Pathology of Interstitial Lung Disease Flashcards
What are types of Restrictive lung diseases?
External: -deformed chest wall -pleural space filled with fluid Inside Lung -Edema, interstitial and in air spaces -cells in interstitium, inflammation, tumor, granuloma, fibrosis -acellular material: Amyloid, collagen
What is Chronic Diffuse intersititial Disease?
Reduced compliance(stiff lungs) => Dyspnea => Hypoxia
What is the end-stage result to Interstitial Lung Disease?
Honeycomb lung
How are Acute lung injury and ARDS related?
ARDS is worse version of ALI
Diffuse alveolar damage seen in both
What are causes of Direct lung injuries?
Infection and Aspir.(common)
O2 Toxicity
What are causes of InDirect lung injuries?
Shock and Sepsis (common)
Inhaled Toxins, Drugs
Transfusion related (TRALI)
What are the Charicteristics of ALI/ARDS?
Bilateral Infiltrates on CXR
Pulm Capillary Wedge Pressure
What chemicals are produced that activate neutrophils in Early ALI and ARDS?
TNF and IL-8, IL-1 Leukotrienes MIF PAF Proteases
What is the difference between ARDS in Adults and Neonates?
Adults: Diffuse Damage to alveolar capillary walls
Neo: Def in Surfactant
What is Tx of ARDS?
Inhalation of Nitric Oxide
What is the Morphology of ARDS?
Lungs Heavy, firm, red, and stiff
Hyaline Membrane
Inc type II pneumocytes
What is TRALI?
Transfusion related Acute Lung Injury caused by anti-HLA or anti-HNA
What are the categories of Chronic ILD?
Fibrosing: UIP, NSIP, COP, CV, pneumoconiosis: associated with drugs/radiation
Granulomatous: Sarcoidosis, HSPneu
Smoking Related: DIP, Resp Bronchilitis
What is the end stage of Diffuse Interstitial Disease?
End Stage Fibrotic Lung(honeycomb)
What leads to Fibroblstic Foci in IPF?
Abnormal Wound healing leads to fibroblastic/myelofibroblastic proliferation
What chemical decreases Length of Telomeres in Epithelial cells of the lung?
TGF-B1 reduces activity of telomerase
Inhibits Caveolin in Fibroblasts
What are the charicteristics of early and late IPF?
Early: Alveolitis; Leukocyte infiltration, TII pneumocyte proliferation#### FIBROBLASTIC FOCI
Late: Dense Fibrosis => collapse of alveolar walls, formation of cystic spaces
What is the only intersitial lung disease that is not responsive to steroids?
UIP(IPF) Need transplant!
What is the pulmonary involvement in collagen vascular disorders?
Reumatoid Arthritis
What is Pneumoconiosis?
Non-neoplastic lung rxn to inhalation of irritants in the workplace
- Coal Dust
- Silica
- Asbestos
What is the Key factor in severity of Pneumoconiosis?
Capacity of Inhaled dusts to stimulate fibrosis