Fetal and Newborn Pulm Physiology Flashcards
What order are all the structures in the lungs developed?
Bronchi Bronchioles Terminal Bronchioles Resp Bronchioles Alveolar Ducts Alveolar sacs (birth)
When does surfactant start to be produced?
25-26 weeks
What is meant by the Pardoxical movement of chest wall in development?
As the diaphragm goes down, the chest wall caves in.
What are the functions of the T1 and T2 Pneumocytes?
T1 Structural
T2 Surfactant production
What happens during the Saccular Phase of lung devt?
Clusters of sacs form on terminal Bronchioli
Fibroblasts begin to produce ECM
appearance of lamellar bodies in Alveolar Type 2 cells
What is the composition of Surfactant?
90% lipid 75% of that lipid is Lecithin Lecithin/Sphingomyeln ratio will tell you how mature the fetal lung is. 10% Protein 9% serum proteins 1% Surfactant specific proteins
What are the different Surfactant Proteins?
SP-A Water soluable
-Immune defense function (macrophage)
-Critical for surface area
What stimulates Surfatant Synthesis?
GLucocorticoids Thyroid Hormones cAMP Epidermal Growth Factor B-Adr Agonists (terbutaline) Purinoceptor agonist(adenosine)
What inhibits Surfactant production?
Maternal Diabetes
What happens during the Alveolar Phase of lung development? 36wks to 2 wk PP
Alveoli form from terminal Endings and they grow and get thinner as lungs mature
What are the caricteristics of the lung right before birth?
Filled with pulmonary fluid Shallow breathing movements Vessels constricted, low BF Low lung compliance High Chest compliance
What happens upon onset of air breating?
Chem Stimuli: increased pCO2 decreased pO2
Envt Stimuli: Cooling, light, sound, pressure, J receptors
First Breath:
-forceful inspiration
-active expiration
-generates transpulm pressure to open air passages
-estabilish funct residual capacity
New lung-air interface
How is Fetal lung fluid Absorbed?
Perinatal Epi Surge activates transepi Na+ transport
Abs enhanced by
-thyroid and steroid hormones
-alveolar capillary pressure gradient
What are the respiratory mechanics of infants?
Low static and dynamic lung compliance
Low nasal resistance
Higher airway resistance
Paradoxical inward movement of upper chest during inspiration
Low efficiency
- Loss of energy
- respiratory muscles
What is the ventilation-perfusion relationship in infants?
Inhomogeneous air distribution
- pliant airway
- chest wall distortion
- immature respiratory muscles
Decrease in pulmonary arteries: decreases resistance
How is respiration controlled in the neonate?
Less episodic and more continuous AROUSAL is mechanism Chemical -increased response to CO2 -biphasic response to hypoxia