Normal Chest Radiology Flashcards
What are the 4 radiographic densities ?
Soft Tissue (water)
Air- Black
Bone(Calcium)- White
What level should the right hemi-diaphragm be at?
Posterior 9th or 10th ribs
How visible shoud the spine be on a PA view chest radiograph?
Thorachic Spine should just be visible through the heart but bony detail is not well seen!
How visible shoud the spine be on a Lateral view chest radiograph?
Spine should darken as you move caudally, the sternum should be on edge and posteriorly you should see 2 stes of ribs
How can you tell if patient is rotated on the film?
Ribs are equidistant on both sides
Clavicular heads are equidistant from the spinous process of VB
What will be the distortions seen in a rotated Pt?
What is the Space between the visceral and parietal pleura?
Pleural space
What is the Space between the lobes where the visceral pleural surfaces touch?
Interlobar Fissure
What view will best show the fissures of the lungs?
Lateral view- (Beam is oblique or perpendicular to the fissure)
What are the contents of the AP window?
Lymph nodes
Left recurrent laryngeal nerve
Which ribs are magnified on the lateral view chest radiograph?
Right Ribs
What are the clear spaces on a chest radiograph?
What are the 5 pathologies of the Retrosternal Clear Space?
Terrible Lymphoma Thymoma Teratoma and other germ cell tumors Thyroid Thoracic aortic aneurism
What are the 5 pathologies of the Retrotracheal Clear Space?
Vascular Abnormalities
Esophageal disease
Lung Cancer
What are the 5 pathologies of the Retrocardiac Clear Space?
Hiatal Hernia
Esophageal Disease
LV Enlargement
What are the contents of the Anterior Mediastinum?
Lymph nodes
internal Mammary Vessels
What are the contents of the Middle Mediastinum?
Heart/pericardium Ascending aorta and arch SVC IVC Pulm Vessels Brachiocephalic vessels Trachea Main Bronchi Lymph Nodes Phrenic Nerves Left Recurrent Laryngeal N
What are the contents of the Posterior Mediastinum?
Esophagus Descending Aorta Azygous vein Hemi-azygous vein Thoracic duct Nerves LN
What is the Cardiothoracic Ratio?
Ratio of the maximum transverse diameter of the heart to the diameter of the chest as measured at the highest level of the right hemidiaphragm
Normal is 0.5 or less
PA view only
What is often observed about the hilum of the lungs in relation to each other?
Left Hilum is higher than the right hilum
What does rounding of the costophrenic angles suggest?
Pleural effusion