolarization or contraction
not visible
T wave
represents ventricular repolarization or relaxation
U wave
not always visible but represents a repolarization of bundle of His/Purkinje fibers
P-R interval
starts at beginning of P wave/ends beginning of Q wave, represents time it takes from beginning of atrial depolarization to beginning of ventricular depolarization
QT interval
starts at beginning of Q wave and ends at the end of T wave, it represnets time it takes from beginning of ventricular depolarization to end of ventricular repolarization
ST segment
starts at end of S wave and ends at the beginning of T wave, it representstime from end of ventricular depolarization to beginning of ventricular repolarization
Somatic Tremor
muscle movement causing irregular spike is an EKG tracing
AC Interference
60-cycle interferenc an artifact in ELKG tracing by electical interference
Wandering Baseline
inconsistency in baseline location on the EKG tracing likely caused by poor lead contact
Interrupted Baseline
break in tracing usually caused by disconnected or broken lead